The theory of everything Dude

This thread FTW... Seriously, this stuff rawks...

Damo, there's a forum that has just opened up a thread with a Q&A for Garret Lisi. He's had only a couple of questions asked so far, and its mainly over my head, but I have a question up there for him.

Its late, but hopefully I get an answer from him in the next day or so. I'll pm you the forum.
What a great story! I love this stuff, haven't got a clue about it but I still love to hear we're finding out things like this.

And not "Eureka" for this bloke - nope, "I thought: 'Holy crap, that's it!'" :D

Oh and BirdShit - you've got to be kidding..........
What a great story! I love this stuff, haven't got a clue about it but I still love to hear we're finding out things like this.

And not "Eureka" for this bloke - nope, "I thought: 'Holy crap, that's it!'" :D

Oh and BirdShit - you've got to be kidding..........

Same here Di, I wish I understood it better but its just not my area of understanding I also love to here about it though.
Hmm, its starting to look like this theory is actually not as complete or reasonable as it sounds. It is receiving a lot of scorn from the scientific community, and isn't getting any broad support.

Physics is a lot like politics, with certain camps adhering to certain theories and such and it can really get ugly. Dr. Lisi published his theory too soon I think.

Here's an interesting thread that is a Q&A for him, the last post is what I talk about when I say "scorn".
Looks like post #50 is the scorn, Garrett responded to it.

Well, apart from being impressed with the discussion I have to think that perhaps some of the scientific community is annoyed at the publicity he's getting. There, that's about the level of response I'm capable of because I sure as hell didn't have a clue what else was being discussed. Beefy, you're an egghead :clink: (that's said as a good thing, not a bad thing).
I've actually been following it, it is very interesting.

Yes, it really is. I think its starting to look like Lisi was premature in his release of the paper, and at best had an unfortunate title.

John Baez has an interesting say here, as well as Feranda.