The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

You've been hemorrhaging parishioners this entire time, and that alienation has sped up in recent years. So your Evangelical Christianity fails because you keep losing members.
It was a trick question. I'm an atheist.

You're wrong, by the way. Christianity is growing in numbers, not decreasing, and the number of denominations keeps growing, not declining.
It was a trick question. I'm an atheist.

You're wrong, by the way. Christianity is growing in numbers, not decreasing, and the number of denominations keeps growing, not declining.
You're also a liar and an idiot, Sybil.

Link, Sybil? Or is that just more shit you pulled out of your Schizoid asshole? Something like this would be nice:
Christianity in the U.S. is quickly shrinking and may no longer be the majority religion within just a few decades, research finds
A new report by Pew Research Center and the General Social Survey published on Tuesday found that the large numbers of people in the U.S who practice Christianity are declining. The religion's demographic has been dwindling since the 1990s, the report said, as many adults transition to an identity of atheist, agnostic or "nothing in particular."

In the early '90s, about 90% of people in the U.S. identified as Christians, the report said. In 2020, Christians accounted for about 64% of the U.S. population, including children. Meanwhile, those who are not affiliated with a religion has grown from 16% in 2007 to 30% in 2020, according to the research. All other religions, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, accounted for about 6% in 2020.
... but I do. This is one question you are apparently too cowardly to answer. .

If any of you stupid fucking idiots "stuck with the science", twice as many Conservatives than liberals wouldn't have died from COVID.

Take a bow because it's always been my dream to watch Conservatives choke to death on ventilators, and you made that possible.

I can't tell you how many times I laughed when I read that yet another Conservative "science follower" choked to death on a ventilator alone in some dark hospital room.
... but I do. This makes two questions you are too cowardly to answer.

No you don't. Because you can't accept the fact that your policies not only depressed revenue, but they also exploded the debt to pay for it all.

Tax cuts are your baby, remember? You promised growth of at least 3% from those stupid Trump tax cuts and the best you could do was 0.04% LOWER than Obama's best.

Every single time Conservatives get power, they fuck things up. Every time.
I see you still think the President is Congress. Too funny..

Hey you stupid asshole, so you know that the federal budget is actually a bill, right? And who is the one who signs their name on the line that executes that bill? Do you know?

It's the President. He signs the bills, he enacts the budget. That's the job of the executive Branch.

So not only do I have to teach you history, I also have to teach you civics because you're a stupid fucking idiot with no good ideas.

The only good idea you could ever have is shooting yourself in the fucking head.
In what way do mine suck?]

Because every time Conservatives get power, they fuck things up.

Nixon..HUGE fuckup...price controls..
Ford...HUGE FUCKING FUCKUP...oil embargo
Reagan...enormous fuckup. Tripled the debt and ended his term with the worst economic collapse since the Great Depressio (Black Monday)
Bush the Elder...GIANT fuckup. Won a war but still somehow managed to tank the economy right after.
Bush the Dumber...BIGGEST FUCKUP OF ALL EXCEPT FOR ONE. Destroyed the economy by inflating a housing market.
Trump...the worst one of all. Couldn't manage the longest Bull market of all time, couldn't maintain the streak of job creation that started with Obama, lost 30M jobs because he didn't take the pandemic seriously, and then HANDED $1T in welfare to "business owners" via PPP who paid exactly none of it back.

So that's your economics. That's the record of your shitty beliefs. Not a single success story to find at all. Just failure. I'm sure you're pretty used to failure since you don't know what success is.
It was a trick question. I'm an atheist.

You're wrong, by the way. Christianity is growing in numbers, not decreasing, and the number of denominations keeps growing, not declining.

I don't believe you're an atheist because any atheist wouldn't believe in the magic hand of capitalism and other assorted fairy tales.

And no, Christianity is losing should have read thatb article I sourced but I get why you didn''re a stupid fucking idiot.
QED on the female, under-35 assessment. :thup:

No depth at you resort to this kind of childishness.

I thought you said that you get wiser with age, but all you're proving is the science that says you get DUMBER the older you get.

