The Suckers Who Died At Pearl Harbor.

Like it or not, if the government you are sworn to protect with your life if necessary basically murders you, that makes you a sucker. Those who don't acknowledge that fact are basically spitting on those who died. In fact, they have a memorial built over the wreckage of the sunken USS Arizona. They should make it an outhouse with multiple stalls and sewage pipes that go down to the ship. They can "do their business" Because that is actually how they are honoring those who died. Now if they really wanted to honor the dead in the way that they certainly would like to be honored, they would acknowledge the lies that led to their deaths. For those who don't believe this, read these websites. The U.S. had actually cracked the Japanese naval code. They knew exactly where and when the Japanese were going to attack well beforehand. But FDR kept it secret because he actually wanted war. As a way of eventually getting involved in war in Europe.

I have read this in a book called THE UNSEEN HAND An introduction to the conspiratorial view of history by A Ralph Epperson.

The book is loaded with truths hidden from the public.
Why would I be bothered? Hate and bigotry are ancient human traits.

When one person says they have the truth and no one else, do you understand how crazy that sounds, CS?

Over 330M people in the US, and only You have the truth?

Why should you bother to read the websites I gave links to? Because it is the truth. Neither does hate and bigotry have anything to do with it. At least not directly. And where it may come into play, it is against White people. But I am guessing that is ok with you. Next, I see. You can't debate the fact so you resort to turning the discussion to being about me. And telling lies to do it. Well, you are far from the first to do so. And I expect that you won't be the last. Where did you ever get the impression that "I" am the only person who knows the truth. None of the websites I gave links to were written by me. There were also books written on the matter that weren't written by me. So now, where does that part of your "debate" stand.
Still spitting on the American servicemen who were basically murdered at Pearl Harbor I see. Go fuck yourself.

I don't think Hawk was doing that. But think that what happened in Pearl Harbor was an abomination. It was a treasonous and murderous way to get the US involved in the war.

As and aside:
I actually can relate this to the 9/11 terrorist attack. It was used to get us into 2 wars as well as the destabilization of the Middle East via the Arab Spring.
I believe 9/11 was allowed to happen by demonic men in the US government and the MIC. It is possible that George W Bush was used as a patsy in all of that.
Maybe I've already read and own more sources on Pearl Harbor and the events leading up to it than those links used. Actually, I do and did.

The US did not know of the attack because Japan was careful not to transmit any details of it. For example, FDR personally ordered the gunboat Isabel (PY-10) to do a secret reconnaissance mission off Japanese occupied French Indochina (Vietnam) on 3 December 1941 with orders to the Captain, Lt John Payne jr., to sink his ship if faced with capture or boarding. The Isabel did encounter some Japanese naval shipping in route to Indochina and was surveilled by an IJN scout plane.
The ship was ordered back to the Philippines by the Asiatic Fleet HQ, not FDR, on the 6th of December. Now, why would FDR do something like that knowing the Japanese were about to attack down to the date?

As for codes...

The Japanese Purple (AN-1) diplomatic code was readable by the US from the late 30's. JN-25, the Japanese naval code wasn't readable until about Jan 1942, although parts of it had been decoded as early as June 1939. It was William Freedman's development of the IBM ECM Mk III analog computer that allowed it to finally be broken in Jan 42. So, no, the US wasn't reading Japanese naval code in December 1941.

The US also monitored Japanese long-range radio traffic, but for the Pearl Harbor mission, the ships involved left their primary radio telegraphists behind in Japan where they continued to produce radio traffic that could be traced to ports their ships were normally in, so that told the US nothing either.

The USN's carriers had been making regular trips to sea to deliver aircraft to bases across the Pacific, and not just Wake Island.

Your version is still bullshit.

Well obviously, any books you owned or read about events pertaining to Pearl Harbor were complete bullshit. History written by the victors. At the one website, it speaks of a cryptographer named Leitweiler writing to somebody named Parke saying how they were reading enough of the Japanese naval communication codes to keep their two translators very busy. And that was at least a couple weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor. In another link, one of the things they mentioned was an interview of the wife of a cryptographer who had apparently already passed on. She spoke of how they heard the news of the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor. And how her husband in an upset manner paced around and said a couple of times, "But they knew! But they knew!" There was also some sort of official statement they showed that said that before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the government knew before hand that it was going to take place. There are many such thing posted in those websites that you would have to be flat out crazy to ignore. Could your doing so be an example of the old saying that says, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks?"
Why the anger about people dead over half a century, CS?

Were you a child when Pearl Harbor was attacked? Did your mommy say something about it? Did she know a few "American servicemen"?

If you would prefer that I put you on my ignore list, just say so. Or keep going on as you are and I will do it myself. Maybe that's the way you want it. That way you can say anything you want without having to worry about me responding to it. Because I wouldn't have even seen it.
I have read this in a book called THE UNSEEN HAND An introduction to the conspiratorial view of history by A Ralph Epperson.

The book is loaded with truths hidden from the public.

