thanks for your testimony, dachshund dog. of course he's not fit.

the goal of the dems has been to make it to their national convention with no clear winner, or a prima facie horrible candidate. in the end the dnc can put up whoever they want in a brokered convention.

it's gonna be Hillary again. they are this delusional.

Yes, there's a strong possibility of that. It will be very interesting to see what transpires.
Exactly what is he "fixing" outside of giving himself a MASSIVE tax cut that lessened my tax refund and millions of others.

Educating you is a waste. If you need to be told about energy independence, tax cuts, the border, great justices, n Korea, iran , usmca, un reform, tariff reform, .......going against all the demoncrats and stopping travel from china in January and being called a racist for it. Just to name a few.

Btw most folks got tax relief.

I think with the Democrats the real power in all in the hands of relatively few people. These people are the professional Democratic establishment elite. They are typically business, media, tech and corporate millionaires and billionaires who want to maintain the centrist/moderate status quo within the Democratic political party. Why ? Because they have a sweet - heart relationship whereby they can pay to have party policy= in all sorts of different policy sectors - shaped the way they want it.


Much of the Democratic party has already gone hard left.The American public do not realise this. There are well over 200 so-called "progressive" Democrats in Congress at present. The Democrat left use the term "progressive" to describe the position of people like Elizabeth Warren, for example. To me, Warren is simply a" tax-and-spend", big- centralised - government socialist like Bernie Sanders. (You know - YIPPEE !!, everything is now officially free, don't worry about how we'll pay for it, that's a trivial concern, because everyone now loves everyone else).

I think the Democratic establishment has written off any hope of beating Trump in November; they are reconciled to the fact that there is no one they can put up who could defeat him. And they are correct. Also, the Democrats have had a very bad term in opposition, I think. They've launched constant, high-profile attacks on Trump (Mueller, the impeachment debacle, etc), but they've done nothing positive, just unleashed a non-stop torrent of bitterness, vindictiveness and raw hatred against the President. I think most reasonable members of the American public has noted this and been very unimpressed. On a personal note, I've honestly never seen such dirty and ugly politics in my life as I have since watching your politics (daily) after Trump won the 2016 election. I never knew that human beings could be so vicious and ruthless ( for instance, the way the Democrats tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh was disgusting - absolutely beyond the pale, I'd never seen anything quite like that before).

Anyway, as I was saying, the Democratic establishment has written of the election, what most concerned about is making sure that the Democratic nominee who loses to Trump is a centrist/moderate Democrat who will not split/fracture the Democratic Party. That's what would happen if Bernie Sanders won the Democrat nomination but lost the election to Trump, the Democratic Party would torn apart. Ideally, what the establishment wants is for whoever it is that loses to Trump to be a moderate who will maintain the status quo. Remember, even if s/he loses a Presidential election, it is etched in stone that the Democratic nominee then becomes the titular leader of of the party

At the moment, the moderate/centrist Democrat that the establishment seem to have backed in the race for nomination is Joe Biden. But that is just not going to work out for them because Biden has "had it" mentally. He has dementia and should not even be on the political playing field. I'm a former pharmacist and I note that the bastards have started dosing Biden with amphetamine to keep him sharp (rationally/cognitively) and gaffe-free for the time being One thing is for sure and that is that this is a desperate, short-term patch-up job. Biden will disappear from the political scene (permanently) in the relatively near future.

So, that's my take on things. I haven't mentioned Bernie Sanders but I know he has not a hope in hell of ever becoming a US President and I am 99% sure he will not win the Democratic nomination. As for Joe Biden, he's a dead man walking, he MIGHT win the Democrat nomination; after all, the establishment have spent a lot of their filthy lucre on him to date, but he's not a long- term proposition. He has to go, and that will happen in the near future.

I've heard the theory about how Hillary Clinton could end up taking on Trump in November. I am not American (Australian/English) so Hillary Clinton confuses me. I absolutely cannot stand the sight of her. As far as I am concerned she is a career criminal, a devious, pathological liar and a bitter and twisted bitch. I cannot understand why it is that she appeals to so many Americans ? She has been making noises for a long time now about making a comeback to take on Trump, so I think that if she were given the opportunity, she would definitely take it. Perhaps, you're right, - "Hillary 2020" !! (God help us).

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Funny how a non American can see in a look what the demonrat supporters can't in decades lol. Hillary is evil.
Exactly what is he "fixing" outside of giving himself a MASSIVE tax cut that lessened my tax refund and millions of others.

