The U.N.’s Prize

GOP Rep. Brooks: How Much American Blood on Hands of Pelosi, Schumer Before They Help with Border Security?
by Pam Key
30 Dec 2018

And Mo Brooks does not include:

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

Okoumou is obviously not the brightest bulb on the tree. Like every touchy-feely freak that ever lived she believes that moral horseshit is intelligence. She probably does not know she is talking about Socialism/Communism when she spouts democracy like a village idiot running for president.

It did not take long for this dirty little immigrant to become a charity-hustling parasite. Note the “I Care” sweatband:

Woman who climbed Statue of Liberty in protest is at it again
By elizabeth keogh
Feb 20, 2019 | 10:40 PM

I had hoped she would be deported back to the shit hole she came from:

Do you think Okoumou will be deported? She broke the law albeit a misdemeanor. That should be enough to deport her.

. . . Okoumou, a Congolese immigrant . ..

No such luck. Some judge must have decided this country needs her more than the Congo needs her.
NOTE: The New Colossus corresponds with the beginning of Socialism in America and the start of this country’s decline. Socialism’s ideology denies liberty. Every time liberalism’s garbage is threatened Socialist America-haters come out in full force citing the Statue of Liberty as though they are the Lady’s greatest defenders.

Every one of the attendees showed up to lionize the filth in the The New Colossus —— not individual liberties they despise.

The opening of a new museum at the Statue of Liberty has temporarily turned the 14-acre Liberty Island into a teeming hive of billionaires and stars - a gathering that President Donald Trump decided to avoid upon learning the party would be filled with Democrats.


Instead, Trump remained in Washington DC where on Thursday he will reveal his own sweeping proposal to reform the immigration system.

Hillary and her fabulously wealthy friends, including Bezos, Oprah, Bloomberg and Nicky Hilton attend opening of Statue of Liberty museum, as Trump snubs Dem-heavy event to roll out immigration plan in DC
By Keith Griffith
Published: 00:02 EDT, 16 May 2019 | Updated: 03:23 EDT, 16 May 2019

President Trump missed a great opportunity to piss on their party by announcing he was ordering The New Colossus plaque removed.

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.