The Teabag Follies Continue!

Woe to the downpressor
and I fucking hate agreeing with Dixie, but ALMOST no one in this country knows real poverty. Most republicans get this and basic economics, most democrats give these points away without a fight as seen by the moronic woe is me thread here.
Cite evidence to justify your accusation.

I am really sick of you idiots asking me to do your homework for you.

Here are some hints.

1. Jobs produce income. Not having a job promotes poverty.
2. There are not enough jobs for all the people.
3. There were enough jobs until too much manufacturing got shipped out of the country.
I am really sick of you idiots asking me to do your homework for you.

Here are some hints.

1. Jobs produce income. Not having a job promotes poverty.
2. There are not enough jobs for all the people.
3. There were enough jobs until too much manufacturing got shipped out of the country.

No, how am I a "down presser", whatever that is. :)
You said yourself you were moving your money out of this country to invest elsewhere. Hence, creating jobs in a foreign country, rather than keeping americans working.
I've moved some money out in order to diversify my portfolio. That ensures that I will have adequate funds for my retirement if The Obama destroys the US economy. How does that make little old me a "down presser", whatever that is?
Woe to the downpressor
and I fucking hate agreeing with Dixie, but ALMOST no one in this country knows real poverty. Most republicans get this and basic economics, most democrats give these points away without a fight as seen by the moronic woe is me thread here.

Comparisons to foreign countries who have far worse economic situations and devastating poverty IS NO EXCUSE or JUSTIFICATION for neocon driven GOP policies to screw over the working people and working middle class to continue. With regards to health insurance reform, all the GOP is offering is a return the status quo.....and that ain't pretty....just ask Dr. Peeno and Wendell Potter.

And not everyone American who is living in abject poverty lives as you say.....just ask the nearest urban/suburban street person near you.

Read Posts #15 and #16, because like Dixie, you are essentially pointing to the exception and NOT the rule.
I've moved some money out in order to diversify my portfolio. That ensures that I will have adequate funds for my retirement if The Obama destroys the US economy. How does that make little old me a "down presser", whatever that is?

With all your "edumucation" you can't figure out what a down presser is, Downpresser?
LMAO... Countless... as in "too many to count!" DUMBASS!

People in THIS country don't know what real POVERTY is! The "average" person in "poverty" in the US, has a TV, a car, a washer and dryer, an air conditioner, and at least one bathroom. Our "poor" people live better than some nations most WEALTHY! But the argument was NOT about how many poor people we have... we were discussing poor people overcoming the poverty to become successful... there are countless and ENDLESS examples of people who were born into abject poverty, with EVERY disadvantage, yet somehow managed to rise above their conditions to make something of themselves. Now, how the hell is that even possible, when you claim it's IMPOSSIBLE to do? I'll tell you how... you are just plain flat out WRONG!

ANYONE in this country... doesn't matter if they have a pot to piss in... CAN become successful! The 'system' is there, capitalism, free markets, free enterprise.. If you have the right idea, or if you have a certain skill or talent, or even if you are just passionately determined and committed to making a better life... it CAN be done here! That's why people are climbing over the top of each other to get into our country! We are the Land of Opportunity... I am sure you've heard that before.

But, guess what? I know of NOT ONE single example of ANYONE 'climbing out of poverty' because the government sent them a check! It does not happen! I know of NOT ONE single program paid for by government, that is solely responsible for ANY person's success, and I have never ONCE heard a successful person credit the federal assistance they receive, for their prosperity. It just never happens! People who escape the shackles of poverty, do so because they have the drive, determination, and ambition, and work HARD to succeed. NOT because we sent them more money in their gub'ment check!

"....I know of NOT..." The only lucid moment in Dixie's psychotic fantasy.

Dixie's myopic viewpoints coupled with his supposition and conjecture once again gives a false image of the world.

WWII produced the MOST gov't subsidized generations going. The airline industry WOULD NOT EXIST without gov't subsidy. Then there's corporate welfare......for those who are not insipidly stubborn and willfully ingnorant neocon wonks like Dixie, you get the point with these few examples.

