Yeah, but if they aren't patriots what makes you think they'd responsibly apply jury nullification?
I just respond to the lawyers first question with one of my own: "Is that the guilty guy"?Good way to "get out of" jury duty is to talk about Jury Nullification while they are picking the jury.
Glad to see you have no respect for the Constitution or the presumption of innocense. I truly hope one day you sit accused of a crime you did not commit, and someone asks that question of your lawyer.I just respond to the lawyers first question with one of my own: "Is that the guilty guy"?
Yeah just look one post south of yours that I am responding to now and you will see just how effing sad.sad F'ing country we live in nowadays, isn't it.
I just respond to the lawyers first question with one of my own: "Is that the guilty guy"?
I was being facetious, of course. I've been to jury duty several times, and everyone jokes about what they'll wear, do or say to get themselves kicked out, but when the time comes, we all sit up straight and do our duty. Its pretty amazing when you think about it.Glad to see you have no respect for the Constitution or the presumption of innocense. I truly hope one day you sit accused of a crime you did not commit, and someone asks that question of your lawyer.
From the master of that!Dumbass troll.
Pot meet Kettle. Kettle, Pot.Dumbass troll.
Yes, it is apparent you can go on indefinitely using innuendo, deliberate misrepresentation of what has been said, outright lies, and other little tricks of those whose reading comprehension is lacking, or whose argument cannot be otherwise supported. The only reason "My" solution cannot work is because you completely misunderstand and/or misrepresent what "my" solution is.I understand where you coming from so lets evaluate your way of doing this. If your world existed, no one would be able to appeal the illegal search of their house. Instead they would have to petition their representative, from prison, to introduce a constitutional amendment which would say that any search without a warrant would be unconstitutional, which the fourth already says, and that any evidence siezed would have to be excluded from the trial of the guilty guy whose house they found the evidence at. Just for my edification what would motivate a legislator to introduce that particular amendment?
Lets move on to Miranda, which the court not to long ago upheld. In your world, people who were coerced into confessing to a crime would have to wait for the same procedure to get a NEW Amendment that says people accused of a crime cannot be made to confess and if they do then the confession must be excluded. Again the motivation for a legislator, one that is up for re-election from time to time, to introduce amendments which would appear to assist criminals escapes me.
The guy that wore a t-shirt that said "Fuck the Draft" would have to wait for the amendment that said, "hey dumbasses, written words on shirts are also protected speech."
Larry Flynt would have had to wait for the amendment that says, "hey, you all are still dumbasses and satire and wholly unbelievable ads in magazines are also protected speech."
And the Jehovas Witnesses who were being force to have their kids pledge to the flag would have to wait for the Amendment that says "Even unpopular religious beliefs are protected by the Free Exercise Clause.
I can do this all night long. Do you understand WHY your solution is unreasonable and untenable? Do you understand how many people who had their 4th Amendment rights violated would have to sit in jail waiting for congress and all the states to pass your exclusionary rule amendment? Do you understand how NO LEGISLATOR in her right mind would EVER introduce those amendments. Do you understand how no legislator hoping to be re-elected would ever vote for it and how states would NEVER ratify them?
You idea is to keep people in prison when they shouldn't be and limit peoples rights to only those things that are popular.
I think that you meant to say "hasn't been".
White southerners and Christians are allowed to be publicly denigrated by libs. That's how they define tolerance and open-mindedness.
And we have made changes to the US Constitution. The methods for making changes are there.
They are not easy, but they exist.
I do not think making changes to the US Constitution SHOULD be easy.
Yeah the teaching of sex education to first graders and the pornography on television, movies and the supermarket check out aisle are certainly good examples of this new enlightenment.
That's true but Juries are designed to represent the conscience of our communities and they may vote "guilty" or "not guilty" "For" or "Against" for any reason or no reason. There is no requirement that Jury's adhere to the constitution or any law for that matter in their deliberations. Of course, no Judge is going to volunteer that information to them and they do have a moral and ethical responsibility to respect the rule of law.But juries may not have any respect for the constitution at all.
There is no such thing as jury nullification in this country anymore. Juries are told that they must follow the instructions.
Whole scale? It's all incremental. Obama voted for 1st grade sex ed in Illinois. There's more tits and ass in the supermarket checkout than there used to be in pin-ups. Get yourself a real woman and stop looking at pictures.There you go again. A right wing nut living in right wing never, never land. Show me, whole scale, were their teaching sex education in the first grade? Show me where they sell porn at a supermarket (cause I'd like to shop there) never minding the question, what the hell is wrong with porn.
Having trouble seeing the forest through the trees?Please explain to me how any one has denigrated the two groups who are the greatest threats to liberty and freedom in this nation? By being critical of their asinine behavior?