The Tea Party's racial resentment Op-Ed by Joan Walsh for



I've been getting a lot of attention from the conservative blogosphere in the last few weeks, and it's very flattering. I can't reply to it all, but I do want to take on the argument of my friend Cathy Young, the Reason magazine editor who used to write for Salon. Young took issue with my piece "The Tea Party's racial paranoia" in her last Real Clear Politics column, "Tea Partiers Racist? Not So Fast."

Examining data from a study of Tea Partiers' racial views conducted by University of Washington researchers, Young claims that in fact, the Tea Partiers' negative views of blacks aren't terribly different from the views of other whites. And where they are notably different -- especially around questions about whether black disadvantage is due to the legacy of slavery and discrimination, or blacks just not working as hard as other groups -- she writes that off to their conservatism, not racial bias. (The University of Washington professor who led the study, Christopher Parker, responds to Young here.)

She also mocks me for calling the Tea Partiers better off than other groups, based on a CBS News/New York Times poll finding that 12 percent of Tea Party members they polled made more than $250,000 a year. No big deal, Young claimed, since 11 percent of all Americans earn that much money. I wish I hung with Cathy Young; her friends must be doing very, very well: In fact, less than 2 percent of Americans earn more than $250,000 a year, according to The Tea Party movement is in part, as I said, yet another revolt of the haves against the have-nots.

Continue reading.
On one point, Young is right. It's true that white Tea Party skeptics are more likely than white Tea Party supporters to say black people are trustworthy (57 percent to 41 percent), Young acknowledges. But then she compares the two groups' opinions of white trustworthiness, and finds that while only 49 percent of Tea Partiers say whites are trustworthy, 72 percent of Tea Party skeptics do. So when you compare white Tea Party skeptics' views of black and white trustworthiness, you find that more (72 percent) think whites are trustworthy than think blacks are (57 percent). Young's right, that is a little weird, and depressing. But it's also noteworthy that Tea Partiers don't seem to have a lot of trust in black or white people.

To her credit, Young does acknowledge that on the indicators of what the University of Washington researchers call "racial resentment," white Tea Partiers differ notably, not only from white Tea Party skeptics, but from all whites in the study. Young puts forward an interesting defense: That's conservatism, not racism. I'm not sure why Young seems to want to tar all conservatives, not merely the Tea Partiers, with racially blinkered views. Here, let me defend my conservative brothers and sisters: I don't think it's mere conservatism to be much more inclined than other white people to say that the prejudice white ethnics faced is comparable to that faced by African-Americans; that the legacy of slavery and discrimination has little to do with persistent black disadvantage, and that such disadvantage would be erased if blacks worked as hard as other whites.

To the extent there is overlap between Tea Partiers' views and conservative views, well, that was my original point. Another name for the Tea Party might be ... the right-wing Republican base (although they aren't as likely to be evangelical Christians as other samples of conservative Republicans). Somehow, these opponents of big government spending never grabbed their protest signs when the Bush administration was spending down the Clinton budget surplus and building a huge deficit. Somehow these anti-tax populists are finally grabbing their party hats, and their guns, because the socialist President Obama ... um, well, he actually cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people, and tax rates are at their lowest in 60 years, according to the Brookings Institution. Go figure.The modern Republican Party owes its two generations of dominance to Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy. (Ronald Reagan actually pioneered out a California variation in his successful 1966 campaign for governor, playing on fears engendered by the Watts riots and rising anti-welfare animus). The Tea Party movement, which has mostly been embraced by mainstream Republican leaders who have no new ideas to improve the economy or make our nation safer, is a return to that tired old playbook. I don't think it can prevail again, but it can make politics uglier in the meantime. Conservatives of conscience would be better employed coming up with new ideas for their party than trying to defend the Tea Partiers' blinkered racial views.

Since I'm prohibited from posting in Racism and the GOP, I've introduced this OP, to counter and point out the obvious. - poet
Deluded morons.
Why are you responding to my posts, when I had you on ignore?

When you have someone on ignore, they can still read and reply to your posts, but you can't see their reply. Obviously, you do not really have me on ignore if you can read my post. Is there a grown up around to help you?

So a black American who supports the Tea Party is a "deluded moron". Can you explain to me why black Americans are "deluded morons" in your opinion?
When you have someone on ignore, they can still read and reply to your posts, but you can't see their reply. Obviously, you do not really have me on ignore if you can read my post. Is there a grown up around to help you?

So a black American who supports the Tea Party is a "deluded moron". Can you explain to me why black Americans are "deluded morons" in your opinion?

I had you on ignore, and I saw that you responded, immediately , to my post, and I wondered why, and what would be the point.
Black Americans who support the Republican Party, and worse, The Tea Party are race traitors, in that, they have signed on with the enemy, excusing their "cloaked" and "overt racism and bigotry, for "crumbs from the table of Massa" (i.e. "favors", "perks", "political positions and clout", invitations to events, money, etc...). There is a reason that blacks , overwhelmingly, align themselves with the Democratic Party......they aren't the Republican and Tea Parties. But you already knew my why are you asking me again?
I call them Patriotic Americans who look beyond race and politics, and look to the issues that affect all of us as Americans.