I thought you lefties believed the federal government needed more money.

What you really mean is they need more of someone else's money.

That picture looks like Truth Detector.
I am not an American. I have dual citizensip in Australia and the UK, and I spend 6 months of each year in Australia and 6 months in England. America and American politics have fascinated me for decades, and I follow political events in the US every day using the internet.

Donald Trump is, I think, the greatest American President to ever occupy the White House. His is a fighter, he has lots of guts and possesses razor-sharp political instincts and nous I admire him and I don't really care a toss about his penchant for "pussy grabbing" or other pecadilloes. ( Back in the 1980's during my rambunctious youth, I grabbed a pussy or two m'self and there were never any complaints ?) I don't think that his shagging Stormy Daniels was a legitimate Federal issue either. His decision to do that had no bearing on his role as President and how effectively he discharges the duties of his office. Morally speaking, it was, I think, the wrong thing to do, but that is all a matter for Trump to reconcile with his own conscience, it is no one elses business.

As I say, I'm a big Trump fan, and Democrats on this form will no doubt be appalled to hear that I order two MAGA T-Shits and a KAG cap from the US and now wear them with pride on the streets of Australia around where I live that Getting back to the political scene in the US at present, I would confidently predict that Donald Trump will win the Nov 2020 election and it is likely the Democrat will take an fearsome thrashing. I would not be surprised if the 2020 election results will resemble those of 1972 when the Democrat Presidential nominee, a liberal called George McGovern lost the election to Richard Nixon in what was the second biggest landslide in American history, with electoral college totals of 520 to 17 (!).

But that's not what this post is about, it's about the race for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination. I see that Bernie Sanders has recently lost a lot of momentum while Joe Biden is surging ahead in the contest for the Democratic nomination.. This, I think, is one of the most bewildering spectacles I have ever witnessed in any American election campaign. I don't mean Bernie Sanders losing his place as a front-runner in the race for the nomination, Sanders is a self-identified socialist and a hard-line, extreme socialist at that (what many average Americans would call a "communist"), the American electorate would not vote for a socialist in the Nov 2020 election. Secondly the professional Democratic establishment have used their money and influence (which is very considerable) to sabotage Sander's campaign. So it looks like it's "Good Night Vienna" as they say in the football, for Bolshevik Bernie. That no great great surprise. What bewilders me is Joe Biden. He is powering ahead because the "back room boys" of the professional Democratic establishment have backed him to win the nomination. That means they have decided to pour a lot of money and political influence into his run. What I cannot understand is why are they doing this when...BIDEN HAS DEMENTIA

Yes, Biden has dementia and you don't need to be a qualified psychiatrist or a register clinical psychologist to recognise the clear and unmistakable signs of Biden's cognitive decline: forgetfulness, impaired short-term memory, confusion and disorientation, agitation/aggression, difficulty with communicating, especially finding the right words to communicat, mood swings, emotional lability, inappropriate behaviours (like recently getting embroiled in a heated, expletive laden dispute with a Detroit auto worker about Biden's policy regarding the 2nd Amendment. I mean, you would expect that a factory worker might use profane language in an argument, but a senior politician, indeed, a former Vice President, should be above that kind of behaviour. He should be able to show some class maintain his equipoise and engage with his critic in a civil manner, not lower himself to the same level, as Biden did, by calling this worker a "horses ass" and telling him to "kiss my ass" and so on). I mean, Richard Nixon was a very clever guy, but he had a bad habit of swearing. The thing is he would never use foul language in public only in private when he was talking to a trusted confidant. As you know Nixon had the oval office wired up to record all of his conversations and many of his telephone calls. You can still listen to the tape recording on the internet. I think they're funny with the usually eloquent Nixon blowing fuse about the journalists at "The Washington Post" who were giving him bad press, were: "fucking cocksuckers", "fucking faggots and "pieces of shit", and how: "They better not fuck with me, Henry ( Nixon is talking to Henry Kissinger), coz I'm still the biggest fucking swingin' dick in this town !"

Biden screws up all the time, especially when he is giving speeches to supporters on the campaign trail, forgetting things that simply should not be forgotten like what state he is in, mistaking his sister for his daughter when they were standing beside him at a victory speech on "Super Tuesday", forgetting the words to Thomas Jefferson's famous passage in the Declaration of Independence that starts: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that..." if you're an American politician , being unable to remember the words to that verse is not just bad, it means, in all likelihood, your cognitive faculties have already started to degenerate.

