The Suckers Who Died At Pearl Harbor.


Verified User
Like it or not, if the government you are sworn to protect with your life if necessary basically murders you, that makes you a sucker. Those who don't acknowledge that fact are basically spitting on those who died. In fact, they have a memorial built over the wreckage of the sunken USS Arizona. They should make it an outhouse with multiple stalls and sewage pipes that go down to the ship. They can "do their business" Because that is actually how they are honoring those who died. Now if they really wanted to honor the dead in the way that they certainly would like to be honored, they would acknowledge the lies that led to their deaths. For those who don't believe this, read these websites. The U.S. had actually cracked the Japanese naval code. They knew exactly where and when the Japanese were going to attack well beforehand. But FDR kept it secret because he actually wanted war. As a way of eventually getting involved in war in Europe.
Wow. Conspiracy theories from 83 years ago. Were you even born, Bey? I wasn't born until the late 50s.

Why do you think you've "cracked the code" on this event when, literally, millions of Americans haven't over the past 8 decades?
Lets talk about the suckers who died or were maimed in Iraq, an idiotic at best war that weakened America tremendously.
Like it or not, if the government you are sworn to protect with your life if necessary basically murders you, that makes you a sucker. Those who don't acknowledge that fact are basically spitting on those who died. In fact, they have a memorial built over the wreckage of the sunken USS Arizona. They should make it an outhouse with multiple stalls and sewage pipes that go down to the ship. They can "do their business" Because that is actually how they are honoring those who died. Now if they really wanted to honor the dead in the way that they certainly would like to be honored, they would acknowledge the lies that led to their deaths. For those who don't believe this, read these websites. The U.S. had actually cracked the Japanese naval code. They knew exactly where and when the Japanese were going to attack well beforehand. But FDR kept it secret because he actually wanted war. As a way of eventually getting involved in war in Europe.

This is all fucked up. The US had cracked code Purple, the Japanese Diplomatic code. The attack on Pearl Harbor happened mainly because the US Army under General Short--responsible for defending the fleet in port--screwed the pooch. Bet you didn't know that only the USN had heavy AA guns operating (on ships) during the first wave of attacking Japanese. The US Army's AA defenses had the ammo under lock and key and there was confusion about who had the keys, among other things.

Both services had oblique warnings that weren't taken seriously from the radar station that tracked the Japanese strikes from their carriers, to the USS Ward sinking a Japanese midget sub in the submarine exclusion zone outside the harbor entrance, the US had warnings but peacetime lethargy led to these being ignored or not taken with any alarm.

Your version is conspiracy theory bullshit.
Like it or not, if the government you are sworn to protect with your life if necessary basically murders you, that makes you a sucker. Those who don't acknowledge that fact are basically spitting on those who died. In fact, they have a memorial built over the wreckage of the sunken USS Arizona. They should make it an outhouse with multiple stalls and sewage pipes that go down to the ship. They can "do their business" Because that is actually how they are honoring those who died. Now if they really wanted to honor the dead in the way that they certainly would like to be honored, they would acknowledge the lies that led to their deaths. For those who don't believe this, read these websites. The U.S. had actually cracked the Japanese naval code. They knew exactly where and when the Japanese were going to attack well beforehand. But FDR kept it secret because he actually wanted war. As a way of eventually getting involved in war in Europe.

Wow. Conspiracy theories from 83 years ago. Were you even born, Bey? I wasn't born until the late 50s.

Why do you think you've "cracked the code" on this event when, literally, millions of Americans haven't over the past 8 decades?

Maybe if you bothered reading the web pages I gave links to you would know that what I was talking about isn't a conspiracy theory. It is a fact. One that our government has been keeping secret for some time. For obvious reasons.
Lets talk about the suckers who died or were maimed in Iraq, an idiotic at best war that weakened America tremendously.

Americans haven't fought a justifiable war since the Civil War. If you want to know why, watch the video I gave a link to in the thread "Jews for Hitler."
This is all fucked up. The US had cracked code Purple, the Japanese Diplomatic code. The attack on Pearl Harbor happened mainly because the US Army under General Short--responsible for defending the fleet in port--screwed the pooch. Bet you didn't know that only the USN had heavy AA guns operating (on ships) during the first wave of attacking Japanese. The US Army's AA defenses had the ammo under lock and key and there was confusion about who had the keys, among other things.

Both services had oblique warnings that weren't taken seriously from the radar station that tracked the Japanese strikes from their carriers, to the USS Ward sinking a Japanese midget sub in the submarine exclusion zone outside the harbor entrance, the US had warnings but peacetime lethargy led to these being ignored or not taken with any alarm.

Your version is conspiracy theory bullshit.

Maybe if you actually bothered to read the websites I gave links to, you would learn something. The U.S. had cracked the Japanese naval code, JN-25, weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor. FDR and others knew exactly where the Japanese were going to attack and when. The only thing FDR did was to make sure our two most important ships, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea at the time.
Americans haven't fought a justifiable war since the Civil War. If you want to know why, watch the video I gave a link to in the thread "Jews for Hitler."

