The US economy is pulling off something historic

As I said before, the economy always gets low ratings because Americans, especially in last ten years, have become more cynical. You should know from attending live sporting events which are sold out with expensive ticket and concession prices but guarantee if you surveyed the audience as the exited the majority would say the economy sucks

Not what the economy is, but how it is portrayed, and when done in melodramatic terms, someone one is always going to blamed
There’s not large numbers of people paying premium prices for sporting events.

(I used to go to Warriors games all the time in Oakland. Now your cheap seats are several hundred dollars and anything really worth sitting in is $400 plus. That isn’t my lane although I have a decent number of friends that roll that way. How would they say the economy is doing? I can’t answer. I’m sure they’d talk about asset inflation, which they benefit from.)
The homeless vets thing is a canard. It's a lie by omission. All of the surveys of homeless persons uses self-reporting to determine if someone is a vet. That is, the surveys don't verify a homeless person's claim to being a veteran.

You also have to define who you really want to call a veteran. 90 days active service and not receiving a dishonorable discharge makes someone a "veteran" right now. This would included anyone discharged for things like drug use, disciplinary issues, and the like that didn't rise to the level of being court martialed and receiving a dishonorable discharge.

I for one, being a veteran myself, don't consider anyone who was summarily dismissed from service and received a less than honorable discharge, or had their commission (officers) dismissed--like Hunter Biden did for drug use--to be a "veteran." They didn't serve honorably and shouldn't and don't deserve that title.

US infrastructure quality varies considerably by state, location, and who's running (ruining?) things.

For example, here in Arizona, the difference between Tucson and Phoenix in terms of streets and highways is stunning. Phoenix has pretty good streets and excellent highways through out the urban area. Go to Tucson where there has long been a Progressive Democrat government in place, and you get streets in decay and crumbling but by god they have a light rail system nobody uses, and lots of decoration, trees, and such lining the crumbling streets filled with stop and go traffic. There are lots of bike lanes nobody uses too...

In Phoenix the road system is built to make it drivable and get you where you're going quickly. In Tucson they deliberately try to make using a car difficult and unpopular while the alternatives don't work.
Did you see combat? It should be a requirement to be considered a veteran. A lot of veterans I talk to are missing a leg. There's no reason people like that should be homeless. We the people don't care about our veterans.
Did you see combat? It should be a requirement to be considered a veteran. A lot of veterans I talk to are missing a leg. There's no reason people like that should be homeless. We the people don't care about our veterans.
I was in theater and received combat pay on more than one occasion. Being an engineering type, I didn't see actual combat but rather did support work to allow those that were at the pointy end to do their jobs. My job was important too. If ships didn't get maintenance, if generators didn't work, etc., then the troops doing the fighting wouldn't have the support and weapons to do their jobs.

Modern warfare isn't like it was in the 19th century. Today for every troop doing something in combat, there are 9 or 10 more doing work to make that possible.


So, I don't begrudge those who served and did mundane things that often went unappreciated and unnoticed--at least until they weren't there. They are veterans too. They did their jobs too.

I chose my rating and military profession (Electrician's Mate) in time of peace and did my job in peace and in war. In the first Desert Storm war (Invasion of Kuwait) I was in shop 10A ship superintendent's office at SIMA San Diego in the amphib section. My job was to make sure all the maintenance tickets on the ships I was assigned got done and any issues were ironed out to get them done. Without me and the maintenance workers doing that work, those ships couldn't sail and that would mean the marines they were to carry into battle wouldn't have a way to get there.
Bullshit. Trumps legacy was pulling us out of it while Biden wanted to continue the stupid shutdowns. You brain dead hacks on the left can't remember what happened yesterday, much less four years ago.

Blame for what? Biden was the idiot promoting lockdowns, masks and trying to shove the vaccine down everyone's throats while lying.

Wrong. But alas, you're an uneducated dunce who parrots MSNBC talking points. Had Biden done NOTHING but stopped the mandates, everyone would be in much better shape today and we wouldn't have trillion-dollar deficits and trillion-dollar interest on the debt.

Stealing taxpayer money to buy influence never leads to economic growth halfwit. How has the infrastructure and chops act been a success?
Sure I can. Chinese Disease and the lockdown were an extraordinary event that was not something any president could foresee or control happening.
That is why they are elected, to handle crisis, and don’t say it wasn’t foreseen, Covid seen long before it hit the US, don’t you recall Trump praising the Chinese for their handling of Covid
That is why they are elected, to handle crisis, and don’t say it wasn’t foreseen, Covid seen long before it hit the US, don’t you recall Trump praising the Chinese for their handling of Covid
Covid does not kill, Anchovies.
These are recent ' Into the Nightsoil's' statements ;

"Sweden is not to the east of the UK "
" There is no such science as paleoclimatology "
" There is no such thing as an unwritten Constitution "
" There were WMD in Iraq "
Dumbass or troll ?

Did you see combat? It should be a requirement to be considered a veteran. A lot of veterans I talk to are missing a leg. There's no reason people like that should be homeless. We the people don't care about our veterans.
I have a neighbor that got a VA house loan, because he avoided the draft during the Vietnam War by joining the National Guard. He never served a minute of active duty. The draft dodger Quayle changed the law to allow draft dodgers to get veteran rights, if they went through the National Guard.

Meanwhile, almost all veteran services for newly discharged combat veterans have been defunded by the Republicans. Especially pre-Obama, they would wait for months to get treatment. It was a disgrace.
Can't we all get along?
Humanity's commands supporting reasonable doubt every generation gap added explains why nobody will get alone when equally evolving in series parallel time occupying space uniquely here daily since rotation one was conceived to replace their 30 previous chromosome donors of their past 4 generations their body represents by the numbers alive today.