Loyal to the end
This guy looks like a child molester:
Last edited by a moderator:
Two edited posts, yet no thread closure? Damo, you are getting soft!!
Last edited by Damocles; Today at 05:25 PM. Reason: Since you don't know where to draw the line, I am drawing it for you.
Maineman needs tweezers.I suggest the red one for this these fellows.
Apparently you need tweezers as well.SM may need something below the red ones size.
Apparently you need tweezers as well.
its funnier than you think fella.
Too funny. Ok, I'll quit playing now.
Apparently you two enjoy the same self-pleasuring techniques, perhaps with each other as well.
its funnier than you think fella.
OMG!! I just saw this one. You need tweezer, Desh?? lmao!
No response to 339 I see. The Southern Man is not surprised. *shrug*southern "man" exhibits all the maturity of a twelve year old boy. It's no wonder that the conservatives on here have cut him loose.
No response to 339 I see. The Southern Man is not surprised. *shrug*