The Supreme Court is finished: Republicans have killed it. Now it's time to fight bac


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Yet that prediction might be a understatement as a result of tossing the lawlessly hacked in Putin ass-et 45 tRump out of the White House in order to undo everything he and his sold out republicans have done that is ultimately the fault of idiot voters who voted against their own interests that created this un American atrocity. SCOTUS was further corrupted as a result of tRump and his sold out republicans hacking in that ethical swamp dog Kavanaugh.
Yet that prediction might be a understatement as a result of tossing the lawlessly hacked in Putin ass-et 45 tRump out of the White House in order to undo everything he and his sold out republicans have done that is ultimately the fault of idiot voters who voted against their own interests that created this un American atrocity. SCOTUS was further corrupted as a result of tRump and his sold out republicans hacking in that ethical swamp dog Kavanaugh.

Win the Senate. It's that simple.
Yet that prediction might be a understatement as a result of tossing the lawlessly hacked in Putin ass-et 45 tRump out of the White House in order to undo everything he and his sold out republicans have done that is ultimately the fault of idiot voters who voted against their own interests that created this un American atrocity. SCOTUS was further corrupted as a result of tRump and his sold out republicans hacking in that ethical swamp dog Kavanaugh.

The Supreme Court has been dying for decades, it was ruined with political corruption, lack of mental diversity, and inferior people.

We are so screwed.
I ain't worried. Roe v. Wade has as much chance of being overturned as you winning Powerball.
Screwed for now but should the 45 devil in the White House finally gets thrown down after four years of not having a legitimate POTUS and the the GOPer majority in the Senate gets thrown out as un American ass-ets for Putin, will major things happen at reversing the destructive atrocities created by un American republicans and stupid voters who vote against their own interests that ultimately created this political atrocity in Washington at also giving and and comfort to foreign enemies.
Yet that prediction might be a understatement as a result of tossing the lawlessly hacked in Putin ass-et 45 tRump out of the White House in order to undo everything he and his sold out republicans have done that is ultimately the fault of idiot voters who voted against their own interests that created this un American atrocity. SCOTUS was further corrupted as a result of tRump and his sold out republicans hacking in that ethical swamp dog Kavanaugh.

What a whiny little bitch you are huh? Maybe if leftists wrtrnt such dickheads you would have won. You people actually got worsecwgen the pig lost. You didn't learn a thing
Not really. It is possible for Repub senators to vote for what's fair. Just not this group under McConnell and Trump's thumbs. There was a time when senators voted their own consciences.

It really is that simple. The Senate controls who goes into the Court.
Yet that prediction might be a understatement as a result of tossing the lawlessly hacked in Putin ass-et 45 tRump out of the White House in order to undo everything he and his sold out republicans have done that is ultimately the fault of idiot voters who voted against their own interests that created this un American atrocity. SCOTUS was further corrupted as a result of tRump and his sold out republicans hacking in that ethical swamp dog Kavanaugh.

Yeah, I'm worried that judicial liberalism is finally going to wrestle control of the Court away from judicial illiberalism. It's only been 80 years.
I ain't worried. Roe v. Wade has as much chance of being overturned as you winning Powerball.

What's interesting is when someone is nominated to the Court, the #1 concern for lefties is whether or not women will be allowed to kill their unborn babies.