The Truth: All Muslims In The West Should Die.


OR AT LEAST DEPORT THEM ALL!!! There are too many reasons why to go into. Besides, why go through all that trouble for something that will probably just get deleted anyway. But I will give you some reasons. First, islam is a religion of violence. Mohammed personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. And for most muslims, their religion IS their government.

Next, muslims are liars. I remember hearing of one story from what I think was the koran where some followers of mohammed asked him if it was ok to lie to a person that mohammed wanted dead. So that they could more easily kill him. Mohammed said it was ok. From what I saw in looking things up, apparently there are other teachings that says it is ok for a muslim to lie to a non believer. Also, in the Koran 3:54 it says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And in the Koran 7:99 it says, "no one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish." So if any muslim tells you anything that you might like hearing, DON"T BELIEVE THEM!

Next, muslims are all fags. (Violent ones, I'll grant you) They may say that they are against homosexuality. But that is only in the case of anal intercourse. Sucking dick is ok. It's no wonder that is isn't unusual to see two muslim men out in public in a muslim country walking along and holding hands. Also, many still practice pederasty. Just like in ancient Rome and Greece. Being a pedophile is also ok. Mohammed himself married a girl who was 6 years old. But to his "credit," he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Next, muslims often treat their women like cattle. Many even cut off the clits of girls. Also, I have heard of instances of muslim men here in the U.S. murdering their daughters for acting "Western." Also, since Sweden started letting muslim invaders in, rapes there have gone up by 1490%!!! I will show you some aftermath pictures of assaults on White women in Europe by muslim scum.



You might also find this video informative. It shows what some muslim nigger invaders in France did. At the end, from what I hear, the one nigger said "Your women belong to us!" But I don't know. Because I don't speak French. But it doesn't matter.


You might also want to consider what this run of the mill piece of shit sand nigger had to say. And not speaking to Whity, I doubt if he was lying.


But do you know who the worst of all is? You white faggot pieces of shit who think that peace is the way. The price you are willing to pay for "peace" is far more than any sane person could be expected to endure.
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I agree. We should keep religious people out of the United States.
Now, I have made a Proposal, but it hasn't gained much traction. Here, let me run it by you.
We have like a Coliseum, where we pit the Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others Cults against each other. It's Live and also goes on Pay-TV. Course, there's the usual concessions of Beer and Peanuts. People could gamble on the outcome. There could even be Favorites, you know, like Moses the Jew, John the Christian, Malik the Muslim, and so on. Different nights would be different stuff, like some nights it's just hand to hand gang fights, other nights would be chains and clubs, others would be swords and those balls with the spikes in them. It would be a Money-Maker, and everybody would have a pretty good time.

OR AT LEAST DEPORT THEM ALL!!! There are too many reasons why to go into. Besides, why go through all that trouble for something that will probably just get deleted anyway. But I will give you some reasons. First, islam is a religion of violence. Mohammed personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. And for most muslims, their religion IS their government.

Next, muslims are liars. I remember hearing of one story from what I think was the koran where some followers of mohammed asked him if it was ok to lie to a person that mohammed wanted dead. So that they could more easily kill him. Mohammed said it was ok. From what I saw in looking things up, apparently there are other teachings that says it is ok for a muslim to lie to a non believer. Also, in the Koran 3:54 it says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And in the Koran 7:99 it says, "no one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish." So if any muslim tells you anything that you might like hearing, DON"T BELIEVE THEM!

Next, muslims are all fags. (Violent ones, I'll grant you) They may say that they are against homosexuality. But that is only in the case of anal intercourse. Sucking dick is ok. It's no wonder that is isn't unusual to see two muslim men out in public in a muslim country walking along and holding hands. Also, many still practice pederasty. Just like in ancient Rome and Greece. Being a pedophile is also ok. Mohammed himself married a girl who was 6 years old. But to his "credit," he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Next, muslims often treat their women like cattle. Many even cut off the clits of girls. Also, I have heard of instances of muslim men here in the U.S. murdering their daughters for acting "Western." Also, since Sweden started letting muslim invaders in, rapes there have gone up by 1490%!!! I will show you some aftermath pictures of assaults on White women in Europe by muslim scum.



