The universe is endlessly complex and pointless


Since there is no universal proof of math that explains all situations, mathematical proofs over time have just grown larger and larger and more complex without end. Since the universe imitates math, everything we discover will simply find more complexities to be solved ad nauseam until the human race ends.

Life is pointless. :clink:

Everyone will be forgotten eventually.
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The main fallacy of the attempt to understand the universe is the assumption that logic works universally. It doesn't.
The main fallacy of the attempt to understand the universe is the assumption that logic works universally. It doesn't.

Ohh logic does work universally in the physical universe. However we just do not understand even a whiff of nearly enough to understand it.

Ever study chaos any ? It is just impossible for a mere human or computer to analyze all the permutations resulting from all the interactions in the universe.
Logic, I think, is a human invention, it's limited because of that. It's just a set of rules for orderly thinking, it can make no sense of the real universe, just what happens between humans. And we have to agree to the rules or it fails.

It sort of reminds me of the smugness in the clever thinking of St Thomas Aquinas in proving the existence of God. It doesn't actually "prove" anything, it's just a cleverly constructed argument for God. Of course that was fine back then, we've developed our scientific knowledge a bit since Aquinas and wordy arguments are very limited in their application.
Yeah, I suppose I should have said science instead of logic in my post.
What I mean to say is that there is a scienfitic explanation for everything that happens, we will just never understand it all well enough to understand all the whys or predict all that will happen.
Logic, I think, is a human invention, it's limited because of that. It's just a set of rules for orderly thinking, it can make no sense of the real universe, just what happens between humans. And we have to agree to the rules or it fails.

It sort of reminds me of the smugness in the clever thinking of St Thomas Aquinas in proving the existence of God. It doesn't actually "prove" anything, it's just a cleverly constructed argument for God. Of course that was fine back then, we've developed our scientific knowledge a bit since Aquinas and wordy arguments are very limited in their application.

If logic actually solved anything you'd think it wouldn't be so easy to disprove a completely logical argument. Logic, like everything else, just leads to more and mroe complexities that are solved endlessly.
Yeah, I suppose I should have said science instead of logic in my post.
What I mean to say is that there is a scienfitic explanation for everything that happens, we will just never understand it all well enough to understand all the whys or predict all that will happen.

Sometimes, when I do things like take stuff too literally, I know how it feels to be Antonin Scalia.
Logic, I think, is a human invention, it's limited because of that. It's just a set of rules for orderly thinking, it can make no sense of the real universe, just what happens between humans. And we have to agree to the rules or it fails.

It sort of reminds me of the smugness in the clever thinking of St Thomas Aquinas in proving the existence of God. It doesn't actually "prove" anything, it's just a cleverly constructed argument for God. Of course that was fine back then, we've developed our scientific knowledge a bit since Aquinas and wordy arguments are very limited in their application.

Wordy, I like it and a very apt way to describe Aquinas! :yawn:
Hey now that was my line in another thread.
But you are correct.

I think that rattling around in WM's head was what caused this thread.
Yeah, I suppose I should have said science instead of logic in my post.
What I mean to say is that there is a scienfitic explanation for everything that happens, we will just never understand it all well enough to understand all the whys or predict all that will happen.

And I'm trying to say that there may be an infinite amount of scientific explanations for everything that occurs.