The Tea Party's racial resentment Op-Ed by Joan Walsh for

Really? Then how do you explain that most white racists, KKK'ers, John Birchers, anti-gay, and Christian fundies identify as Republican or right wing extremists (i.e. Tea Partiers)?
Is it any wonder Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Don Imus, Rush Limbaugh, and a whole slew of Republican legislators have had their awkward racial faux pas, and having to deny their racist tendencies or publicly apologize for making racially insensitive remarks?

I think you are looking at this the wrong way, its not a case of the party itself being racist but the fact that racist organizations(or if one prefers, "narrow minded") see the tea party as an opponent of liberal groups, ie ones in favor of racial and gender pro hiring, gay rights, and religious moderation(I can't think of a better term)

So therefore they support it because it is a better option than the other ones, in the same way that socialist and communist groups ally even though their agenda's (without negative connotations) are not the same.
Oh and racism at this point is really in the eye of the beholder, the anti muslim/arab sentiments one hears these day's is much worse than most anti "African American" slurs, but I forgot, its only racist if we're talking about african americans
I think you are looking at this the wrong way, its not a case of the party itself being racist but the fact that racist organizations(or if one prefers, "narrow minded") see the tea party as an opponent of liberal groups, ie ones in favor of racial and gender pro hiring, gay rights, and religious moderation(I can't think of a better term)

So therefore they support it because it is a better option than the other ones, in the same way that socialist and communist groups ally even though their agenda's (without negative connotations) are not the same.
Oh and racism at this point is really in the eye of the beholder, the anti muslim/arab sentiments one hears these day's is much worse than most anti "African American" slurs, but I forgot, its only racist if we're talking about african americans

I was thinking your comments to be plausible and then you ended so badly. In America, when we talk about's usually "white on black" racism that is being referred to. But that's not to say that immigrants (legal and illegal) don't get their share of it. When you have whites "in charge" and occupying most positions of authority, power and clout, most mistreatment and the tangilble conclusions that result, come from them onto others. Outside of pedestrian crime, or the rare "hate crime", whites don't experience racism in any concrete way, because persons of color are not in charge, per se, and only represent a fraction of the country, and even less of the power structure. Although Hispanics are rapidly becoming the new majority, much to the chagrin of many.
I was thinking your comments to be plausible and then you ended so badly. In America, when we talk about's usually "white on black" racism that is being referred to. But that's not to say that immigrants (legal and illegal) don't get their share of it. When you have whites "in charge" and occupying most positions of authority, power and clout, most mistreatment and the tangilble conclusions that result, come from them onto others. Outside of pedestrian crime, or the rare "hate crime", whites don't experience racism in any concrete way, because persons of color are not in charge, per se, and only represent a fraction of the country, and even less of the power structure. Although Hispanics are rapidly becoming the new majority, much to the chagrin of many.

Didn't mean anti white racism, though the "cracker/whitey" remarks do get rather... old I meant more along the arab racism since there seems to be an aceptability(in certain circles) to the use of the term "sand N" when the term "N" would get somebody a broken jaw, the latino racism is also prevalent but we're still falling over ourselves to prevent anti-black racism.

The "whites in charge" argument while somewhat valid, is the case because (for the moment) white people are the majority, and it would make very little sense to put the minority in charge, I don't see Germany being run by turks or Morocan elections being decided by the french minority? It would be nice to have an amalgamation in charge, but really, I don't see people being able to get along that well.
Didn't mean anti white racism, though the "cracker/whitey" remarks do get rather... old I meant more along the arab racism since there seems to be an aceptability(in certain circles) to the use of the term "sand N" when the term "N" would get somebody a broken jaw, the latino racism is also prevalent but we're still falling over ourselves to prevent anti-black racism.

The "whites in charge" argument while somewhat valid, is the case because (for the moment) white people are the majority, and it would make very little sense to put the minority in charge, I don't see Germany being run by turks or Morocan elections being decided by the french minority? It would be nice to have an amalgamation in charge, but really, I don't see people being able to get along that well.