WW2 was a good war.....but very few Americans know that the Russians did about 3/4 of the work to beat the NAZI's....and we ended it with a completely barbaric not justified nuclear attack.

It was also the last war that we won....Ukraine is just the latest war we have lost....the Russians have kicked our asses.
Still spitting on the American servicemen who were basically murdered at Pearl Harbor I see. Go fuck yourself.
WW2 was a good war.....but very few Americans know that the Russians did about 3/4 of the work to beat the NAZI's....and we ended it with a completely barbaric not justified nuclear attack.

It was also the last war that we won....Ukraine is just the latest war we have lost....the Russians have kicked our asses.

You are delusional. And chances are, you prefer it that way. The Russian communists were so much worse than the German Nazis were that it is incredible. I wonder what it would take to convince you. The Iron Curtain, Chinese communism, the cold war, the Korean war, the Vietnamese war, or how about the three times we came close to having nuclear war with Russia. If all that hasn't done it, I don't think anything can. Including these two memes. One was by a Nobel Laureate Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn. The other paraphrases how General Patton felt about it. And he was THERE.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.jpg

General Patton.jpg
You are delusional. And chances are, you prefer it that way. The Russian communists were so much worse than the German Nazis were that it is incredible. I wonder what it would take to convince you. The Iron Curtain, Chinese communism, the cold war, the Korean war, the Vietnamese war, or how about the three times we came close to having nuclear war with Russia. If all that hasn't done it, I don't think anything can. Including these two memes. One was by a Nobel Laureate Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn. The other paraphrases how General Patton felt about it. And he was THERE.

I am right a high percentage of the time, thats what the education was for, and since you clearly have no intention of behaving like a decent human being I will move along.
I am right a high percentage of the time, thats what the education was for, and since you clearly have no intention of behaving like a decent human being I will move along.

Don't think that calling you delusional is behaving like a decent human being? You are the one who said that WW II was a good war. Calling such thinking delusional was being kind. It is in fact downright EVIL! Unfortunately, from what I have found, people would rather be wrong than be told they're wrong. Or, people would rather be evil than be told they're evil. WW II wasn't a justifiable war. Accept that fact an just move on.
Maybe if you bothered reading the web pages I gave links to you would know that what I was talking about isn't a conspiracy theory. It is a fact. One that our government has been keeping secret for some time. For obvious reasons.
Why would I be bothered? Hate and bigotry are ancient human traits.

When one person says they have the truth and no one else, do you understand how crazy that sounds, CS?

Over 330M people in the US, and only You have the truth?
I am right a high percentage of the time, thats what the education was for, and since you clearly have no intention of behaving like a decent human being I will move along.

That one is pretty funny, “I am right a high percentage of the time,” and this is one who regularly quotes recognized Russian propaganda sites as his sources
Maybe if you actually bothered to read the websites I gave links to, you would learn something. The U.S. had cracked the Japanese naval code, JN-25, weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor. FDR and others knew exactly where the Japanese were going to attack and when. The only thing FDR did was to make sure our two most important ships, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea at the time.

Maybe I've already read and own more sources on Pearl Harbor and the events leading up to it than those links used. Actually, I do and did.

The US did not know of the attack because Japan was careful not to transmit any details of it. For example, FDR personally ordered the gunboat Isabel (PY-10) to do a secret reconnaissance mission off Japanese occupied French Indochina (Vietnam) on 3 December 1941 with orders to the Captain, Lt John Payne jr., to sink his ship if faced with capture or boarding. The Isabel did encounter some Japanese naval shipping in route to Indochina and was surveilled by an IJN scout plane.
The ship was ordered back to the Philippines by the Asiatic Fleet HQ, not FDR, on the 6th of December. Now, why would FDR do something like that knowing the Japanese were about to attack down to the date?

As for codes...

The Japanese Purple (AN-1) diplomatic code was readable by the US from the late 30's. JN-25, the Japanese naval code wasn't readable until about Jan 1942, although parts of it had been decoded as early as June 1939. It was William Freedman's development of the IBM ECM Mk III analog computer that allowed it to finally be broken in Jan 42. So, no, the US wasn't reading Japanese naval code in December 1941.

The US also monitored Japanese long-range radio traffic, but for the Pearl Harbor mission, the ships involved left their primary radio telegraphists behind in Japan where they continued to produce radio traffic that could be traced to ports their ships were normally in, so that told the US nothing either.

The USN's carriers had been making regular trips to sea to deliver aircraft to bases across the Pacific, and not just Wake Island.

Your version is still bullshit.
Still spitting on the American servicemen who were basically murdered at Pearl Harbor I see. Go fuck yourself.
Why the anger about people dead over half a century, CS?

Were you a child when Pearl Harbor was attacked? Did your mommy say something about it? Did she know a few "American servicemen"?
Don't think that calling you delusional is behaving like a decent human being? You are the one who said that WW II was a good war. Calling such thinking delusional was being kind. It is in fact downright EVIL! Unfortunately, from what I have found, people would rather be wrong than be told they're wrong. Or, people would rather be evil than be told they're evil. WW II wasn't a justifiable war. Accept that fact an just move on.

Was your daddy a Nazi, son? You seem to have an affinity with them.