Sounds interesting. In my thread, "Chances are, you are stupid," (no offence I hope) I mentioned a couple other books that would no doubt be very interesting to read. They are called, "The book of general ignorance: Everything you think you know is wrong."
I don't think Hawk was doing that. But think that what happened in Pearl Harbor was an abomination. It was a treasonous and murderous way to get the US involved in the war.

As and aside:
I actually can relate this to the 9/11 terrorist attack. It was used to get us into 2 wars as well as the destabilization of the Middle East via the Arab Spring.
I believe 9/11 was allowed to happen by demonic men in the US government and the MIC. It is possible that George W Bush was used as a patsy in all of that.

I have heard of the 9-11 "Truthers" conspiracies. I don't buy them. If the U.S. wanted to start a war by allowing such a thing to happen, there are far easier ways to go about it. Such as the reason given for another war with Iraq. Which turned out to be complete BS.
Why should you bother to read the websites I gave links to? Because it is the truth. Neither does hate and bigotry have anything to do with it. At least not directly. A

nd where it may come into play, it is against White people. But I am guessing that is ok with you. Next, I see.

You can't debate the fact so you resort to turning the discussion to being about me. And telling lies to do it. Well, you are far from the first to do so. And I expect that you won't be the last. Where did you ever get the impression that "I" am the only person who knows the truth. None of the websites I gave links to were written by me. There were also books written on the matter that weren't written by me. So now, where does that part of your "debate" stand.
I did read them. Why do you assume that, because I think they are conspiracy theory BS, that I didn't read them? How else can I learn more about your mind, CS?

There's no such thing as race, son. It's a social construct. Human beings are more than simple skin tone.

Debate what? You're the one who runs, CS.
If you would prefer that I put you on my ignore list, just say so.

Or keep going on as you are and I will do it myself. Maybe that's the way you want it. That way you can say anything you want without having to worry about me responding to it. Because I wouldn't have even seen it.
You're free to run and hide. Many do. In case you didn't know, I'm the most popular person on JPP mentioned in both signatures and with tribute threads. LOL

Again, you're free to run and hide, son. In fact, I expect it of your type.
Well obviously, any books you owned or read about events pertaining to Pearl Harbor were complete bullshit. History written by the victors. At the one website, it speaks of a cryptographer named Leitweiler writing to somebody named Parke saying how they were reading enough of the Japanese naval communication codes to keep their two translators very busy. And that was at least a couple weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor. In another link, one of the things they mentioned was an interview of the wife of a cryptographer who had apparently already passed on. She spoke of how they heard the news of the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor. And how her husband in an upset manner paced around and said a couple of times, "But they knew! But they knew!" There was also some sort of official statement they showed that said that before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the government knew before hand that it was going to take place. There are many such thing posted in those websites that you would have to be flat out crazy to ignore. Could your doing so be an example of the old saying that says, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks?"

My father was an officer and a MOS 96.00 Cryptoanalytic officer in WW 2 stationed at Two Rock Ranch California.

Aside from that, what I posted was accurate. Your stuff is just a rant. We knew the Japanese planned to attack via the AN-1 Purple diplomatic code because we decoded Japan's final message and declaration of war hours before the Japanese embassy staff in Washington DC did. Messages were sent to Pearl Harbor regarding this, but they didn't arrive before the attack started. Such is the nature of peacetime communications in 1941.
I did read them. Why do you assume that, because I think they are conspiracy theory BS, that I didn't read them? How else can I learn more about your mind, CS?

There's no such thing as race, son. It's a social construct. Human beings are more than simple skin tone.

Debate what? You're the one who runs, CS.

That the U.S. knew well in advance exactly where and when the Japanese were going to attack is clearly laid out in the websites I gave links to. If you don't believe them, it is just because you don't want to believe them. Or to put it differently, you have been brainwashed to a point that makes you mentally unable to believe them. As for the rest, you seem to be going into something that isn't the point of this thread. Try to keep up.
That the U.S. knew well in advance exactly where and when the Japanese were going to attack is clearly laid out in the websites I gave links to. If you don't believe them, it is just because you don't want to believe them. Or to put it differently, you have been brainwashed to a point that makes you mentally unable to believe them. As for the rest, you seem to be going into something that isn't the point of this thread. Try to keep up.
The websites are wackadoodle bullshit. Conspiracy theorist nonsense believed only by the delusional. Pearl Harbor is like the Kennedy assassination. If the CIA or LBJ really did kill him, why haven’t the Republicans revealed that in the past six decades? Same for Pearl Harbor; only a fucking moron doesn’t believe that if there was something to hang FDR with, that the Republican Party would have found it.
My father was an officer and a MOS 96.00 Cryptoanalytic officer in WW 2 stationed at Two Rock Ranch California.

Aside from that, what I posted was accurate. Your stuff is just a rant. We knew the Japanese planned to attack via the AN-1 Purple diplomatic code because we decoded Japan's final message and declaration of war hours before the Japanese embassy staff in Washington DC did. Messages were sent to Pearl Harbor regarding this, but they didn't arrive before the attack started. Such is the nature of peacetime communications in 1941.