Really? Then how do you explain that most white racists, KKK'ers, John Birchers, anti-gay, and Christian fundies identify as Republican or right wing extremists (i.e. Tea Partiers)?
Is it any wonder Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Don Imus, Rush Limbaugh, and a whole slew of Republican legislators have had their awkward racial faux pas, and having to deny their racist tendencies or publicly apologize for making racially insensitive remarks?
I had you on ignore, and I saw that you responded, immediately , to my post, and I wondered why, and what would be the point.
Black Americans who support the Republican Party, and worse, The Tea Party are race traitors, in that, they have signed on with the enemy, excusing their "cloaked" and "overt racism and bigotry, for "crumbs from the table of Massa" (i.e. "favors", "perks", "political positions and clout", invitations to events, money, etc...). There is a reason that blacks , overwhelmingly, align themselves with the Democratic Party......they aren't the Republican and Tea Parties. But you already knew my why are you asking me again?

So you had me on ignore and then you took me off ignore to see what I said. Then you don't have me on ignore, do you!

So why would blacks join "race traitors"?
So you had me on ignore and then you took me off ignore to see what I said. Then you don't have me on ignore, do you!

So why would blacks join "race traitors"?

"Join"? Reading is fundamental. Is what you understood, what I wrote? You keep reminding me of why I have you on ignore. You're retarded and racist.
"Join"? Reading is fundamental. Is what you understood, what I wrote? You keep reminding me of why I have you on ignore. You're retarded and racist.

You're the one who calls people in the Tea Party "race traitors". I'm asking you why would black Americans join a group of "race traitors". Does thinking give you a headache?
I cannot believe this garbage written by the self proclaimed Poet.

You are only trying to divide people in your failed attempt to paint tea party followers as haters and bigots. You need to look in a mirror Poet, your own insecurity of Americans moving towards a more conservative government is your nightmare.

Sarah Palin has a higher IQ than you do.
I cannot believe this garbage written by the self proclaimed Poet.

You are only trying to divide people in your failed attempt to paint tea party followers as haters and bigots. You need to look in a mirror Poet, your own insecurity of Americans moving towards a more conservative government is your nightmare.

Sarah Palin has a higher IQ than you do.

You just came on board, and before you get a layout of the land and the population, you launch an attack on me, not knowing who I am, or what I'm about. Ain't you about the stupidest person to venture onto this board? How can I put this so that you can understand? Fuck you. Tea partiers are racist by definition. I look in hte mirror, every morning, and sometimes throughout the day, and I like what I see. Conservative government? That's what got us into this mess. You don't know Sarah Palin, just like you don't know me. You don't even get to pass GO, as you are remanded, immediately, to ignore. Cretin. Mr. T???????????? They already got one.. You're an imposter.
I cannot believe this garbage written by the self proclaimed Poet.

You are only trying to divide people in your failed attempt to paint tea party followers as haters and bigots. You need to look in a mirror Poet, your own insecurity of Americans moving towards a more conservative government is your nightmare.

Sarah Palin has a higher IQ than you do.

You have to be white and one, liberal or black could be that stupid or self-serving.
You have to be white and one, liberal or black could be that stupid or self-serving.

You have just shown how much of a racist that you are with your replies and your links.

We get it, you hate white people. Even with all of your words of self proclaimed wisdom and all of your catch phrases, everyone who can read into what you are saying is that you are avery lonely person who feels rejected by the world. So you take out your frustrations in your writings because you are so full of hate for the white man and all of those evil republicans. damn it must suck to be you.
You just came on board, and before you get a layout of the land and the population, you launch an attack on me, not knowing who I am, or what I'm about. Ain't you about the stupidest person to venture onto this board? How can I put this so that you can understand? Fuck you. Tea partiers are racist by definition. I look in hte mirror, every morning, and sometimes throughout the day, and I like what I see. Conservative government? That's what got us into this mess. You don't know Sarah Palin, just like you don't know me. You don't even get to pass GO, as you are remanded, immediately, to ignore. Cretin. Mr. T???????????? They already got one.. You're an imposter.

Since you've already shown that you're a racist, it's obvious that by race traitor you really meant "house niggers" or "oreos".
And there is no reason to believe that you're black; but there's lot of information that points to you being a poser.
You have just shown how much of a racist that you are with your replies and your links.

We get it, you hate white people. Even with all of your words of self proclaimed wisdom and all of your catch phrases, everyone who can read into what you are saying is that you are avery lonely person who feels rejected by the world. So you take out your frustrations in your writings because you are so full of hate for the white man and all of those evil republicans. damn it must suck to be you.

Your stupidity idicates you are Dixie's troll. Either way, your posts are worth nothing.