You might also find this video informative. It shows what some muslim nigger invaders in France did. At the end, from what I hear, the one nigger said "Your women belong to us!" But I don't know. Because I don't speak French. But it doesn't matter.


You might also want to consider what this run of the mill piece of shit sand nigger had to say. And not speaking to Whity, I doubt if he was lying.


But do you know who the worst of all is? You white faggot pieces of shit who think that peace is the way. The price you are willing to pay for "peace" is far more than any sane person could be expected to endure.

every person buried here is worth more than all of you idiot racists put together

and yes that includes all the Muslim soldiers who fought and died for this nation
OR AT LEAST DEPORT THEM ALL!!! There are too many reasons why to go into. Besides, why go through all that trouble for something that will probably just get deleted anyway. But I will give you some reasons. First, islam is a religion of violence. Mohammed personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. And for most muslims, their religion IS their government.

Next, muslims are liars. I remember hearing of one story from what I think was the koran where some followers of mohammed asked him if it was ok to lie to a person that mohammed wanted dead. So that they could more easily kill him. Mohammed said it was ok. From what I saw in looking things up, apparently there are other teachings that says it is ok for a muslim to lie to a non believer. Also, in the Koran 3:54 it says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And in the Koran 7:99 it says, "no one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish." So if any muslim tells you anything that you might like hearing, DON"T BELIEVE THEM!

Next, muslims are all fags. (Violent ones, I'll grant you) They may say that they are against homosexuality. But that is only in the case of anal intercourse. Sucking dick is ok. It's no wonder that is isn't unusual to see two muslim men out in public in a muslim country walking along and holding hands. Also, many still practice pederasty. Just like in ancient Rome and Greece. Being a pedophile is also ok. Mohammed himself married a girl who was 6 years old. But to his "credit," he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Next, muslims often treat their women like cattle. Many even cut off the clits of girls. Also, I have heard of instances of muslim men here in the U.S. murdering their daughters for acting "Western." Also, since Sweden started letting muslim invaders in, rapes there have gone up by 1490%!!! I will show you some aftermath pictures of assaults on White women in Europe by muslim scum.



You might also find this video informative. It shows what some muslim nigger invaders in France did. At the end, from what I hear, the one nigger said "Your women belong to us!" But I don't know. Because I don't speak French. But it doesn't matter.


You might also want to consider what this run of the mill piece of shit sand nigger had to say. And not speaking to Whity, I doubt if he was lying.


But do you know who the worst of all is? You white faggot pieces of shit who think that peace is the way. The price you are willing to pay for "peace" is far more than any sane person could be expected to endure.

poor goyim
OR AT LEAST DEPORT THEM ALL!!! There are too many reasons why to go into. Besides, why go through all that trouble for something that will probably just get deleted anyway. But I will give you some reasons. First, islam is a religion of violence. Mohammed personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. And for most muslims, their religion IS their government.

Next, muslims are liars. I remember hearing of one story from what I think was the koran where some followers of mohammed asked him if it was ok to lie to a person that mohammed wanted dead. So that they could more easily kill him. Mohammed said it was ok. From what I saw in looking things up, apparently there are other teachings that says it is ok for a muslim to lie to a non believer. Also, in the Koran 3:54 it says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And in the Koran 7:99 it says, "no one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish." So if any muslim tells you anything that you might like hearing, DON"T BELIEVE THEM!