Just because your father "may" have been a Cryptographic officer in WW II doesn't mean he was in on things. Just for a moment, from your perspective, imagine that FDR did indeed want a "surprise" Japanese attack to happen at Pearl Harbor. And that at least some cryptographers had broken the Japanese naval code. Obviously, to make sure that the "surprise" attack would take place and remain a surprise, those who broke the code would have been told to keep their mouths shut. That it was Top Secret information. Maybe even beyond Top Secret. Which means it was something one cryptographer wouldn't be allowed to tell other cryptographers about. (That also makes the letter between Leitweiler and Parke a bit surprising)

That the Americans were able to read the Japanese naval code is something that only FDR and a few other top officials or military officers would be allowed to know. Otherwise they would never have been able to keep it secret. And eventually have their asses nailed to the wall when it got out.

Here's another point. I find it likely that the U.S. would have had Japanese American spies in Japan. Or German American spies pretending to be German nationals in Japan. (Likely both) They could have gotten word out that the main Japanese naval fleet had departed from port. By all accounts, the Japanese naval strike force didn't maintain radio silence. The positions of their radio transmissions would have been triangulated. Letting the U.S. know exactly where they were heading. From what I have heard, (which may or may not be true) the Japanese made a diversionary attack on one of the Aleutian Islands. But with the U.S. knowing where the rest of the fleet was, it wouldn't have done them much good. Because they would have tracked the Japanese fleet heading towards Hawaii. That alone would have let the U.S. know what and approximately when events were going to unfold.
The websites are wackadoodle bullshit. Conspiracy theorist nonsense believed only by the delusional. Pearl Harbor is like the Kennedy assassination. If the CIA or LBJ really did kill him, why haven’t the Republicans revealed that in the past six decades? Same for Pearl Harbor; only a fucking moron doesn’t believe that if there was something to hang FDR with, that the Republican Party would have found it.

"Whackadoodle?" There are plenty of statements made by people who were actually there at the time. Who are you to call them untrue.
"Whackadoodle?" There are plenty of statements made by people who were actually there at the time. Who are you to call them untrue.
Sure; Private Schmucatelli and Seaman Kravitz saw the whole thing. LOL

Why do you think the Republicans never revealed that Pearl Harbor was a set-up?
Just because your father "may" have been a Cryptographic officer in WW II doesn't mean he was in on things. Just for a moment, from your perspective, imagine that FDR did indeed want a "surprise" Japanese attack to happen at Pearl Harbor. And that at least some cryptographers had broken the Japanese naval code. Obviously, to make sure that the "surprise" attack would take place and remain a surprise, those who broke the code would have been told to keep their mouths shut. That it was Top Secret information. Maybe even beyond Top Secret. Which means it was something one cryptographer wouldn't be allowed to tell other cryptographers about. (That also makes the letter between Leitweiler and Parke a bit surprising)

That the Americans were able to read the Japanese naval code is something that only FDR and a few other top officials or military officers would be allowed to know. Otherwise they would never have been able to keep it secret. And eventually have their asses nailed to the wall when it got out.

Here's another point. I find it likely that the U.S. would have had Japanese American spies in Japan. Or German American spies pretending to be German nationals in Japan. (Likely both) They could have gotten word out that the main Japanese naval fleet had departed from port. By all accounts, the Japanese naval strike force didn't maintain radio silence. The positions of their radio transmissions would have been triangulated. Letting the U.S. know exactly where they were heading. From what I have heard, (which may or may not be true) the Japanese made a diversionary attack on one of the Aleutian Islands. But with the U.S. knowing where the rest of the fleet was, it wouldn't have done them much good. Because they would have tracked the Japanese fleet heading towards Hawaii. That alone would have let the U.S. know what and approximately when events were going to unfold.

All the "If's" in the world in that. The US had virtually no spies in Japan and embassy personnel were closely monitored. The US Naval attaché in Japan didn't even know anything about the Yamato class battleships Japan was building because security was so tight.
The Japanese strike forces for all operations on December 7/8 (depending on what side of the international dateline you're on) 1941 held radio silence. The Japanese went so far as to put their key radio operators on those ships ashore in Japan where they continued to produce false radio traffic for the US and others to monitor. This was done because each operator has a unique signature using morse code so any foreign listening station would have picked up that the operator had changed suddenly if they didn't do that.
The diversionary attack on the Aleutians was done during Japan's disastrous Midway operation. They sent the carriers Hiyo and Junyo with escorts to attack Dutch Harbor Alaska as a diversion.

The Japanese naval code wasn't broken in December 1941. They had bits and pieces but couldn't read whole messages. We know that for a fact. Also, the Pearl Harbor strike plan was only approved and moved forward starting in October 1941 meaning the operation, unlike others that took place in December 1941 had less than 90 days between approval and execution.