The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

Price controls work just fine if they're done intelligently.
They never work. They always cause shortages. They are fascism, which is what YOU are arguing for. Fascism is a form of socialism.
We just can't leave that kind of responsibility
Price controls are not responsible behavior.
to people like you since you have no fucking idea what you're doing or saying, and you fall for every hair-brained Conservative Nazi scheme there is.
Nazis were fascists, which is a form of socialism. That's like DEMOCRATS. Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Capitalism does not manipulate markets. Capitalism is all about free market.
What better economy? Trump's best annual GDP growth rate never topped Obama's.
GDP is not economy. It includes government.
Trump also created fewer jobs than Obama did before losing 30M because you couldn't decide if COVID was a hoax or not.
Government does not create jobs (other than in government).
Trump also had the slowest market growth of any President BEFORE COVID.
Blatant lie.
In 2019, manufacturing was in a recession and lost 300,000 jobs.
You have the wrong year. It was 2020. It was due to DEMOCRATS implementing the Covid hoax.
In February 2020, the rest of the economy followed into a recession the month before any COVID lockdowns were ordered. So you can't blame the lockdowns for a recession that started BEFORE THEM.
It didn't.
Now, I know you're a Conservative Nazi who doesn't have things like object permeance or a conception of linear time, but February comes BEFORE March.

Got it?
The Nazis were fascists, Sock, like DEMOCRATS.
We need tom cut spending

Won't happen. Budget 'cuts' simply mean a smaller increase than normal. That's governmentspeak for you. Remember that the first purpose of government or a government agency is to justify itself to get more money. It has no profit motive.

There will come a day when government MUST get smaller, but it will happen in an uncontrolled manner, probably through revolt (quite probably violent). The government is broke. They are out of options. The debt is now so high it cannot be paid back. It's not possible to tax enough to pay it back either (without revolt). All they can do is print funny money to paper it over (destroying the currency). There will come a time when even that won't work anymore.
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DemocratIC Party.

If you're gonna come on a message board and posture like you're some kind of thinker you could at least have a general idea of what fucking words to use in a sentence.

Go suck some tiny Nazi cock you fucking loser.

Semantics, loser.

The answer TS is that everyone knows the games Republi'cans' play.

They demand any Democrat government be 'fiscally responsible', which ONLY democrat run governments EVER do. And they do that so that the next Republican' govt can then get a more healthy America and spend like a drunken Sailor running up record debt and giving record tax cuts to the rich and corporations.

that is the entirety of the Republi'can' game. Hope they can pressure the Dems to save and fix all the nations problems they almost ALWAYS hand them so they can blow it all later.

That is why the republi'cans' vote against things like big infrastructure spending and Health care that actually benefit the nation and help it grow. They instead want those dollars for tax cuts to corporation and the rich while ballooning the debt even though that harms the country.

BOTH parties are responsible for government debt. Trump cut taxes for everyone.
Are we still pretending in this thread that is Democrats who take over government and mismanage it, running up massive amounts of debt?


The absolutely consistent pattern above is that Republican POTUS get handed a health Country absolutely trending towards or already running a SURPLUS, and then GOP POTUS, see all that room on the newly paid down credit card, load it up with immense new debt, that puts the country in absolutely shitty positions, as too much debt does, when any unexpected or outside factors impact the country (like Covid).

if Trump was to get power again, you would see that debt curve spike right back up, as he gave more rounds of massive tax cuts to the rich and corporations while gutting revenues. Running the country the exact way he ran all the businesses he bankrupted. A sugar high on debt, that collapses when the first challenge hits the country.

Trump does not cause the deficit. CONGRESS does.
There never was a 'surplus'. Clinton's 'surplus' was book keeping BS.
Debt is wealth. I've said it before on this board. If you understand how fractional reserve banking truly works, you would embrace the national debt. The worst thing that could possibly happen in our modern financial system would be for the US to have zero debt.
Debt is wealth. I've said it before on this board. If you understand how fractional reserve banking truly works, you would embrace the national debt. The worst thing that could possibly happen in our modern financial system would be for the US to have zero debt.

You keep saying it but you never prove why most nations don't go into debt like the US and Greece. Are they stupid, 'Murica?
I'm not going to explain fractional reserve banking here. ]

It's too much work and for no reason.

Of course you won't. No need to do so since it's easily Googled. What you won't explain is why raising our debt level to 150% of GDP is a good idea. Is it because you don't really understand it, son?
Fractional-reserve banking is the system of banking operating in almost all countries worldwide,[1][2] under which banks that take deposits from the public are required to hold a proportion of their deposit liabilities in liquid assets as a reserve, and are at liberty to lend the remainder to borrowers.[3] Bank reserves are held as cash in the bank or as balances in the bank's account at the central bank. The country's central bank determines the minimum amount that banks must hold in liquid assets, called the "reserve requirement" or "reserve ratio". Most commercial banks hold more than this minimum amount as excess reserves.
The main findings are that the threshold level of the average long-run public debt to GDP ratio on GDP
growth is 77 percent for the full sample and 64 percent for the subsample of developing countries.
Surpassing these thresholds is costly for countries, which forgo GDP growth if debt exceeds the threshold
for an extended period.
The analysis of debt thresholds can be informative, but threshold levels should be interpreted with
caution. Our analysis is based on long-term averages over nearly 30 years, so that temporary deviations
from the average need not have important negative effects on growth. If a country’s debt ratio exceeds the
threshold for a year or two because of a recession, its long-term growth need not suffer (Scott 2010). The
existence of debt thresholds need not preclude short-term fiscal stabilization policy. If debt explosions
move debt ratios above the threshold and keep them there for decades, however, economic growth is
likely to suffer.

You strike me as a low work, no reason kind of guy, 'Murica. A Dark Soul. LOL
He was the one who lied about the danger of Covid from day1.

If you believe the Democrat lies. When Trump was banning the Chinese Biden was clueless and calling Trump a xenophobe. The Democrats could see nothing but impeachment so Trump was well ahead of the Democrats

The answer TS is that everyone knows the games Republi'cans' play.

They demand any Democrat government be 'fiscally responsible', which ONLY democrat run governments EVER do. And they do that so that the next Republican' govt can then get a more healthy America and spend like a drunken Sailor running up record debt and giving record tax cuts to the rich and corporations.

that is the entirety of the Republi'can' game. Hope they can pressure the Dems to save and fix all the nations problems they almost ALWAYS hand them so they can blow it all later.

That is why the republi'cans' vote against things like big infrastructure spending and Health care that actually benefit the nation and help it grow. They instead want those dollars for tax cuts to corporation and the rich while ballooning the debt even though that harms the country.

The government can't be trusted no matter who is in the majority