The UN and Sovereignty

Class. It's the law, mmmkay, and like if it has backdoors, they're legal cuz that door IS built in, but not talked about. Let's face it. we all got tricked is all we can do is learn to settle on the pragmatic choice as dictated by the party apparatus. Truly inspiring.

The Narrative of Defeat.
Truly uninspired bumpersticker crap. Instead we should just keep doing what we have, because it has clearly worked so well... One of the definitions of insanity is to continue repeating an action, but expecting a different result. What is a "Narrative of Defeat" would be a history of those who do not understand that how people react to what you say can make a difference in what they hear.

You are blazing new territories of disingenuousness if you think it is a defense of the status quo. It is an urge to Libertarians to begin to use just a bit of PR rather than idiocy in their arguments. Recognizing human nature and reaction to how an argument is presented is not a defense of the status quo. As well as recognizing that the amount of power to create change is directly effected by how they are viewed by their contemporaries.

How is it that companies, some of the worst bureaucracies alive, can recognize a good presentation can make or break them, but Libertarians, who are supposedly good businessmen, cannot?

LOl. new territories of disingenuousness. Glad to see you're jocular.

Libertarians are kept out. Mocked and ridiculed and tucked into convenient frames by hostile establishment powers. I suggest more jew baiting.
AHZ, you do more damage than good to the libertarian movement, and it is largely due to a misunderstanding or outright rejection of our ideals than anything else.
LOl. new territories of disingenuousness. Glad to see you're jocular.

Libertarians are kept out. Mocked and ridiculed and tucked into convenient frames by hostile establishment powers. I suggest more jew baiting.
Yeah, because it worked so well for you. Nobody is more mocked than a perceived racist. And if you don't think it is perceived that way it is because you are not realistic enough to recognize how people react to your diatribes.
AHZ, you do more damage than good to the libertarian movement, and it is largely due to a misunderstanding or outright rejection of our ideals than anything else.
Most of the misunderstanding is in presentation. Instead of putting forward Badnarick who spent more time talking about his refusal to get a Driver's License than in what he would do as President, the Libertarians should present a real plan to get things done and how to work toward a solution rather than just talk about such a slash and burn that nobody would support it.
Most of the misunderstanding is in presentation. Instead of putting forward Badnarick who spent more time talking about his refusal to get a Driver's License than in what he would do as President, the Libertarians should present a real plan to get things done and how to work toward a solution rather than just talk about such a slash and burn that nobody would support it.

How active are you in the LP? There is some real talk of reform and moderation for the Convention this year. A poll was just concluded that showed overwhelming support among party activists for moderation of platforms and better PR.
Yeah, because it worked so well for you. Nobody is more mocked than a perceived racist. And if you don't think it is perceived that way it is because you are not realistic enough to recognize how people react to your diatribes.

That's the extent of their brainwash. Not my problem. They actually think that if you are white you must agree to discrimination against yourself to be moral. You must condemn your children to racial discrimination.
This race issue has been hypersensitized in the media and academic settings to try to intimidate white people from insisting on equal civil rights, as guaranteed under the law. I am right. They are brainwashed, and I will not veer from this truth to remain in good standing with self-hating nihilist idiots.
Yeah, because it worked so well for you. Nobody is more mocked than a perceived racist. And if you don't think it is perceived that way it is because you are not realistic enough to recognize how people react to your diatribes.


How active are you in the LP? There is some real talk of reform and moderation for the Convention this year. A poll was just concluded that showed overwhelming support among party activists for moderation of platforms and better PR.
I am active in the R party and am a member of the RLC. Like RP I believe that it would be easier to change the Rs than the Ls. I would be willing to talk with some of them in my area if they really are planning on adding a bit of reality to the platform.
Yeah good luck with that. Cypress likes to call me a closet Republican, but I am and will remain a member of the LP as long as I believe it is remotely feasible to do so.

For pragmatic reasons I am willing to examine candidates of both parties in close elections. I was an early fan of Mark Warner for the Democrats, and now it is likely that if Obama overtakes Hillary for the Democratic nomation I will happily vote for him against McCain. If it is Hillary vs. McCain, I will even more happily go home and vote LP.

It is the Libertarian Party, not fascist Republicans or communist Democrats, who truly share my beliefs.
Yeah good luck with that. Cypress likes to call me a closet Republican, but I am and will remain a member of the LP as long as I believe it is remotely feasible to do so.

For pragmatic reasons I am willing to examine candidates of both parties in close elections. I was an early fan of Mark Warner for the Democrats, and now it is likely that if Obama overtakes Hillary for the Democratic nomation I will happily vote for him against McCain. If it is Hillary vs. McCain, I will even more happily go home and vote LP.

It is the Libertarian Party, not fascist Republicans or communist Democrats, who truly share my beliefs.
Right now it's LP for me this election.

I had two main things.

1. Border security with a far more open legal immigration policy.

2. Balanced Budget Amendment.

Nobody is talking about any of them. McCain pretends to be interested in the Border, and has no plan to Balance the Budget.
Right now it's LP for me this election.

1. Border security with a far more open legal immigration policy.

McCain pretends to be interested in the Border, and has no plan to Balance the Budget.

I used to be just a bit less fanatic than your friend Tom about illegal immigration. I thought every one of them deserved to be deported, and to some extent I still do.

But I have now completely accepted that there is no remotely feasible way to do anything other than grant them amnesty and expand our legal immigration numbers while securing the border.
Stop trolling. This is no way to use your local KKK Klubhouse's internet room...

DING DING DING. We have a winner. It's not sourthern man. It's me. I argue with your stupid ass all day long then when I finally completely flip the script on your master race and blow your mind, all you can do is accuse me of being a troll? LahoooooZuher!
I used to be just a bit less fanatic than your friend Tom about illegal immigration. I thought every one of them deserved to be deported, and to some extent I still do.

But I have now completely accepted that there is no remotely feasible way to do anything other than grant them amnesty and expand our legal immigration numbers while securing the border.
I'm a strong supporter of "First the Border" then we work on who is here.

The important part is to know who comes here, not to keep people away.
I'm a strong supporter of "First the Border" then we work on who is here.
"FIrst the border" is a campaign trail talking point, used as a distraction by McCain to get out of talking about the rest of his vision. It's bullshit. I'm saddened to see you echoing it.
The important part is to know who comes here, not to keep people away.

No. The point is to keep people away. To keep wages up here and protect our society from the Reconquista.

How about biochipping people? That seems to fit in with your "knowledge focused" solution.

Guys, Damo has been replaced, he's a simulant, one of them now.