The left media laugh of Biden's increasing number of embarrassing verbal cock-ups and would have you believe that they are simply amusing, trivial "gaffes" that have always been an endearing feature of Biden's personality.. They are not. The media are trying to deceive the public into believing that there is no serious problem. But they are lying because any cogent adult can see that Biden is afflicted with the symptoms of a real mental disorder, namely, dementia - a decline in cognitive functioning; - a brain disorder that progressively worsens.

On a personal note I find it all very sad. When I say Biden has dementia and that is a fact, I am not seeking to mock or criticise him, even though I am a conservative and Joe Biden is well known to have been involved in a string of corrupt business dealings whilst serving in the Obama administration. Despite all of this he is a man who has given decades of service to his country and his life deserves to honoured and respected. The Democratic Party needs to have the honesty to admit Joe Biden is not just slowing down a bit with age (he is currently 77 years old), but that he is in obvious and debilitating mental decline.

He is not medically fit to be President.

If it's fair to talk about Bernie Sander's heart attack and Bloomberg's stents, then it's fair to talk about Biden's brain. It is something of a disservice to the nation not to.

This isn't really about heading the Democratic ticket, it's about leading the nation. A Presidential candidate should be able to discharge the duties of the Presidency and it is obvious that Joe Biden's cognitive capacities are diminished to the point where he could not competently execute the gruelling demands of the US Presidency (I cannot think of a more stressful, high-pressure, exhausting, complex, emotionally and rationally challenging role).

This is not about age. Bernie Sanders and Bloomberg are 78 years old, a year older than Biden and both of them are clearly not afflicted with any kind of diminished cognitive function. Their mental faculties are all intact and if elected they could mentally handle the Presidency. Likewise Elizabeth Warren (who has recently dropped out of the race), although I disagree with her politics, at the age of 70 has all of her intellectual faculties intact.

But Biden doesn't. He should not be the Democratic Presidential nominee, and the obvious efforts by the professional Democratic establishment to hand him the nomination should stop. There is no doubt that Democratic establishment elites have put the fix in for Biden. The Democratic Party's "back room boys" have put their money on Biden. It's hrad to understand why they would do this. Somehow they hate Bernie Sanders, Bloomberg and Trump so much they'd rather go with a man whose mind is disintegrating with the text book symptoms of dementia. Or is it that there is only one Democratic establistment (centrist/moderate) candidate and the Professional Democratic establishment has selected him But that candidate is well past his prime and his eccentricities are snowballing into the unspoken theme of his campaign.

I cannot fathom the Democratic establishment's move to back Biden. For Christ's sake, the man is out on his feet. I can see it, you can see it, my pet Dachshund can see it, any rational adult member of the American electorate can see it. Look at his eyes they're Joe Frasier after he copped haymakesr from Mohammed Ali in Zaire during the World boxing Championship in 1974 (The legendary "Rumble in the Jungle"). Biden's not always there, he often "off with the pixies." And in a situation like this you DON'T push them forward into the hurly-burley in order to achieve your political ends, you put you arm around them and you get them help. Empathy and concern for Joe Biden don't express themselves as support for his decades-long ambition to be President of the United States. Rather, they manifest as a desire to protect him and the nation from the degrading of his intellectual faculties.

Joe Biden has dementia, he deserves the honour and care of a grateful nation, NOT the callous exploitation and manipulation of the faceless power-brokers in the professional Democratic establishment who really run the Democratic party.


If you really believe what you posted, maybe you ought to take Trump. and bring him home with you.
I would love to have Trump as my Prime Minister in Oz !! You Americans don't know how lucky you are to have him !! Trump's a "doer" and a winner, he gets things done; he's not a dithering, spineless jellyfish like most our our politicians. In his first term to date Trump has done a LOT for you guys and you should be grateful, while the Democrats have done NOTHING for the people of America - ZERO !!. They've just been obsessed with cooking up dirty (political) schemes to try and bring Trump down ANY way that they could, because they are so bitter and twisted about losing the 2016 election. But in the end the good guys always win, and the nasty, vicious little people who attack them go down ! And I don't think I've ever seen people so full of hate and bad will as "prayerful" Nancy Pelosi or that revolting slimebag, Adam Schiff, to name but two examples of pure malice in human form from the Democratic Rogue's gallery.


I don't have to do anything to prove it, your ignorant posts, will attest to your stupidity.

How ironic. You make a claim based on something for which you have absolutely no knowledge then call me ignorant.

Fucking stupid nigger.