The UnChristian Crusade for Imposing Christian Morality

And then again, some fart and see which way the wind blows to determine their own thoughts on any given day. You are one of those.

Well at least I don't do like you and deny the wind is even blowing :D
A sailor must adjust his sails depending on which way the changing wind blows.
Otherwise has has not a clue where he will wind up.
Most people here are not comfortable saying bad things about Christianity.

Ah, but these people who claim to be acting as christians aren't following his word if they campaign on moral issues...

I am helping christians... lol
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Most people here are not comfortable saying bad things about Christianity.

Ah, but these people who claim to be acting as christians aren't following his word if they campaign on moral issues...

I am helping christians... lol

It would be funny if they would be suprised after dying that there was no heaven or hell. but since they are dead they know nothing so.........

Religion is the perfect scam. You are selling someting that does not exist, cannot be proven to exist or not exist, and it is legal to sell :D
Yep, and it plays on inherited genetic traits, such as the desire for stright lines to live by, and fear of mortality.

You couldn't get a better scam....
And it is a scam with a couple of thousand years of polishing.

We have seen in past history what happens when the scammers become the rulers...Why would any thinking person want that back ?

Same as those who parrot Rush's talking points I suppose. It is easier to have someone else tell you what to do. It is also comforting to be able to blame out the outcome of all your mistakes on another mythological being...
One can see how Christians are drawn to authoritian Con types...
Yet behavior still matters, still has an impact on the survivability of the group. And the behaviors that lead to success are relatively constant accross all cultures. Though the supernatural aspects of religion may be debatable, the impact of morality on behavior and behavior upon survivability is irrefudiatable.
Yet behavior still matters, still has an impact on the survivability of the group. And the behaviors that lead to success are relatively constant accross all cultures. Though the supernatural aspects of religion may be debatable, the impact of morality on behavior and behavior upon survivability is irrefudiatable.

Then it is good that Christians don't apply their ideology...
Yet behavior still matters, still has an impact on the survivability of the group. And the behaviors that lead to success are relatively constant accross all cultures. Though the supernatural aspects of religion may be debatable, the impact of morality on behavior and behavior upon survivability is irrefudiatable.

Then it is good that Christians don't apply their ideology...

This is actually more of sociological/evolutionary viewpoint, but I understand your broadbrush is stuck on one idiotic setting.
This is actually more of sociological/evolutionary viewpoint, but I understand your broadbrush is stuck on one idiotic setting.

Explain how this statement is relevant to the above?

If christians followed their ideology, then they wouldn't campaign against 'sins' that you consider absolute on the basis that they are 'universal' in their promotion of cohesive society.
This is actually more of sociological/evolutionary viewpoint, but I understand your broadbrush is stuck on one idiotic setting.

Explain how this statement is relevant to the above?

If christians followed their ideology, then they wouldn't campaign against 'sins' that you consider absolute on the basis that they are 'universal' in their promotion of cohesive society.

Your statement is illogical. Making laws against things is not "making them impossible", hence your argument that this denies free will is false, because free will is not impeded by laws. You're free to commit acts, and society may or may not hold you accountable.
Inherited genetic traits? How does religion play on inherited genetic traits? Which inherited traits are played upon?

Morality. The pre-condition for morality is genetic, although the particulars are moulded by conditioning. Religion plays on humanities need to see things by 'straight lines', for example that this is evil and that is good.

Fear of mortality. Self survival is a genetic trait that in high order animals such as us is only overrided by intense social conditioning. (see the 'brainwashing' of suicide bombers)

Need to be part of a group.
Inherited genetic traits? How does religion play on inherited genetic traits? Which inherited traits are played upon?

Morality. The pre-condition for morality is genetic, although the particulars are moulded by conditioning. Religion plays on humanities need to see things by 'straight lines', for example that this is evil and that is good.

Fear of mortality. Self survival is a genetic trait that in high order animals such as us is only overrided by intense social conditioning. (see the 'brainwashing' of suicide bombers)

Need to be part of a group.

Read this:

You'll understand the genetic pre-disposition of the human to find a Deity.

Read this:

You'll understand the genetic pre-disposition of the human to find a Deity.

Several theologians I have spoken with describe it as a "God shaped hole"

And this certainly does go against the freewill aspect of our choice if God designed us with a need for him.
God stacked the deck ?

Thankfully I am defective and don't have that hole in my brain.
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Several theologians I have spoken with describe it as a "God shaped hole"

And this certainly does go against the freewill aspect of our choice if God designed us with a need for him.
God stacked the deck ?
Right, you can tell that by the fact that we are having a conversation about it.
I just feed that hole with other things than God.

I find them much more reliable!
Inherited genetic traits? How does religion play on inherited genetic traits? Which inherited traits are played upon?

Morality. The pre-condition for morality is genetic, although the particulars are moulded by conditioning. Religion plays on humanities need to see things by 'straight lines', for example that this is evil and that is good.

Fear of mortality. Self survival is a genetic trait that in high order animals such as us is only overrided by intense social conditioning. (see the 'brainwashing' of suicide bombers)

Need to be part of a group.

But self sacrifice does have a role in social groups. And individuals increase their likelihood of success if they are part of a culture which uses a degree of selflessness to defend the collective. Many genes we share with other individuals of our collective, so feelings of love toward the collective are not misplaced according to the true function of the love emotion, propagating genes.

It's not an irrational need for "straight lines" . the lines happen to graph a function regarding evolutionary strategy of social mammalians.
But self sacrifice does have a role in social groups. And individuals increase their likelihood of success if they are part of a culture which uses a degree of selflessness to defend the collective. Many genes we share with other individuals of our collective, so feelings of love toward the collective are not misplaced according to the true function of the love emotion, propagating genes.

That altruism has a selfish genetic survival reason at its core is something I won't dispute. It is soemthing brought up by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene.

But this isn't really relevant to what we are discussing.

It's not an irrational need for "straight lines" . the lines happen to graph a function regarding evolutionary strategy of social mammalians.

I didn't say it was irrational. The straight lines humans seek to 'impose' on existence do aid its ability to understand it. But they don't exist innately, what exists innately in existence are many many interwoven strands of cause and effect.