Into the Night
Verified User
They never work. They always cause shortages. They are fascism, which is what YOU are arguing for. Fascism is a form of socialism.Price controls work just fine if they're done intelligently.
Price controls are not responsible behavior.We just can't leave that kind of responsibility
Nazis were fascists, which is a form of socialism. That's like DEMOCRATS. Fascism is government manipulation of people like you since you have no fucking idea what you're doing or saying, and you fall for every hair-brained Conservative Nazi scheme there is.
Capitalism does not manipulate markets. Capitalism is all about free market.
GDP is not economy. It includes government.What better economy? Trump's best annual GDP growth rate never topped Obama's.
Government does not create jobs (other than in government).Trump also created fewer jobs than Obama did before losing 30M because you couldn't decide if COVID was a hoax or not.
Blatant lie.Trump also had the slowest market growth of any President BEFORE COVID.
You have the wrong year. It was 2020. It was due to DEMOCRATS implementing the Covid hoax.In 2019, manufacturing was in a recession and lost 300,000 jobs.
It didn't.In February 2020, the rest of the economy followed into a recession the month before any COVID lockdowns were ordered. So you can't blame the lockdowns for a recession that started BEFORE THEM.
The Nazis were fascists, Sock, like DEMOCRATS.Now, I know you're a Conservative Nazi who doesn't have things like object permeance or a conception of linear time, but February comes BEFORE March.
Got it?