Next, muslims are all fags. (Violent ones, I'll grant you) They may say that they are against homosexuality. But that is only in the case of anal intercourse. Sucking dick is ok. It's no wonder that is isn't unusual to see two muslim men out in public in a muslim country walking along and holding hands. Also, many still practice pederasty. Just like in ancient Rome and Greece. Being a pedophile is also ok. Mohammed himself married a girl who was 6 years old. But to his "credit," he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Next, muslims often treat their women like cattle. Many even cut off the clits of girls. Also, I have heard of instances of muslim men here in the U.S. murdering their daughters for acting "Western." Also, since Sweden started letting muslim invaders in, rapes there have gone up by 1490%!!! I will show you some aftermath pictures of assaults on White women in Europe by muslim scum.



You might also find this video informative. It shows what some muslim nigger invaders in France did. At the end, from what I hear, the one nigger said "Your women belong to us!" But I don't know. Because I don't speak French. But it doesn't matter.


You might also want to consider what this run of the mill piece of shit sand nigger had to say. And not speaking to Whity, I doubt if he was lying.


But do you know who the worst of all is? You white faggot pieces of shit who think that peace is the way. The price you are willing to pay for "peace" is far more than any sane person could be expected to endure.

Your trolling is prepubscent at best. Go find a life, kiddo.
OR AT LEAST DEPORT THEM ALL!!! There are too many reasons why to go into. Besides, why go through all that trouble for something that will probably just get deleted anyway. But I will give you some reasons. First, islam is a religion of violence. Mohammed personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. And for most muslims, their religion IS their government.

Next, muslims are liars. I remember hearing of one story from what I think was the koran where some followers of mohammed asked him if it was ok to lie to a person that mohammed wanted dead. So that they could more easily kill him. Mohammed said it was ok. From what I saw in looking things up, apparently there are other teachings that says it is ok for a muslim to lie to a non believer. Also, in the Koran 3:54 it says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And in the Koran 7:99 it says, "no one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish." So if any muslim tells you anything that you might like hearing, DON"T BELIEVE THEM!

Next, muslims are all fags. (Violent ones, I'll grant you) They may say that they are against homosexuality. But that is only in the case of anal intercourse. Sucking dick is ok. It's no wonder that is isn't unusual to see two muslim men out in public in a muslim country walking along and holding hands. Also, many still practice pederasty. Just like in ancient Rome and Greece. Being a pedophile is also ok. Mohammed himself married a girl who was 6 years old. But to his "credit," he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Next, muslims often treat their women like cattle. Many even cut off the clits of girls. Also, I have heard of instances of muslim men here in the U.S. murdering their daughters for acting "Western." Also, since Sweden started letting muslim invaders in, rapes there have gone up by 1490%!!! I will show you some aftermath pictures of assaults on White women in Europe by muslim scum.



You might also find this video informative. It shows what some muslim nigger invaders in France did. At the end, from what I hear, the one nigger said "Your women belong to us!" But I don't know. Because I don't speak French. But it doesn't matter.


You might also want to consider what this run of the mill piece of shit sand nigger had to say. And not speaking to Whity, I doubt if he was lying.


But do you know who the worst of all is? You white faggot pieces of shit who think that peace is the way. The price you are willing to pay for "peace" is far more than any sane person could be expected to endure.

Oh god not another moron Stormfronter!

Someone had better remind this idiot to breath before we lose another one.
That is the general kind of response I have come to expect from some cultist who has no justification for the cult they follow. "Screw facts! Just insult!"

Don’t forget to breath. You’ll have to forgive us folks here at JPP.

We have certain standards here. One being that we don’t get involved in a battle of wits with defenseless individuals like you.

Now don’t forget to breath.
I agree. We should keep religious people out of the United States.
Now, I have made a Proposal, but it hasn't gained much traction. Here, let me run it by you.
We have like a Coliseum, where we pit the Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others Cults against each other. It's Live and also goes on Pay-TV. Course, there's the usual concessions of Beer and Peanuts. People could gamble on the outcome. There could even be Favorites, you know, like Moses the Jew, John the Christian, Malik the Muslim, and so on. Different nights would be different stuff, like some nights it's just hand to hand gang fights, other nights would be chains and clubs, others would be swords and those balls with the spikes in them. It would be a Money-Maker, and everybody would have a pretty good time.