Welfare saves people lives...and they do get back on their feet. Friend of mine was a bar tender.....she developed a medical condition that made it impossible to work, used up all her savings and what medical insurance she had (if the Healthcare Reform of today was active then, here situation would have been drastically better), lost her apartment. She had to go on welfare....thank God her Mom had room to take her in. Well, she was able to get well, get back on her feet and later became a successful co-owner of a nice bar/restaurant. She said to me, "I don't know WTF people are carrying on about welfare being a free ride....if my Mom didn't have room there'd have been no way I could have made it on welfare alone.

And there have been changes in the system:

Read Posts #15 and #16, which shows Dixie essentially pointing to the exception and NOT the rule.
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People in THIS country don't know what real POVERTY is! The "average" person in "poverty" in the US, has a TV, a car, a washer and dryer, an air conditioner, and at least one bathroom. Our "poor" people live better than some nations most WEALTHY! But the argument was NOT about how many poor people we have... we were discussing poor people overcoming the poverty to become successful... there are countless and ENDLESS examples of people who were born into abject poverty, with EVERY disadvantage, yet somehow managed to rise above their conditions to make something of themselves. Now, how the hell is that even possible, when you claim it's IMPOSSIBLE to do? I'll tell you how... you are just plain flat out WRONG!

ANYONE in this country... doesn't matter if they have a pot to piss in... CAN become successful! The 'system' is there, capitalism, free markets, free enterprise.. If you have the right idea, or if you have a certain skill or talent, or even if you are just passionately determined and committed to making a better life... it CAN be done here! That's why people are climbing over the top of each other to get into our country! We are the Land of Opportunity... I am sure you've heard that before.

But, guess what? I know of NOT ONE single example of ANYONE 'climbing out of poverty' because the government sent them a check! It does not happen! I know of NOT ONE single program paid for by government, that is solely responsible for ANY person's success, and I have never ONCE heard a successful person credit the federal assistance they receive, for their prosperity. It just never happens! People who escape the shackles of poverty, do so because they have the drive, determination, and ambition, and work HARD to succeed. NOT because we sent them more money in their gub'ment check!

"....I know of NOT..." The only lucid moment in Dixie's psychotic fantasy.

Dixie's myopic viewpoints coupled with his supposition and conjecture once again gives a false image of the world.

WWII produced the MOST gov't subsidized generations going. The airline industry WOULD NOT EXIST without gov't subsidy. Then there's corporate welfare......for those who are not insipidly stubborn and willfully ingnorant neocon wonks like Dixie, you get the point with these few examples.

Welfare saves people lives...and they do get back on their feet. Friend of mine was a bar tender.....she developed a medical condition that made it impossible to work, used up all her savings and what medical insurance she had (if the Healthcare Reform of today was active then, here situation would have been drastically better), lost her apartment. She had to go on welfare....thank God her Mom had room to take her in. Well, she was able to get well, get back on her feet and later became a successful co-owner of a nice bar/restaurant. She said to me, "I don't know WTF people are carrying on about welfare being a free ride....if my Mom didn't have room there'd have been no way I could have made it on welfare alone.

And there have been changes in the system:

Read Posts #15 and #16, which shows Dixie essentially pointing to the exception and NOT the rule.

Yes, it is the exception for any person to achieve great wealth. This is the case no matter what kind of 'welfare' system you have, or what you can do. The reason being, most people do not have the drive, determination, and ambition to become wealthy. They are content to be middle class, they are happy with mediocrity. BUT... for those who DO have such a desire, a free market capitalist system like we've enjoyed in America, provides that opportunity like no other system ever devised by man. It does not depend on your social standing at all, it depends on the determination you bring to the table, and how much you desire success. Additional welfare money, doesn't bestow this attribute on people! They either have it, or they don't!

