The U.N.’s Prize


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newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.

Forget media newspeak about funding, or not funding, the wall for a few days and keep your eye on the U.N.’s prize:


They lied.

For months proponents of the UN Migration Pact told us that the pact was non-binding. The response to the many citizens of nation states worldwide having signed country specific petitions was that it was non-binding so there was nothing to worry about, it was going to be good.

The immensely opposed and disastrous document declares unlimited migration to be treated as a human right, thereby deprecating the term ‘illegal migrants’, and criminalises any criticism of migration as hate speech.

The points that raised alarm for most was that it seeks to eliminate all forms of dissent. Media organisations for example, should they criticise anything to do with migration would lose access to state funding. People would be labelled as racists or guilty of hate speech which will now be criminalised. This pact will literally erase our borders.

The question I’ve been asking is if the countries that refused to sign, are they still bound to it being members of the UN. Most people were of the mind that it would only affect the signatories.

Now we know. In a frank exchange with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr. Hebner of the AfD drew out an admission that it is, in fact, legally binding. As well, that it will be adopted as rule for all UN Member states once enacted.

Mr. Hebner asks: “You can see for yourself clearly that during the conference, the spokesperson for Morocco emphasised that the agreement was legally binding. He said clearly, in a literal sense, that there is a corresponding legal bond for all nations taking part as well as an obligation of implementation. You and your delegation did not raise a single word of objection to that statement but idly accepted it. I would like to emphasise that the parliamentary motion was not presented at the conference. “

Ms. Merkel’s response not only confirmed what we at Voice of Europe have been suspecting all along, the claim it is indeed binding, but that once voted and accepted it will be valid for all:

“So then, during the UN General Assembly next week, the pact will once again be up for debate and a decision will be made on whether to accept it. At this time, a member state can demand a vote. When two-thirds of the represented countries agree then it is valid for all. That’s how majority decision-making works.”

They lied: The UN Migration Pact IS legally binding and could be valid FOR ALL countries
By Laura Cat 15 December 2018
There are people who can live their entire lives and be happier than a dog with two dicks- while never helping a soul ever!

And then there are responsible, moral, and caring people!

The same thing can be said of nations!
There are people who can live their entire lives and be happier than a dog with two dicks- while never helping a soul ever!

And then there are responsible, moral, and caring people!

The same thing can be said of nations!

To Adolf_Twitler: And there are people and nations whose caring must be bought and paid for with tax dollars. They are called parasites.
The UN Migration pact is non-binding. No UN institution besides the security council has any ability to make a legally binding commitment. Cry more.
To Adolf_Twitler: And there are people and nations whose caring must be bought and paid for with tax dollars. They are called parasites.

Immigrants are an investment, when in history has this investment not paid off and those immigrants not contributed much to society that was not there previously? The actual spending on immigrants is minimal, literally you are flipping out over smidgens.
We will no longer surrender our nation to the false song of globalism.

We never did, we occupy the planet militarily and war constantly, and we advertised our disdain for human rights. We also should surrender the false song of global rule by american militarism.
The UN Migration pact is non-binding. No UN institution besides the security council has any ability to make a legally binding commitment. Cry more.

To You thought it was: Did you miss this?

“So then, during the UN General Assembly next week, the pact will once again be up for debate and a decision will be made on whether to accept it. At this time, a member state can demand a vote. When two-thirds of the represented countries agree then it is valid for all. That’s how majority decision-making works.”

Merkel is talking about Europe, but she means every U.N. member state:

Immigrants are an investment, when in history has this investment not paid off and those immigrants not contributed much to society that was not there previously? The actual spending on immigrants is minimal, literally you are flipping out over smidgens.

To You thought it was: Put some work in on distinctions.

1. Legal immigrants who come here to become Americans in the best sense of that meaning.

2. Illegal immigrants who sneak in come here to access welfare state programs.

3. U.N. political asylum immigrants are worse than illegal aliens because override U.S. immigration laws.

4: Parasite who come here believe The New Colossus garbage before they get here.


I will bet that less than one percent of Americans —— and no U.N. refugees at all —— know what the Grande Dame really stands for. This is why those foul words in The New Colossus are a colossal lie:

Author John T. Cunningham wrote that "The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the statue. However, it was Lazarus's poem that permanently stamped on Miss Liberty the role of unofficial greeter of incoming immigrants".

Myth No. 1: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore..." Well, not quite. Emma Lazarus's 1883 poem "The New Colossus" -- written in the year the Statue of Liberty was dedicated -- has been taken by many to reflect a true picture of immigration. This is not the case. From the colonial period on, there were standards that immigrants had to meet. Originally addressed at the regional level, then by the states, they were eventually federalized. The immigration stations, such as the one at Ellis Island in New York harbor, were not welcoming centers. They were processing points for the inspection and certification of new arrivals. Individuals with physical or mental problems, or who were known to be criminals in their country of origin, were denied entry. Older or underage family members required sponsorship. All of this was to ensure that the newly arrived immigrants would not be a burden to their new country and could either support themselves or be supported by others.

Myth No. 2: People come here because they want to become Americans.

NOTE: Muslim refugees disprove myth No. 2. If there is any truth in the myth Muslims would also want to become Europeans, too. If anything, Muslims should become French because three replicas of Lady Liberty stand in France, NONE OF THEM INCLUDE THE NEW COLOSSUS:

Myth No. 3: Everyone is really seeking the same things.
November 28, 2010
The Dangerous Mythology of Immigration
By Frank Burke

NOTE: The New Colossus corresponds with the beginning of Socialism in America and the start of this country’s decline. Socialism’s ideology denies liberty. Every time liberalism’s garbage is threatened Socialist America-haters come out in full force citing the Statue of Liberty as though they are the Lady’s greatest defenders.

