The Superior Race just got more Diluted ... Again! Robert Griffin III new wife

Ummm, thanks?

Notice his Superior Intellect :laugh:

You're welcome. I was more than happy to prove you changed my posts, Nomad. Still the same NL you've always been just using a different name to do it.

Lol, rest assured, I'm not one of you idiotic SJWs who feel the need to denigrate conservatism.
RGIII is in an interesting position. As a black Republican he's been called a sell out and cornball brother. But to racists like CFM it doesn't matter that he's a well educated successful (conservative) black man he's still just a n*bomb.
Certainly not as Superior :cool:

Don't you like this place ... Noting like a Good Cigar and Bourbon


I'd rather have a one hitter and a beer, but point stipulated. I certainly don't mind a small glass of good bourbon now and then. But hold the rocks please.