APP - The textbook economics of cap-and-trade

I did not arbitrarily assign it anywhere, but gave several examples. Government spending is usually inefficient and often counterproductive.

That's just an assumption you operate under.

And the profits don't go to the government anyway. Most of them go to regulated utilities, which means direct rate decreases for middle class families.
Your metaphor is not apt.

Economic predictions are wildly less accurate that geometry.

Additionally. Our people cannot withstand a "loss triangle" of any size, especially when the justification for the self inflicted wound, man made global warming, is a lie.

Do you have any idea what the loss triangle for protectionism is?
Well, RS, if you get to arbitrarily assign what part of the government the money goes to anywhere you want, I do too. And I say it reduces the debt, which reduces future taxes/increases future spending. PWNT.

you powned yourself on that want watergerber.:pke:
Globalization is an attempt to destroy america by making us dependant on foreign powers, who do not have the best interests of americans at heart.