Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Sooooo....you're in the gun ban mob, amirite?So Ruger is a good choice for a mass murderer? is cheaper than the others. Sometimes killers need to be frugal.

Sooooo....you're in the gun ban mob, amirite?So Ruger is a good choice for a mass murderer? is cheaper than the others. Sometimes killers need to be frugal.
Dude, quote my post and you'll see you are wrong again. I prefer the 7.62X39 over a .223. Obviously there are other calibers, but my 30-06 bolt action Springfield is too unwieldy in the house or the brush....especially with bayonet attached. Same for my 8mm Mauser.
An AK-47 is great for both home defense and hunting hogs in the brush.
Care to make a wager on your false accusations, bob?
Dude, quote my post and you'll see you are wrong again. I prefer the 7.62X39 over a .223. Obviously there are other calibers, but my 30-06 bolt action Springfield is too unwieldy in the house or the brush....especially with bayonet attached. Same for my 8mm Mauser.
An AK-47 is great for both home defense and hunting hogs in the brush.
Care to make a wager on your false accusations, bob?
Do you even know the type of firearm in the picture?
Thinking he is getting you confused with something I posted, dude cannot keep straight who said what and is too lazy to check before posting.
Speaking of home defense, inside I will grab my Glock G22 if the middle of the night, will do the job in close confines, if I step outside in the middle of the night I usually grab an AR, depending on which is out of the safe at the time, there is always one at hand just in case, sometimes it happens to be the AK sometimes it is something else. While I do keep most of my firearms in the safe, most get rotated in and out and are placed around the house for ease of access, the only time I place all but one away is when the grandkids or other children visit, safety first.
yeah, it's a "Chickenshit Fatboy Pretend Bad Ass Special" Isn't that the one you carry around as a penis-extender when you go to the Bounce House?
Bob confuses easily. That's why I don't worry about his off-the-wall posts; he's obviously suffering age-related ailments and me antagonizing him like he does others won't do any good.
I admit my go-to weapon is a 1911 .45. The AKs are back up. All have green laser sights good out to 100m in daylight. One has a scope along with the laser.
I was burned pretty bad by the Obama gun crisis of 2013. Once it settled down a bit, I started stocking up on weapons and bulk ammo. Others enjoy the hobby of reloading and precision shooting, but I have other hobbies so it's a matter of preference. My preference is common ammo, nothing exotic, mostly JHPs or SP rifle ammo even though I have spam cans of 7.62X39 and X54R. 9mm, .45 and .22 round out my most common ammo. I also have .38/.357 for the wheelguns but not enough to go to the range much without resupply.
For a hobby, I do have a small collection of WW1/WWII bolt-action battle rifles and the ammo for them. Any doubt the gun grabbers want to ban those "weapons of war" too? They're probably the only firearms I have that might have killed someone.
Oh, I know that, as do most.
I have a 1911, Kimber, and love the thing, and was never a huge Glock fan until I got my G17 and I realized they were darn good handguns. The G22 is a .40cal which is close to the 45 ACP in power and I get twice as many rounds in the standard mag, there is a reason so many LEO's carry them.
You and most everyone else, I saw single 30rd mags going for over $100. Yeup, started stocking up the second the ban was dropped, I am good to go now, two Ammo Can Safes full, plus a footlocker full of SC shells. I do not really get into the reloading thing, my neighbor is Big on it and will make me whatever I want if I supply the materials, he gets all my spent brass so it works out well for him.
No time for hobbies these days, though I do collect blades, have near 200 total now, every once in a while I just have to have another something special, and I use them all because that is what they are for. I have two real swords, a huge range of fixed and folding knives, along with machetes, axes and tomahawks, hey it is just what I like and I never leave the house without at least one and sometimes more, they are the handiest tool there is.
Nothing against Glocks. I have a G17 myself. Thousands of cops can't be wrong.
Still, I don't plan on getting into a gun battle with police, insurgents or even nutjobs in the supermarket. My carry gun is a S&W M&P Shield with the shorter magazine, 6+1 although I never carry it with one in the chamber. That's enough for me since, unlike the cops, in the King Sooper situation my priority is to drag my wife and anyone else who wants to come along out the back fucking door where I'll be happy to cover the exit as everyone else runs for the police quickly followed by myself.
I love lefties that are never too busy to impart all their knowledge and list the firearms they may or may not own.
Cool, as I said I was not a fan until I owned one, My favorite of all is an old design like the 1911, and think if I had to pick just one gun to shoot it would be my CZ75B, Warning never pick one up at a gun counter or show unless you are ready to buy it, they fit like gloves you had custom made, reliable as sin and dead on accurate. For everyday carry in public I have a Bersa 9cc, like a small Glock that they never really made, and a plain old Ruger 9 LCP Pro, carry a seven round mag with a 9 round mag backup, the 9 round mag makes the grip far better but sticks out too much and prints.
Same here on a active shooter, especially one where I am outgunned, get People out and only engage the shooter if he goes after them trying to leave, then all bets are off and you take your chances.
Are you one of the Confused that believes only Conservatives own firearms and have as much experience and knowledge as they claim they have? Really???
I always find that hilarious because the right loves to talk about how it is Lefties that do all the shooting but at the same time claim the Lefties supposedly don't own guns.![]()
I think he's a kid; no more than a 20something. OTOH, maybe he just thinks and writes like one.
The far righties say the same thing about religion; as if all the believers in the US are RWers....not that they ever act like a devout Christian.![]()
The bigger the signature, the smaller the penis.