Just stop with the nonsense. :rolleyes:
Just stop with the nonsense. :rolleyes:

TD. Think about it. The Muslims could be screaming "Allahu Akbar", and then race into the center to kill the Infidels. The Christians could respond with "Jesus is Love", then rush forward with "Kill the Bastards!". The Jews would be led by Guno and charge forth with "Moses is the Shepard", kill the Canaanites. They meet in the middle and start bludgeoning each other. Who's God is the Greatest???
Each week it would be a different contest. Of course, like European Soccer hooligans, there would be 'Religious Hooligans' that would form and hang outside the Coliseum and beat up others on their way out, but that would all be part of the hype and fun.
Think of it. Drinking Beer, eating peanuts, watching the Cultists smash each others heads in with rocks and bats and those metal balls with the spikes in them. That would be a good way to pass a Friday night. Just good clean family fun.
OR AT LEAST DEPORT THEM ALL!!! There are too many reasons why to go into. Besides, why go through all that trouble for something that will probably just get deleted anyway. But I will give you some reasons. First, islam is a religion of violence. Mohammed personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. And for most muslims, their religion IS their government.

Next, muslims are liars. I remember hearing of one story from what I think was the koran where some followers of mohammed asked him if it was ok to lie to a person that mohammed wanted dead. So that they could more easily kill him. Mohammed said it was ok. From what I saw in looking things up, apparently there are other teachings that says it is ok for a muslim to lie to a non believer. Also, in the Koran 3:54 it says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And in the Koran 7:99 it says, "no one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish." So if any muslim tells you anything that you might like hearing, DON"T BELIEVE THEM!

Next, muslims are all fags. (Violent ones, I'll grant you) They may say that they are against homosexuality. But that is only in the case of anal intercourse. Sucking dick is ok. It's no wonder that is isn't unusual to see two muslim men out in public in a muslim country walking along and holding hands. Also, many still practice pederasty. Just like in ancient Rome and Greece. Being a pedophile is also ok. Mohammed himself married a girl who was 6 years old. But to his "credit," he didn't consummate the marriage until she was 9.

Next, muslims often treat their women like cattle. Many even cut off the clits of girls. Also, I have heard of instances of muslim men here in the U.S. murdering their daughters for acting "Western." Also, since Sweden started letting muslim invaders in, rapes there have gone up by 1490%!!! I will show you some aftermath pictures of assaults on White women in Europe by muslim scum.



You might also find this video informative. It shows what some muslim nigger invaders in France did. At the end, from what I hear, the one nigger said "Your women belong to us!" But I don't know. Because I don't speak French. But it doesn't matter.


You might also want to consider what this run of the mill piece of shit sand nigger had to say. And not speaking to Whity, I doubt if he was lying.


But do you know who the worst of all is? You white faggot pieces of shit who think that peace is the way. The price you are willing to pay for "peace" is far more than any sane person could be expected to endure.

You voted for trump didn't ya? All the racist and bigoted shitheads did.
TD. Think about it. The Muslims could be screaming "Allahu Akbar", and then race into the center to kill the Infidels. The Christians could respond with "Jesus is Love", then rush forward with "Kill the Bastards!". The Jews would be led by Guno and charge forth with "Moses is the Shepard", kill the Canaanites. They meet in the middle and start bludgeoning each other. Who's God is the Greatest???
Each week it would be a different contest. Of course, like European Soccer hooligans, there would be 'Religious Hooligans' that would form and hang outside the Coliseum and beat up others on their way out, but that would all be part of the hype and fun.
Think of it. Drinking Beer, eating peanuts, watching the Cultists smash each others heads in with rocks and bats and those metal balls with the spikes in them. That would be a good way to pass a Friday night. Just good clean family fun.
