The Titanic Didn't really sink

Titanic didn't sink? German u boat? I'd take the time to question if this is a joke, but I'm meeting Sasquatch in an hour, and we're heading for a tea party with the mad hatter.
Just one of the things I find ironic about this forum is the number of people promoting, "conspiracy theories" while claiming that there are no conspiracies.

A couple of the most ridiculous of them scream all day every day about Putin/Russia "colluding" with Trump to steal the election. What is that, if not a conspiracy? It should be obvious to even the two most shrill proponents of that theory that, "collusion" is used by the media to avoid the dreaded term, "conspiracy."

Then there are the people pointing out the "deep state" meaning, in this case, the FBI, CIA and other intelligence services, acting behind the scenes against Trump. Yet another conspiracy.

If you believe that there are no conspiracies, you'be been thoroughly brainwashed. But what you really mean is that the only legitimate conspiracies are the ones you, yourself believe in.
Just one of the things I find ironic about this forum is the number of people promoting, "conspiracy theories" while claiming that there are no conspiracies.

A couple of the most ridiculous of them scream all day every day about Putin/Russia "colluding" with Trump to steal the election. What is that, if not a conspiracy? It should be obvious to even the two most shrill proponents of that theory that, "collusion" is used by the media to avoid the dreaded term, "conspiracy."

Then there are the people pointing out the "deep state" meaning, in this case, the FBI, CIA and other intelligence services, acting behind the scenes against Trump. Yet another conspiracy.

If you believe that there are no conspiracies, you'be been thoroughly brainwashed. But what you really mean is that the only legitimate conspiracies are the ones you, yourself believe in.

There are plenty of conspiracies, but way too many are just hot air, and about as clear cut as anything seen in a fevered dream.
There are plenty of conspiracies, but way too many are just hot air, and about as clear cut as anything seen in a fevered dream.

So you say. But, for the most part, conspiracy theories are never examined by the people who rush to say, "tin foil hat, conspiracy theory!"

Jade Dragon made my point. There are conspiracies, but only the (unspecified) ones that he believes. The others are all just "fevered dreams."
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So you say. But, for the most part, conspiracy theories are never examined by the people who rush to say, "tin foil hat, conspiracy theory!"

Jade Dragon made my point. There are conspiracies, but only the (unspecified) ones that he believes. The others are all just "fevered dreams."

No I'm saying they're a waste of time, and energy. Even if you could prove something, you won't change that much, if anything really, and you'd have sinfully wasted time, and energy that's not only just your own. For someone that only cares so much about the secular world, it really isn't stuff that even blips on my radar.
"Sinfully" you say? Please keep your "sinfully" religious nonsense to yourself. Can you name any conspiracy theories you believe in? Can you identify any that you don't believe in? Or do you just indulge in sweeping generalization?
"Sinfully" you say? Please keep your "sinfully" religious nonsense to yourself. Can you name any conspiracy theories you believe in? Can you identify any that you don't believe in? Or do you just indulge in sweeping generalization?

I'll keep my religious away from you, if you keep your pretension with conspiracies away from me. Or do you still need to waste time thinking you are in the know of something, and somehow it makes you a one up on others, because of this stuff? Knowing something without basis is basically just thinking you know something. It's seethes with a sort of egotistic desperation.
conspiracy theories are never examined by the people who rush to say, "tin foil hat, conspiracy theory!"

If you're honest, CO, you will admit that I have taken 9/11 conspiracy theories seriously. For years I have examined what 'theorists' claim, checked their sources, if any, and tried to determine if there could be any truth in their speculations. As a result,
I probably know more about 9/11 conspiracy theories than most truthers.

My conclusion is: it's not just implausible, it's nigh on impossible. The bad guys could not have done it in any of the ways that truthers claim. But don't give up! They may have done it in some other way that truthers haven't thought of yet. ;)
Just one of the things I find ironic about this forum is the number of people promoting, "conspiracy theories" while claiming that there are no conspiracies.

I'm always amazed at the number of people who believe that the government is totally inept when it comes to things like health care, managing taxpayer funds, weeding out waste/fraud/abuse, efficiently providing mandated services, and/or operating at better than a kindergarten-class-full-of-sugar-crazed-kids level..... Yet that very same government is capable of cooking up amazingly complex conspiracies and keeping them covered up for decades, so that only a handful of intrepid bloggers know the real truth.