Chicklet, you can repeat your same old tired worn out hag lines over and over, they do not apply to anything I have said here. If you believe that people will read your well-used rhetorical spewage and think you make some coherent point, you're more delusional than I presumed you to be. What I said, is the truth. If you wish to dispute what I said, give us the list of successful millionaires who attribute their fortunes to government assistance! Hell.... just give us ONE! Shouldn't be hard to do, if welfare breeds success, as you seem to think. The fact of the matter is, welfare most often breeds DEPENDENCY. We have three or four generations now, of Americans who have established lifestyles dependent upon government assistance. They are not 'moving up' ...we have the relative same number of people in poverty as we had 70 years ago, when all this welfare entitlement mentality began. It's not HELPING the situation, it's HURTING the situation!
People in THIS country don't know what real POVERTY is! The "average" person in "poverty" in the US, has a TV, a car, a washer and dryer, an air conditioner, and at least one bathroom. Our "poor" people live better than some nations most WEALTHY! But the argument was NOT about how many poor people we have... we were discussing poor people overcoming the poverty to become successful... there are countless and ENDLESS examples of people who were born into abject poverty, with EVERY disadvantage, yet somehow managed to rise above their conditions to make something of themselves. Now, how the hell is that even possible, when you claim it's IMPOSSIBLE to do? I'll tell you how... you are just plain flat out WRONG!

ANYONE in this country... doesn't matter if they have a pot to piss in... CAN become successful! The 'system' is there, capitalism, free markets, free enterprise.. If you have the right idea, or if you have a certain skill or talent, or even if you are just passionately determined and committed to making a better life... it CAN be done here! That's why people are climbing over the top of each other to get into our country! We are the Land of Opportunity... I am sure you've heard that before.

But, guess what? I know of NOT ONE single example of ANYONE 'climbing out of poverty' because the government sent them a check! It does not happen! I know of NOT ONE single program paid for by government, that is solely responsible for ANY person's success, and I have never ONCE heard a successful person credit the federal assistance they receive, for their prosperity. It just never happens! People who escape the shackles of poverty, do so because they have the drive, determination, and ambition, and work HARD to succeed. NOT because we sent them more money in their gub'ment check!

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
"....I know of NOT..." The only lucid moment in Dixie's psychotic fantasy.

Dixie's myopic viewpoints coupled with his supposition and conjecture once again gives a false image of the world.

WWII produced the MOST gov't subsidized generations going. The airline industry WOULD NOT EXIST without gov't subsidy. Then there's corporate welfare......for those who are not insipidly stubborn and willfully ingnorant neocon wonks like Dixie, you get the point with these few examples.

Welfare saves people lives...and they do get back on their feet. Friend of mine was a bar tender.....she developed a medical condition that made it impossible to work, used up all her savings and what medical insurance she had (if the Healthcare Reform of today was active then, here situation would have been drastically better), lost her apartment. She had to go on welfare....thank God her Mom had room to take her in. Well, she was able to get well, get back on her feet and later became a successful co-owner of a nice bar/restaurant. She said to me, "I don't know WTF people are carrying on about welfare being a free ride....if my Mom didn't have room there'd have been no way I could have made it on welfare alone.

And there have been changes in the system:

Read Posts #15 and #16, which shows Dixie essentially pointing to the exception and NOT the rule.

Yes, it is the exception for any person to achieve great wealth. This is the case no matter what kind of 'welfare' system you have, or what you can do. The reason being, most people do not have the drive, determination, and ambition to become wealthy. They are content to be middle class, they are happy with mediocrity. BUT... for those who DO have such a desire, a free market capitalist system like we've enjoyed in America, provides that opportunity like no other system ever devised by man. It does not depend on your social standing at all, it depends on the determination you bring to the table, and how much you desire success. Additional welfare money, doesn't bestow this attribute on people! They either have it, or they don't!

