"The Temporary, 90 day Surge"

I feel like I am going to throw up. So, Bush is adopting Patraeus' "Drawback plan"???? These lackeys are just disgusting, and you want to tell me about the "liberal media"? When this "surge" was announced early this year, it was "temporary surge" of 90 days. Now, that temporary surge has been extended until next summer! and is being sold as a fucking "Drawback"

You tell me how you continue to swallow these lies and say that bush isn't a liar? My God, I just can't take it anymore, I really can't. I just cry in frustration because bush peddles it, the media says "YES SIR" and sells it, and the American people actually buy it! And the truth is right in front of their faces. don't you ever feel like he is laughing at you?

Bush to announce troop drawdown, officials say
Proposal mirrors Petraeus’ recommendation; general grilled by senators

WASHINGTON - As Senate Republicans sharply challenged President Bush’s top military general and ambassador in Iraq on Tuesday, administration officials said Bush would tell the nation this week he plans to reduce the American troop presence in Iraq by about 30,000 by next summer.

The cuts — in line with recommendations made Monday by Gen. David Petraeus — would be conditioned on continued progress in Iraq, officials told The Associated Press.

Petraeus endured a second day of tough questions on Capitol Hill as he briefed senators on a troop buildup begun months ago.


I feel like I am going to throw up. So, Bush is adopting Patraeus' "Drawback plan"???? These lackeys are just disgusting, and you want to tell me about the "liberal media"? When this "surge" was announced early this year, it was "temporary surge" of 90 days. Now, that temporary surge has been extended until next summer! and is being sold as a fucking "Drawback"


You, I, and virtually every liberal on this board knew months ago this was going to happen. We knew that the "surge" was a delay tactic, that bush was going to run out the clock, and pass his mess to the next president. And we said it.
The real fault lies directly at the feet of the American people.
Of course, instead of demanding the safeguards built into the social contract and only fighting wars that have been declared we wind up in messes like this one. Do you believe that 2/3 of the Senate would have voted for a Declaration?

The War Powers Act leaves these morons an 'out'... "I voted for it because I thought the President needed it for negotiation! I never thought he'd actually invade!" B.S., that is all one can say about that sorry-assed excuse, yet people still argue that it is true.

Demand that our government return to the agreement between states called the Constitution, much of these messes will go by the wayside. There was a reason that such protections were built into the document.