The universe requires a Creator

There is a always a personality behind the scene:

"The God is a Person Principle"

(or "Why Atheistic Philosophers can't deny that there is always a personality behind the scene"):

Q. Who is the personification of the American Dollar Bill?
A. George Washington.

Q. Who is the Living Personification of the American Dollar Bill?
A. Donald Trump.

Q. Who is the personification of the State of New York'?
A. The Governor (Mr. Coumo)

Q. Who is the personification of one of the many regional Counties of New York State?
A. The County Executive.

Q. Who is the personification of one of the many Congressional Districts of New York State?
A. The Congressman/State Representative.

Q. Who is the personification of New York City?
A. The Mayor (Mr. Deblasio).

Q. Who is the personification of one of the many Districts of New York City?
A. The Councilman/Ombudsman.

Q. Who is the personification of any 'Block and Lot' tax-parcel of land?
A. The title barer (The Land owner).

Q. Who is the personification of the any Apartment building?
A. "The Landlord".

Q. Who is the personification of any apartment?
A. The tenant.

Q. Who is the personification of the room with the football and the many toy Trains?
A. One of the male children.

Q. Who is the personification of nursery room?
A. The Baby.

The point of my illustration is:
"Without the presence of the persona, all paraphernalia is without meaning nor purpose for existing"


So Frank, if you haven't done the research why do you proselytize?

If Frank's research efforts turn up nothing of worth ---why base other's world as something you know about?

What the hell are you blathering about?
I thank you for sharing even more of your blind guesses about REALITY.

You are full of blind guesses.

You absolute dumb ass!

Stop replying to my posts!

I quote authority. You are not learnt in anything!

I am embarrassed by you. Ya'll aint got no game. Get off the court.

Flipping ignorant twat.
You absolute dumb ass!

Stop replying to my posts!

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Here I am paying you the courtesy to reply to your drivel...and you are asking me to stop.

No way, Jose.

I quote authority. You are not learnt in anything!

I am "learnt" enough to know you are not quoting authority.

You are pushing your blind guesses about the REALITY of existence.

I have no problem with that...but your blind guesses are still just blind guesses...not "authority."

I am embarrassed by you.

I didn't mean to embarrass you. I meant to correct you.

Stop being embarrassed.

Ya'll aint got no game. Get off the court.

You still haven't got that street talk down pat. Put a bit more practice into it...and maybe, just maybe, some day it will work.

Flipping ignorant twat.

No you are not.

You are just mistaken.

Stop being so hard on yourself.

Perhaps you ought to try this nonsense on someone a bit less prepared than I. You gotta crawl before you can do a triathlon.

Insanity is when normal folks become POSSESSED by the Astral body of a person that died suddenly...where the Astral body of the recent deceased seeks to engage the gross world via POSSESSION of a living person.

The factors that allow for POSSESSION of a living person's bodily conscience actions is WHEN A person is weak-willed, highly intoxicated and in a state of quasi-deep sleep is when a person can be inhabited by a Ghost.

Ghosts are Astral bodies (mind-intelligence-false ego; ~aka respectively, manas-budhi-ahankara) that have been stripped of their gross body (earth-water-fire-air-ether) before their natural death occurred.

IE: A bomb blast etc will leave one standing and "thinking & willing" after their gross body is evaporated in a flash.

The problem with dis-embodied astral bodies is lack of physical means to carry out any activities.

---until they fad-away to take a new birth appropo to the Karma (karma-phalam - fruits of works) accrued.

^^^^^^^^^^Proof positive that you are completely insane. Thank you.
Running scared from your biography:


Imagine then a fleet or a ship in which there is a captain
who is taller and stronger than any of the crew,
but he is a little deaf and has a similar infirmity in sight,
and his knowledge of navigation is not much better.

The sailors are quarreling with one another about the steering––
every one is of the opinion that he has a right to steer,
though he has never learned the art of navigation and cannot tell who taught him or when he learned,
and will further assert that it cannot be taught,
and they are ready to cut in pieces any one who says the contrary.
They throng about the captain, begging and praying him to commit the helm to them;
and if at any time they do not prevail, but others are preferred to them,
they kill the others or throw them overboard,
and having first chained up the noble captain's senses with drink or some narcotic drug,
they mutiny and take possession of the ship and make free with the stores;
thus, eating and drinking, they proceed on their voyage in such a manner as might be expected of them.
Him who is their partisan and cleverly aids them in their plot for getting the ship out
of the captain's hands into their own whether by force or persuasion,
they compliment with the name of sailor, pilot, able seaman, and abuse the other sort of man,
whom they call a good-for-nothing; but that the true pilot must pay attention to the year
and seasons and sky and stars and winds, and whatever else belongs to his art,
if he intends to be really qualified for the command of a ship, and that he must and will be the steerer,
whether other people like or not––the possibility of this union of authority with
the steerer's art has never seriously entered into their thoughts or been made part of their calling.
Now in vessels which are in a state of mutiny and by sailors who are mutineers,
how will the true pilot be regarded?
Will he not be called by them a prater, a star-gazer, a good-for-nothing?

The ship of fools, from Book VI of Plato's Republic, about a ship with a dysfunctional crew --
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

"I would suggest everyone of European descendency...go and study your tribal ancestry and see how you got civilized."
Still waiting for someone explain how the universe created itself, in violation of the law of causality.

No one has said the universe created itself.

The UNIVERSE...may always have existed.

But your need to kiss your god's ass won't allow you to even consider that possibility.
There was no time before the big bang. The time/space continuum wraps both into it. The universe does not require a god to start it. That just adds another complexity to it. One that is created by religious people. God did not create man. man created god. lots of them. many societies created lots of them.
There was no time before the big bang. The time/space continuum wraps both into it. The universe does not require a god to start it. That just adds another complexity to it. One that is created by religious people. God did not create man. man created god. lots of them. many societies created lots of them.

Nothing physical can create itself. The universe is physical. It had a Creator. End of argument. Unless you can show me how something can create itself from nothing, then it requires a Creator.
Nothing physical can create itself. The universe is physical. It had a Creator. End of argument. Unless you can show me how something can create itself from nothing, then it requires a Creator.

Nothing physical can create itself. The universe is physical. It had a Creator. End of argument. Unless you can show me how something can create itself from nothing, then it requires a Creator.

And no one said it is physical either.

Lots of people have supposed that it is NOT...including many physicists.

But, I understand. You have got to kiss your god's ass...or bad, bad things will happen to you.

So...go on...KISS.
Nothing physical can create itself. The universe is physical. It had a Creator. End of argument. Unless you can show me how something can create itself from nothing, then it requires a Creator.

The concept of your creator violates the very law you refer to.

Keep flailing.
The concept of your creator violates the very law you refer to.

The equation you presuppose is reversed.

The creation emanates from PERSONA.

PERSONA can create myriads of form.

The Supreme form is the Originating truth of creation: PERSONA.

Before the elements divided and the Sun shined and trillions of souls rise and fall and time marches on etc etc THERE WAS A SINGLE "PERSONA".

"PERSONA" is not a back seat driver in creation.
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Still waiting for someone explain how the universe created itself, in violation of the law of causality.

Because it was a "PERSONA" present.

"PERSONA" predates variegated recipe transmutations aka Periodic Table of Elements, time, space, dharma etal.