Chicklet, you can repeat your same old tired worn out hag lines over and over, they do not apply to anything I have said here. If you believe that people will read your well-used rhetorical spewage and think you make some coherent point, you're more delusional than I presumed you to be. What I said, is the truth. If you wish to dispute what I said, give us the list of successful millionaires who attribute their fortunes to government assistance! Hell.... just give us ONE! Shouldn't be hard to do, if welfare breeds success, as you seem to think. The fact of the matter is, welfare most often breeds DEPENDENCY. We have three or four generations now, of Americans who have established lifestyles dependent upon government assistance. They are not 'moving up' ...we have the relative same number of people in poverty as we had 70 years ago, when all this welfare entitlement mentality began. It's not HELPING the situation, it's HURTING the situation!

Folks, notice that all our Dixie dunce does is IGNORE the example and link that I gave, and just continues to parrot the same old drivel born of ignorance and prejudice. Dixie thinks that jingoistic, cliched blatherings coupled with his supposition and conjecture is a substitute for facts and reality. But, as the chronology of the posts shows, Dixie is pitifully in error.
Folks, notice that all our Dixie dunce does is IGNORE the example and link that I gave, and just continues to parrot the same old drivel born of ignorance and prejudice. Dixie thinks that jingoistic, cliched blatherings coupled with his supposition and conjecture is a substitute for facts and reality. But, as the chronology of the posts shows, Dixie is pitifully in error.

Dixie dunce?

Is that a redundancy?
Folks, notice that all our Dixie dunce does is IGNORE the example and link that I gave, and just continues to parrot the same old drivel born of ignorance and prejudice. Dixie thinks that jingoistic, cliched blatherings coupled with his supposition and conjecture is a substitute for facts and reality. But, as the chronology of the posts shows, Dixie is pitifully in error.

Here's an excerpt from Chicklet's own link:

Worst fears didn't come true

When Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, conservatives celebrated and liberals screamed; three administration officials quit their jobs in protest. The act ended a 60-year-old federal guarantee of cash aid for the poor.

The law, modeled on state pilot programs begun in 1994 with federal approval, was intended to prod welfare mothers and fathers into the workplace with a series of carrots and sticks. Work, and you got help with child care, job training, transportation. Refuse, and you risked sanctions and being cut off by time limits.

A decade later, the worst fears of liberals haven't materialized. States did not enter what critics feared would be a money-saving "race to the bottom." Thousands of poor children did not wind up "sleeping on grates," as Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted.

Major employers hired thousands of welfare recipients. UPS hired 52,000; CVS/pharmacy hired 45,000, 60% of whom remain. Welfare offices have shed the look and language of their first 60 years for the aura of job-services agencies.

Nearly 70% of all single women are working, compared with 66% of married women, a reversal of the past. Single women's incomes have risen, thanks in part to the expansion of the earned income tax credit, a tax break of up to $4,400 for low-income workers. Child poverty rates have dropped, particularly among blacks and Hispanics. Teen pregnancies are down. Child support collections are up.

"Everything has worked," says conservative Douglas Besharov of the American Enterprise Institute. "Every critique one might have is about what could have gone better, not something that has gone poorly."

Chicklet proves the pinheads wrong again! Wow... Chicklet, you might want to consider switching parties, you do more to make conservative points than some conservatives!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Folks, notice that all our Dixie dunce does is IGNORE the example and link that I gave, and just continues to parrot the same old drivel born of ignorance and prejudice. Dixie thinks that jingoistic, cliched blatherings coupled with his supposition and conjecture is a substitute for facts and reality. But, as the chronology of the posts shows, Dixie is pitifully in error

Here's an excerpt from Chicklet's own link:

Worst fears didn't come true

When Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, conservatives celebrated and liberals screamed; three administration officials quit their jobs in protest. The act ended a 60-year-old federal guarantee of cash aid for the poor.

The law, modeled on state pilot programs begun in 1994 with federal approval, was intended to prod welfare mothers and fathers into the workplace with a series of carrots and sticks. Work, and you got help with child care, job training, transportation. Refuse, and you risked sanctions and being cut off by time limits.

