This thread is going to be comedy gold
Im an issues guy.
trump is the only anti- deep state, anti-globalist stupidity candidate.
and you're still just a globalist imbecile anti-human.
they're better at cheating.
cheater cheater, pumpkin eater.
They must not be that good at cheating if they lost seats (probably a little over 20) and lost control of the House.
Maybe that is how the Republicans won the House.
I can't remember everything that the idiot posts, but has AssHat ALWAYS been a full-blown Trump cock-holster?
maybe. how can we make voting more secure, not lesss?
Donald trump suggested going to all paper ballots.
computers cannot be secured in a publicly verifiable fashion.
trump is the real deal on election security.
not someone who just wants to trust some corporation to count it.
Remember in 2000, when trump and other Republicans made fun of Democrats for suggesting we always have paper receipts?
Address any real problems. We can never solve problems if we are trying to go after non-existent claims or accusations with no evidence.
I would start with voter registration. Applicants would have to submit proof of citizenship. Now, all you have to do is check the citizenship box and you get registered. There is no evidence of illegals voting but there is evidence of legal resident noncitizens being registered.
I don't have a problem with voter ID although voter impersonation is seldom an issue. I have found no evidence of voter suppression. My state has voter ID and we still get the lame accusations of fraud.
I have worked at the polls and it is very hard to cheat. You have to have special paper, technical markings or bar code on the ballot or the machine does not count it. Then, you need multiple ballot designs because in the same county people live in different districts for U. S. House, state house, state senate, and multiple judicial and county offices.
Isn't that fascinating? I have lived in and voted in two states -- Missouri and Michigan. I have never, ever *not* had to show photo ID when voting. This is just more proof that the RW is far more interested in crying about fraud than actually proving that it's an issue, and fixing that issue.
What happens when you've managed to convince most of your voters that fraud is so rampant that their candidates don't stand a chance?
The morning after the 2022 election our JPP conspiracy theorists were already claiming Democrats cheated. This was strange since Republicans picked up about 20+ seats, won control of the House, and won the national popular vote total. The worst they did was to possibly lose one Senate seat.
One more excuse, in a long list of excuses, to keep people away from the voting booth.
Can you document a single instance wherein computer vote tabulations were wrong.
Can you find a single instance where a hand count of electronic ballots was materially wrong?
Your personal opinion is meaningless. I asked you to document any issues regarding electronic voting. but you cant.
Its only about keeping people from voting, nothing else.