The Supreme Court is finished: Republicans have killed it. Now it's time to fight bac

What's interesting is when someone is nominated to the Court, the #1 concern for lefties is whether or not women will be allowed to kill their unborn babies.

Nope. Abortion is righties' number one concern. Why do you think they wanted Kaverynaughty nominated?
Nope. Abortion is righties' number one concern. Why do you think they wanted Kaverynaughty nominated?

Nope. Lefties are the ones concerned about CONTINUING something that allows women to kill their unborn babies. Being concerned about abortion means wanting to keep it legal. Being concerned about innocent life is totally different.
Nope. Lefties are the ones concerned about CONTINUING something that allows women to kill their unborn babies. Being concerned about abortion means wanting to keep it legal. Being concerned about innocent life is totally different.

Are you so dumb as not to realize that infanticide is illegal?
That's what infanticide is and it's illegal.

Infanticide is killing a child within a year of birth. For it to be infanticide, the child has to have been born and less than 1 year old.

Two words are a giveaway that I didn't mention, or even imply, infanticide. Do you know what those two words are?
Infanticide is killing a child within a year of birth. For it to be infanticide, the child has to have been born and less than 1 year old.

Two words are a giveaway that I didn't mention, or even imply, infanticide. Do you know what those two words are?

Correct. You said the term "unborn babies". If you want to be technical, it's called "foeticide".
No. Babies is a given because of the topic. You got unborn. There's another word that indicates the reference was to unborn that would exclude infanticide.

Does that exclude those babies being born by c-section?
Yet that prediction might be a understatement as a result of tossing the lawlessly hacked in Putin ass-et 45 tRump out of the White House in order to undo everything he and his sold out republicans have done that is ultimately the fault of idiot voters who voted against their own interests that created this un American atrocity. SCOTUS was further corrupted as a result of tRump and his sold out republicans hacking in that ethical swamp dog Kavanaugh.

Sour grapes poor baby. Want some cheese with your whine?