The swiftboating of Hucklberry.

And how are they different? Come on now a one liner just doesn't cut it.

Idiot, I already explained to you what Club for Growth is. Club for Growth is a pro-growth club that pretty much targets Republicans in Congress based on their voting on economic issues, the number one being tax cuts.

MoveOn is a group that backs Democrats in general and liberal issues all over the board. You know it has morphed from wanting to end Clinton's impeachment to many other focuses.

Club for Growth has just a single focus.
LOL... admits he knows nothing about the Club for Growth, never heard of them and never read up on them yet somehow he knows all about what they stand for and how they operate. Amazing!

well they are a Republican based organization. that sort of groups them in the muck.
well they are a Republican based organization. that sort of groups them in the muck.

you don't know sh*t about them, what they stand for or what they support. Nothing. You are speaking out your *ss sir no matter how much you try to claim "i know groups like this". Hint, no you don't.
I knew enough not to vote for Bush.

Which makes me smarter than 51% of the voters in america.

blah-blah-blah-blah... "I don't know what I'm talking about so I'll pull out my 'i didn't vote for Bush' card for the thousandth time."

you still don't know sh*t about the Club for Growth, which you admit, and then try to talk like you do.
blah-blah-blah-blah... "I don't know what I'm talking about so I'll pull out my 'i didn't vote for Bush' card for the thousandth time."

you still don't know sh*t about the Club for Growth, which you admit, and then try to talk like you do.

Sure I am not too smart, but I am still smarter than those who voted for Bush.
Sure I am not too smart, but I am still smarter than those who voted for Bush.

Wow this is two hours I will never get back. There are people on here I disagree with politically but I can respect their opinions and what they say makes me think about my positions (doesn't mean I will necessarily change them but it does make me think).

Your one line want to be funny comments don't do anything. Sure when you're rich you don't have to give a crap like you obviously don't but as someone else said its like dealing with a little kid.

And you are not smarter than other people because you vote Democrat every Presidential election. You are a partisan hack.
Wow this is two hours I will never get back. There are people on here I disagree with politically but I can respect their opinions and what they say makes me think about my positions (doesn't mean I will necessarily change them but it does make me think).

Your one line want to be funny comments don't do anything. Sure when you're rich you don't have to give a crap like you obviously don't but as someone else said its like dealing with a little kid.

And you are not smarter than other people because you vote Democrat every Presidential election. You are a partisan hack.

QFT. USC is the dumbest non-troll on this board.