Look, I wouldn't advise your typical angry white man, approaching a band of arabs and letting loose with "you sand n-words"...a broken jaw would be preferrable to death.
Namecalling aside, what is tragic and unbelievable, is that the Republicans(and by proxy, the "Baggers" ) are so hellbent on reacquiring power and maintaining it, that they would stoop to "dirty tricks" like voter supression (requiring jumping through hoops and having picture ID's) in most states, and Jim DeMint's blatant cuckolding an inarticulate, numbnuts black and financing his bid as a Democratic opponent for an easy win. Even Rand Paul's attempt to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as unconstitutional, reveals that there is nothing too low for them.
I had you on ignore, and I saw that you responded, immediately , to my post, and I wondered why, and what would be the point.
Black Americans who support the Republican Party, and worse, The Tea Party are race traitors, in that, they have signed on with the enemy, excusing their "cloaked" and "overt racism and bigotry, for "crumbs from the table of Massa" (i.e. "favors", "perks", "political positions and clout", invitations to events, money, etc...). There is a reason that blacks , overwhelmingly, align themselves with the Democratic Party......they aren't the Republican and Tea Parties. But you already knew my why are you asking me again?

The historical ignorance of this poster is truly stunning. The Democrat Party supported slavery, segregation, spawned the KKK, and fought the Republican Party on civil rights and suffrage. The current Democrat Party policy is to exchange hand-outs in return for loyalty. This idiot has it exactly opposite.
The fear that liberals want people to believe is that the Tea Party and Republicans are building giant ovens to cook you with.

In reality they see that their days of raping the taxpayers for all of their free handouts are coming to a end.
I was thinking your comments to be plausible and then you ended so badly. In America, when we talk about's usually "white on black" racism that is being referred to. But that's not to say that immigrants (legal and illegal) don't get their share of it. When you have whites "in charge" and occupying most positions of authority, power and clout, most mistreatment and the tangilble conclusions that result, come from them onto others. Outside of pedestrian crime, or the rare "hate crime", whites don't experience racism in any concrete way, because persons of color are not in charge, per se, and only represent a fraction of the country, and even less of the power structure. Although Hispanics are rapidly becoming the new majority, much to the chagrin of many.

Your entire premise is a lie and I'll tell you why. America elected a black President. Now you tell me how a bunch of racists in a racist nation can do that. Go for it.
You just came on board, and before you get a layout of the land and the population, you launch an attack on me, not knowing who I am, or what I'm about. Ain't you about the stupidest person to venture onto this board? How can I put this so that you can understand? Fuck you. Tea partiers are racist by definition. I look in hte mirror, every morning, and sometimes throughout the day, and I like what I see. Conservative government? That's what got us into this mess. You don't know Sarah Palin, just like you don't know me. You don't even get to pass GO, as you are remanded, immediately, to ignore. Cretin. Mr. T???????????? They already got one.. You're an imposter.

You're the one who brought up race in your initial post on this forum in your greeting. You made a point of telling all of us you are a black gay male. What in the wide wide world of sports does that have to do with anything? Are you looking for a date?

You come across as highly confused, bitter, and very angry. I think you should spend less time here and get a real education.
The fear that liberals want people to believe is that the Tea Party and Republicans are building giant ovens to cook you with.

In reality they see that their days of raping the taxpayers for all of their free handouts are coming to a end.

You have brought new meaning to the word conservsatard. Do you actualy breath un-asisted?
You have brought new meaning to the word conservsatard. Do you actualy breath un-asisted?

The word is "breathe". Here is an example. "You've run out of breath". "You need to breathe deeply". And "un-asisted" is spelled "unassisted". No hypen and two "s" after the "a". Not bad for a "conservatard", huh!
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The word is "breathe". Here is an example. "You've run out of breath". "You need to breathe deeply". And "un-asisted" is spelled "unassisted". No hypen and two "s" after the "a". Not bad for a "conservatard", huh!

Ah, a spelling AND grammar NAZI. At least you are good for something.