Joe Biden cannot win in November.
All sentient beings are fully aware of this - leaving out the majority of the leftist drones on this board. But the hive is fully aware that Biden can't win and fully intends to take action by replacing Biden.
The questions are, with whom? How? And what of the Kamaltoe problem?
How will Biden be removed? Will he have a fatal heart attack? The party could arrange a debilitating stroke - but Fetterman shows that one doesn't need to be mentally capable to be a ruler under the democrat party. My guess is that the party will kill him or hide him from the public and claim he died.
Then there is the Kamaltoe problem. Once the party bumps off Joe, Harris assumes the presidency and would be the defacto candidate. When the democrats took Nixon out, they first had to deal with Agnew. I speculate that Kamaltoe will be caught up in a legal issue and resign as VP prior to Biden's demise.
Who? Michelle Obama is the one most speculate. But does she really want it? And America recognizes that Joe Biden is just a puppet dancing on Obama's string. Biden is far too stupid to do the kind of damage we've seen on his own. This is Barack Obama as the brains behind the whole thing. America knows this - so will a Michelle candidate push the needle? It's Barack Obama for a 4th term whether Biden or Michelle is the face on the TV.
One of the last investigative reporters in America caught a White House Aide discussing the problem,
Twitter still no workey at JPP
BREAKING VIDEO: Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can't say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @JoeBiden
mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”“I'm just telling you what I've heard… they’re really concerned about it” …“I think they need to get rid of him or her.”“But no one in modern history has ever said, like, ‘We're not going to renominate the president for a second term.’”Charlie Kraiger @CharlieKraiger, a Cybersecurity policy analyst and Foreign affairs Desk Officer in the Executive Office at the White House, tells O’Keefe “I had a meeting with Michelle Obama @michelleobama
…. Someone asked her, ‘Will you ever run for office?’ And she said, ‘No’ Empathically.” She was like, ‘I've seen all this shit my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me.’“@VP
hemorrhages black staff. She can't keep black staff. They quit on her en masse”“She will be the vice president nominee. There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly they didn’t, she's not popular, but you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president from the Goddamn presidential ticket. Like what kind of message are you going to send to like African-American voters…People would be like, "What the fuck?” Like she's a woman and she's multiracial.”}