The Top 50 Most Beautiful British Insults

cancel2 2022

I'm not sure that no. 4 is British, no. 32 is spelt wassock not wazzock and no. 40 is daft as a brush not bush. Otherwise this guy knows his stuff!!

  1. Tosser – Supreme Asshole or jerk.
  2. Wanker – Idiot
  3. Slag – Whore, the worst kind
  4. Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys – The French
  5. Lost the plot – Gone crazy or completely stupid.
  6. Daft Cow – Dumb, large woman
  7. Arsehole – Asshole
  8. Barmy – Stupid or crazy.
  9. Chav – White Trash / Low Class
  10. Dodgy – Shady character
  11. Git – Moron, Idiot
  12. Gormless – Complete lack of common sense
  13. Manky – Disgusting
  14. Minger – Very unattractive woman
  15. Muppet – Dimwit (not the puppet variety)
  16. Naff – Tacky
  17. Nutter – Someone’s who’s clearly crazy
  18. Pikey – White trash – also used to slight Gypsies or Irish Travellers
  19. Pillock – Idiot
  20. Plonker – Idiot
  21. Prat - Idiot, asshole
  22. Scrubber – A nicer way to say slag
  23. Trollop – A lady of questionable morals
  24. Uphill Gardener – Another way of saying homosexual
  25. Twit – Idiot
  26. Knob Head – Dickhead
  27. Piss Off – Go Away
  28. Bell End – Dick Head (bell end also means penis)
  29. Lazy Sod – Useless idiot
  30. Skiver – Lazy sod
  31. Knob – Dick
  32. Wazzock – Someone so dumb they can only do manual labor (from Yorkshire)
  33. Ninny – Brilliant but inferior
  34. Berk – Idiot
  35. Airy-fairy – Not strong, weak.
  36. Ankle-biters – Children
  37. Arse-licker – A sycophant
  38. Arsemonger – A person that generate contempt.
  39. Chuffer – An annoying perfusion
  40. Daft as a bush – Silly, Crazy
  41. Dead from the neck up – Stupid.
  42. Gannet – Greedy person.
  43. Gone to the dogs – rotten, deteriorated
  44. Ligger – freeloader
  45. Like a dog with two dicks – Man whore
  46. Mad as a bag of ferrets – Crazy
  47. Maggot – A despicable person
  48. Mingebag – A bad person, an asshole who might be cheap.
  49. Not batting on a full wicket – Eccentric person a little crazy or odd.
  50. Plug-Ugly – Very Ugly person
see: spammer

i mean you are literally copy and pasting a list of 50 words, and you are too lazy to even change the title from the original article other than taking out a word or two. Im beginning to wonder if you are being paid to submit this stuff here.
There is a certain amount of wit associated with some Brit slang. I wonder if you remember the the term 'Bennies' used of the Falkland islanders by the Brit Pongos? Named after a mentally challenged youth in one of the soaps. The CO instructed the men not to use the term and that anyone heard referring to the islanders as Bennies would be severely punished.
Some time later, passing a group of soldiers the CO heard them refer to an islander as a 'still'. He asked, 'why do you call the Falkland Islanders 'stills'?' the answer was obvious. 'Because they are still Bennies even though we cannot say so.'
see: spammer

i mean you are literally copy and pasting a list of 50 words, and you are too lazy to even change the title from the original article other than taking out a word or two. Im beginning to wonder if you are being paid to submit this stuff here.

If you believe that then you are a bigger prat than I've already given you credit for, grow up.
I wonder if someone is going to pretend this doesn't have racial overtones.....

[TD="class: index"]
[TD="class: word"] Ligger
[TD="class: tools"]

[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"] An individual who attends parties, openings, social gatherings and events with the sole intention of obtaining free food and drink - an arch blagger. Popularised by the NME in the early nineties and possibly with it's entomological roots in the fishing term for "baited line".
"So who do you know at this party?"

"No-one, I'm just ligging."