A decade later, the worst fears of liberals haven't materialized. States did not enter what critics feared would be a money-saving "race to the bottom." Thousands of poor children did not wind up "sleeping on grates," as Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted.

Major employers hired thousands of welfare recipients. UPS hired 52,000; CVS/pharmacy hired 45,000, 60% of whom remain. Welfare offices have shed the look and language of their first 60 years for the aura of job-services agencies.

Nearly 70% of all single women are working, compared with 66% of married women, a reversal of the past. Single women's incomes have risen, thanks in part to the expansion of the earned income tax credit, a tax break of up to $4,400 for low-income workers. Child poverty rates have dropped, particularly among blacks and Hispanics. Teen pregnancies are down. Child support collections are up.

"Everything has worked," says conservative Douglas Besharov of the American Enterprise Institute. "Every critique one might have is about what could have gone better, not something that has gone poorly."

Chicklet proves the pinheads wrong again! Wow... Chicklet, you might want to consider switching parties, you do more to make conservative points than some conservatives!

:palm: And once again folks, our Dixie Dunce does the neocon shuffle of excerpting the parts of information that only agree with his myopic and biased viewpoint. Here's some more information from the same article that dopes like Dixie would rather pretend didn't exist:

..... More than half of those eligible for welfare payments don't get them — a sign, critics say, that the new system discourages people who need help from applying. "We now simply have a system that provides less help in times when people are without work," says Mark Greenberg, a liberal welfare expert at the Center for American Progress, a think tank.

• While welfare was trimmed, other parts of the nation's social safety net were expanding. The number of people receiving Medicaid and food stamps has soared by 50% since 2000. Medicaid is now the nation's largest entitlement program, with 53 million recipients; 25 million people get food stamps. That upsets conservatives who applauded welfare reform. "The bulk of the welfare system is exactly the way it was back in 1972," Rector says, "except that it's bigger and more expensive."

A need to 'skill them up'

In Kansas City, a team of civic leaders working with the state and county governments enjoyed success in the mid-1990s moving women from welfare to work. Caseloads declined by about 60%, leaving only about 6,000 families on welfare rolls.

In recent years, however, the state stopped subsidizing employers, making the program less inviting. State aid for work supports such as case managers has declined. The welfare caseload has held steady since 1999.

"I think we're back at the drawing board," says Marge Randle, family support director for the Kansas City regional office of the state Department of Social Services.

The state faces new pressure from Washington to move those remaining on welfare to work. Even parents who make the jump often remain mired in $6.50-an-hour jobs. That's a big step up from the average national welfare grant of $445 a month for a family of three. But until they double those wages, the gains they make are roughly offset by cuts in food stamps, health care, child care and energy assistance, which are based on income.

"We're punishing the people who won't work, and we're punishing the people who will work," says Berta Sailer, who helps run a child care and family services center for low-income Kansas City residents. The average income for a family of four in her program is $12,000, well below the federal poverty threshold of $19,307. "I think our moms really feel that they're headed nowhere," she says.

While a $6.50-an-hour job might have seemed like enough in 1996, it's insufficient today, officials agree. Clyde McQueen, president of the local Full Employment Council, a private non-profit corporation, stresses the importance of vocational education. In the 1990s, many of those on welfare who were placed easily in jobs had skills and experience, he says. Most of those who are left on the rolls have fewer skills and need education as well as job training. "Let's take the people who are non-skilled and skill them up for the jobs that are available," McQueen says.

Now as the chronology of the post shows, Dixie railed and wailed all the anti-welfare cliches that have been around since the late 1960's. I was the one that showed that the system was changing...but as the article points out, the eradication of welfare is hardly an option as the current improvements have a LOT of improvement to be made.

So once again, our Dixie Dunce just makes a fool of himself by regurgitating old mantras and right wingnut claptrap....while trying to dodge the FACT that the new teabagger congressional reps via Walsh are playing him for a SUCKER!
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