Your boThSidErIsm is a symptom of long term brain decay...your mind is nowhere near as strong as that of a 35-year old, or even a 25 year old.

Science says that when people get to your age, they turn into dumb fucking idiots with shit judgment. That's because your brain is literally rotting the cognitive parts away.
If any of you stupid fucking idiots "stuck with the science", twice as many Conservatives than liberals wouldn't have died from COVID.
Too funny. Nobody died from COVID except the standard casualties from the flu, i.e. the elderly, the HIV+, high risk individuals, etc. which are completely independent of political affiliation. I forgot that you are gullible, undereducated plant life who thinks that the President is Congress and that conservatives are socialists.

You don't even know what science is, do you? Too funny.
Hey you stupid asshole, so you know that the federal budget is actually a bill, right? And who is the one who signs their name on the line that executes that bill? Do you know?
Great. Another moron who thinks that the President is Congress just because he signs a document. There really isn't anything that you know, is there?

You are beyond help, as evidenced by your lunatic raving. Enjoy. I'll let you have the final word.
No depth at you resort to this kind of childishness..

Put me on ignore like all the Euro-American male Magtards. :thup:

I thought you said that you get wiser with age, but all you're proving is the science that says you get DUMBER the older you get.

Your boThSidErIsm is a symptom of long term brain decay...your mind is nowhere near as strong as that of a 35-year old, or even a 25 year old.

Science says that when people get to your age, they turn into dumb fucking idiots with shit judgment. That's because your brain is literally rotting the cognitive parts away.
Nice rant, young lady. :)
Great. Another moron who thinks that the President is Congress just because he signs a document.

For someone who fancies themselves a Constitutional expert, you seem to not only know nothing about how our government works, but it also appears as if you've never read the Constitution at all.

Anyone who had would surely recognize that the function of the Executive Branch is to execute the law. So if it's a budget they somehow disagree with...THEY CAN ALWAYS VETO IT AND SEND IT BACK TO CONGRESS.

Trump, Bush the Dumber, Bush the Elder, Reagan, Ford, and Nixon never did that. No matter WHO was in control of Congress and drafting the budgets in Committee.

You don't know a single thing about our government. You are just jumping into this thread to run cover for your stupid fucking idiot Nazi pals.
Too funny. Nobody died from COVID except the standard casualties from the flu, i.e. the elderly, the HIV+, high risk individuals, etc. which are completely independent of political affiliation. I forgot that you are gullible, undereducated plant life who thinks that the President is Congress and that conservatives are socialists.

You don't even know what science is, do you? Too funny.

So many Conservatives died of COVID that it made the difference in several important elections in 2022 including AZ Gov and AZ attorney general...two positions you fascists needed to win in order to steal a victory for Trump in 2024.

So even if your fascist dumbfuck pals steal the election in WI or GA, you still can't win without Arizona.

You dumbfuck.
Another reflection on your poor judgement..

It's actually a reflection of my good judgment because you're a lying, bullshitting, cowardly, stupid fucking idiot. And I don't care if I have to keep repeating it because it's the truth.

You don't know SHIT about ANYTHING, you just have a really fragile fucking ego that has gotten complacent with failure.
Atheists don't accept sound economic principles? Hmmmm. You are clearly a logic dynamo.

It's not a sound economic principle and the fact that you think it is explains perfectly why Conservatism always fails.


It fails all the time.

There has never been a successful Conservative President because Conservatism has no good ideas.

You have no good ideas...that's why you have to play multiple characters on JPP. So fucking transparent and pathetic, by the way.
Yes, dear. I'll be 68 soon, but thanks for your liberal caring. :thup:

OK, so if you accept the fact that your brain is rotting away in that head of yours, would you also accept the fact that brain decay impairs your cognitive abilities?

And if you agree to that, would you also agree that personal judgment is one of the cognitive abilities that is affected by brain decay and rot?

So then wouldn't that mean your bOthSIDerIsm isn't a well thought out position but rather a symptom of brain decay?