Who can forget his one?


Instead of a monument to individual liberty, Lady Liberty morphed into an invitation to the wretched parasites of the world who do not come here yearning to be free, or to work for themselves and their loved ones. Instead, they come here with their hands out to big government.

The New Colossus should include these words:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.
To You thought it was: Did you miss this?

Merkel is talking about Europe, but she means every U.N. member state:

To You thought it was: Put some work in on distinctions.

1. Legal immigrants who come here to become Americans in the best sense of that meaning.

2. Illegal immigrants who sneak in come here to access welfare state programs.

3. U.N. political asylum immigrants are worse than illegal aliens because override U.S. immigration laws.

4: Parasite who come here believe The New Colossus garbage before they get here.


I will bet that less than one percent of Americans —— and no U.N. refugees at all —— know what the Grande Dame really stands for. This is why those foul words in The New Colossus are a colossal lie:

Author John T. Cunningham wrote that "The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the statue. However, it was Lazarus's poem that permanently stamped on Miss Liberty the role of unofficial greeter of incoming immigrants".

Myth No. 1: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore..." Well, not quite. Emma Lazarus's 1883 poem "The New Colossus" -- written in the year the Statue of Liberty was dedicated -- has been taken by many to reflect a true picture of immigration. This is not the case. From the colonial period on, there were standards that immigrants had to meet. Originally addressed at the regional level, then by the states, they were eventually federalized. The immigration stations, such as the one at Ellis Island in New York harbor, were not welcoming centers. They were processing points for the inspection and certification of new arrivals. Individuals with physical or mental problems, or who were known to be criminals in their country of origin, were denied entry. Older or underage family members required sponsorship. All of this was to ensure that the newly arrived immigrants would not be a burden to their new country and could either support themselves or be supported by others.

Myth No. 2: People come here because they want to become Americans.

NOTE: Muslim refugees disprove myth No. 2. If there is any truth in the myth Muslims would also want to become Europeans, too. If anything, Muslims should become French because three replicas of Lady Liberty stand in France, NONE OF THEM INCLUDE THE NEW COLOSSUS:

Myth No. 3: Everyone is really seeking the same things.
November 28, 2010
The Dangerous Mythology of Immigration
By Frank Burke

NOTE: The New Colossus corresponds with the beginning of Socialism in America and the start of this country’s decline. Socialism’s ideology denies liberty. Every time liberalism’s garbage is threatened Socialist America-haters come out in full force citing the Statue of Liberty as though they are the Lady’s greatest defenders.

Who can forget his one?


Instead of a monument to individual liberty, Lady Liberty morphed into an invitation to the wretched parasites of the world who do not come here yearning to be free, or to work for themselves and their loved ones. Instead, they come here with their hands out to big government.

The New Colossus should include these words:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

It was discussed, but the determination was made that whites were already here and had cleansed the land mass of occupants for the empire's initial contiguous 48 state manifest destiny expansionism. This all preceded our endless generational wars occupationist expansion over the entire planet.
Judge Gabriel Gorenstein announced the decision after Therese Okoumou, 44, testified Monday. She was convicted of misdemeanor charges and could be in prison for up to 18 months, The Associated Press reported Monday.

Woman Who Climbed Statue Of Liberty To Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy Convicted
6:42 PM 12/17/2018 | US
Neetu Chandak

Do you think Okoumou will be deported? She broke the law albeit a misdemeanor. That should be enough to deport her.

. . . Okoumou, a Congolese immigrant . ..

There is another aspect of the Statue of Liberty that needs to be examined. Lady liberty became a symbol for promoting democracy around the world. Unfortunately, symbols that begin life as monuments often come to represent the opposite of their original intent. Lady Liberty standing for democracy is the sickest perversion of all.

According to the democracy index there are only 19 full democracies. The U.S. is listed as a flawed democracy whatever that is. No matter. Parasites are working to correct the flaw.

"In a democracy, we do not put children in cages. Period."

Woman who climbed Statue of Liberty in anti-Trump protest says Michelle Obama inspired her
By Molly Crane-Newman, Victoria Bekiempis, Elizabeth Elizalde and JANON FISHER
Jul 05, 2018 | 8:40 PM

Why is it that touchy-feely freaks always preach democracy while they never preach property Rights:

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev

Regardless of how democracy starts out it ends in tyrannical government. To be precise, democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty guarded by property Rights.

Okoumou is obviously not the brightest bulb on the tree. Like every touchy-feely freak that ever lived she believes that moral horseshit is intelligence. She probably does not know she is talking about Socialism/Communism when she spouts democracy like a village idiot running for president.
U.S. immigration officials routinely deal with contagious diseases, including tuberculosis, measles and chickenpox, he said.

Mr. Homan recalled the massive effort to treat an illegal immigrant man with a rare strain of tuberculosis of TB.

“We had to work with CDC and Texas Department of Health to find a way to treat this gentleman, so we kept him locked up for months at great taxpayer expense. Imagine if that strain of TB were to get released into the American society,” Mr. Homan said.

Former ICE chief Tom Homan rips Nancy Pelosi for doubting border wall works
By S.A. Miller
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

That is exactly what Pelosi wants:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.