APP - The United States has the best healthcare in the world


#AMERICAISDEAD 3_28_2014.pdf

This is a direct comparison of outcomes in cancer patients, the one disease you can look at and compare outcomes. Things like overall mortality and infant mortality are invalid because they are not measured the same in every country.

As you can see that the US ranks at or near the top in every major cancer studied. You will also notice that this study was looking at data PRE Obamacare so we are looking at a true apples to apples comparison of a non single payer entity. If our single payer friends were correct about the United States having the worst healthcare, then this data would be horrendous.

This is the equivalent of showing that NOAA manipulated the climate data. It is irrefutable that the US has the best healthcare. Those who would tell you otherwise are either grossly misinformed or have an alternative agenda
Oh BTW, the UK is horrendous for cancer treatment. I guess that NHS is AWESOME as long as you don't actually get sick and need care. At least the UKs crappy care is covered, so that is something
Oh BTW, the UK is horrendous for cancer treatment. I guess that NHS is AWESOME as long as you don't actually get sick and need care. At least the UKs crappy care is covered, so that is something
So many people in the US get cancer due to the shitty diet, obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

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So many people in the US get cancer due to the shitty diet, obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

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Your own Commonwealth fund placed the NHS number one for overall healthcare!

"Karen Davis and colleagues from the US-based Commonwealth Fund have examined eleven healthcare systems in this new version of a report previously published in 2010. They have ranked the UK first overall and first across a whole host of categories encompassing quality care (effective, safe, coordinated and patient-centred), access (cost-related problems) and efficiency. However the UK fared less well in the ‘Healthy Lives’ category, where it was placed 10th, only ahead of the US, which was also ranked 11th overall. Davis et al highlight that the UK’s overall top ranking was also achieved on the second lowest spending per capita across the 11 countries under review, at $3,405, only more than New Zealand ($3,182)."

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Your own Commonwealth fund placed the NHS number one for overall healthcare!

"Karen Davis and colleagues from the US-based Commonwealth Fund have examined eleven healthcare systems in this new version of a report previously published in 2010. They have ranked the UK first overall and first across a whole host of categories encompassing quality care (effective, safe, coordinated and patient-centred), access (cost-related problems) and efficiency. However the UK fared less well in the ‘Healthy Lives’ category, where it was placed 10th, only ahead of the US, which was also ranked 11th overall. Davis et al highlight that the UK’s overall top ranking was also achieved on the second lowest spending per capita across the 11 countries under review, at $3,405, only more than New Zealand ($3,182)."

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You are diverting from the topic.

All of those things are irrelevant. I gave you objective evidence that shows the failure of U.K. Medicine, particularly if you are a woman with breast cancer

Case closed
It looks like it's major contributor is some conservative wank named Hintze. Funny how it lists itself as a "charity" and thus is immune from providing a list of donors.

You are diverting from the topic.

All of those things are irrelevant. I gave you objective evidence that shows the failure of U.K. Medicine, particularly if you are a woman with breast cancer

Case closed

Yeh bullshit on stilts!!
The trumpskins are cutting off several milion Americans to take one for the team so the rich guys can have another tax break.
Did you notice he doesn't mention cost Tom?

So you are willing to have cheaper cancer treatments with poorer outcomes for yourself?

Let me guess. The best for you and generic for everyone else right?

Funny. Everyone claims that healthcare is SOOOOOOO important that the government has to pay for it yet they don't want to pay any money?

Go figure.
So you are willing to have cheaper cancer treatments with poorer outcomes for yourself?

Let me guess. The best for you and generic for everyone else right?

Funny. Everyone claims that healthcare is SOOOOOOO important that the government has to pay for it yet they don't want to pay any money?

Go figure.
Why not use the money we already pay??? Instead of spending it on bombs, spend it on us?? What a ****in concept...
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I would like to bring people back on topic please. The topic is this. How do you explain the US having better outcomes than the UK in cancer survival while not having "single payer"?
Rump says Australia has better healthcare.

He is wrong.

But please stay on topic. How do you explain the high cancer survival rates in the US at a time when we had no single payer healthcare? Please remember where this thread is occurring. Thank you for your participation
He is wrong.

But please stay on topic. How do you explain the high cancer survival rates in the US at a time when we had no single payer healthcare? Please remember where this thread is occurring. Thank you for your participation

I can explain it in many ways, we do have excellent healthcare and great access to it. We have availability to great medicines for cancer almost universally, the poorest of the poor get access. ITs paid for in a very inefficient way but they get it. We have excellent nutritional options for people so they are generally otherwise very healthy when they get cancer which is a key to survival. We truely have a great healthcare system, we just need to change the way its paid for.

For something like Cancer we basically have universal healthcare, we just don't admit it and its very inefficient.
I can explain it in many ways, we do have excellent healthcare and great access to it. We have availability to great medicines for cancer almost universally, the poorest of the poor get access. ITs paid for in a very inefficient way but they get it. We have excellent nutritional options for people so they are generally otherwise very healthy when they get cancer which is a key to survival. We truely have a great healthcare system, we just need to change the way its paid for.

For something like Cancer we basically have universal healthcare, we just don't admit it and its very inefficient.

So you concede that how we pay for healthcare had no bearing on outcomes like many have claimed?
thank you for that concession

I do agree that how we pay for healthcare needs to be changed but obviously don't agree with your solution because it is antithetical to freedom