A republic is not a democracy. Redefinition fallacy.
You proved a Republic was a democracy when you said democracies are by majority vote and Representatives and Senators are elected by majority vote.
A republic is not a democracy. Redefinition fallacy.
A republic is not a democracy.
Inversion fallacy.
Repetition fallacy (chanting). RAAA
The budget is largely written by the OMB from presidential guidelines. .
Bush and Trump added 10 trillion to the debt through tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations. Our obscene wealth gap is the result. Workers are getting poorer and less powerful. The union's actions in the last year have been a strike to stop the confiscation of American wealth by the few.
Workers create wealth. Management absconds with it.
Actually you are full of shit here. The income gap has been ongoing, regardless of party in power, for decades. It's not something Trump started, and it hasn't changed under Biden.
You are utterly wrong. their Repub policies exacerbated the gap bigly.
Nope. Every statement of yours is FALSE. All of your arguments hinge on your undisclosed definitions of "success" and "fucked up." Until you clearly and unambiguously define your terms, each individual must use his own definitions, and in my case, all of your statements are FALSE.I've been right about everything and you've been wrong.
FALSE.Not one single Conservative policy success.
FALSE. (This just shows that you suck at math)That has never once happened in the history of tax cuts.
FALSE. (This just shows that you suck at math) Every single tax cut is followed by an increase in the real revenues of We the People, which is all that matters.Revenue has never increased following a tax cut.
Nope. You are lying. We can leave it at that.Sure I do!
Were you planning on defining "consistently"? No? Well, your statement is FALSE until you do.The last 43 years of tax cuts have not once produced an economy that grows consistently
Nope. (This shows that you suck at understanding how the government works) Congress determines the budget and everything about spending. The President has no say. You are a moron.That's why Obama had the longest bull market
FALSE. Republican Congresses are the only ones who have ever run the country on a surplus, but did so multiple times. This is all that matters to We the People.Conservatives have never left office with an economy in better shape than when they found it.
A "wealth gap" is a good thing, not a bad thing. You obviously suck at economics. Only in a world in which everyone is broke and miserable is there no wealth gap. The more an economy thrives, the greater the occurrence of "wealth gap." If you post graphics telling me there is a huge wealth gap, you are telling me that the economy is thriving and is providing ample opportunities for all.You are utterly wrong. their Repub policies exacerbated the gap bigly.
A "wealth gap" is a good thing, not a bad thing. You obviously suck at economics. Only in a world in which everyone is broke and miserable is there no wealth gap. The more an economy thrives, the greater the occurrence of "wealth gap." If you post graphics telling me there is a huge wealth gap, you are telling me that the economy is thriving and is providing ample opportunities for all.
Oh, look, I see from your post that the economy is thriving. Thank you for the good news.
These are bad things.We have tons of things to show for the money the government has spent including Medicare, Social Security, Obamacare,
These are good things, but they are all fraught with government waste, a surge in which is always foreshadowed by a tax hike.highways, ports, national parks, food inspectors, and our military.
The benefits produced by tax cuts to We the People are incalculable. Everything for which We the People used all that money that was not confiscated by the government and subsequently wasted, was put to bona fide optimal use, e.g. purchasing food to eat, paying a mortgage, acquiring medicine, staying alive, etc ...Tax cuts have not produced a single thing,
You are a moron. This is exactly the result.And furthermore, cutting taxes does not result in more money in consumers' pockets ...
You are chanting like an undereducated Marxist who has had this quip reamed into him while he was bent over furniture.... because every time taxes are cut, household debt skyrockets and personal savings decline.
Wrong wording. "Since" tax cuts result in more money in consumers' pockets ...If tax cuts somehow magically result in more money in consumers' pockets ...
Wrong wording. "... then why doesn't household debt increase and personal savings decline?"then why has household debt increased and personal savings declined?
You probably wonder "Why does everyone mock me and treat me like a moron?" The reason is that most people ridicule those who believe everything they read on the internet just because it is on the internet. You glanced at a chart that was lifted off the internet and reamed deeply into you until you agreed to believe it as TRUE and to never ask which pimply-faced teenager fabricated it in his parent's basement while shouting up the stairs "Mom, can I have some more cookies?"As usual you're completely wrong because the data isn't on your side
Yes you did...you said that a democracy is by majority vote, and representatives are chosen in our Republic by a majority vote.
So you tried to sound smart by saying the US is a Republic, but you sound dumb because you can't remember what you previously said thanks to your long COVID brain.
You JUST SAID that a democracy is merely government by majority vote, which is how our government is organized.
Are you even an American?
Bush and Trump added 10 trillion to the debt through tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations. Our obscene wealth gap is the result. Workers are getting poorer and less powerful. The union's actions in the last year have been a strike to stop the confiscation of American wealth by the few.
Workers create wealth. Management absconds with it.
And now you're stalling because you can't think of a single merit of your belief system.
Not one single good idea or policy.
Just stalling and deflecting.
Just think how much less confusion there would be in your life if you hadn't slept through your English classes.You proved a Republic was a democracy when you said democracies are by majority vote and Representatives and Senators are elected by majority vote.
So, not only are you a physicist, but you're an economist as well.