because, regardless of your off target rants, folks with lots of capital will continue to invest in our economy.
Will their investments lead to real growth in the economy? That is the question here, not whether rich people will invest their money, they will all invest their money in something, unless they put it in a mattress. If they are not investing in capitalist enterprises, and things they can make income profit from, it will not really create much growth in the economy, there is nothing to buy and sell to produce a profit. A new fire station or library, doesn't generate revenue, it doesn't create a profit, it isn't a capitalist venture of any kind, it provides a municipal service, and that is all nice and good, it just doesn't stimulate the economy much.
To contrast this, let's take a look at something that could actually happen some day soon... A small laboratory has developed a coal-based energy supply that is cheap to produce, plentiful and bountiful as a natural resource, and would totally revolutionize our dependence on foreign oil forever. The Federal Government will not get off their ass and fund the development, because of politics from various lobbies, and the small matter of the initial implementation, the project would be enormous... Estimates are $200-500 Billion, for the first phase. The option of private funding is more likely, if the tax rate is lower, and profits not penalized severely by regulation. We could get together the Bill Gates' and Donald Trumps of the World... Ted Turner, that Malcom dude... a few sheiks... hey... we can cover the tab for development easy!
The problem is, government's ability to restrict such nonsense, and apply strict tax law to any venture capitalists! Take all their money! They don't deserve it! Stop them from making money in progressing this country forward, how dare they! Liberals are too stupid to even understand this is sarcasm on my part, they are probably reading along, thinking.. damn, he makes sense to me! The simple-minded idiocy about economics in this country, absolutely astounds me! You are caught up in the oldest political appeal in human history, class envy. Those of you who are smart, or claim to be, certainly have trouble giving any supporting argument for your positions, other than your profound opinions. Taxing the rich more, is not going to fix America. Get that through your pinheads! It simply doesn't work, for a variety of reasons, namely because rich people ain't stupid.
They will continue to find ways to get as positive a return on their investment as the market and the law will allow.
Yes, and some of them will even find ways the law doesn't allow. In which case, the aren't likely paying into the revenues, are they? Some rich people will always find a way to screw over someone and stay rich, this is true. I sort of think a good deal of them are fairly above-board people, and make a conscious effort to obey the laws, and conduct their finances in accordance with the law. If the law says, you will pay 40% tax on your 'income', they will find ways to not make an 'income'.'s just basic logic, folks.
They always have and they always will. And every time they invest in any sort of equity instrument that generates a return, that equity instrument is simultaneously generating economic activity.
Yeah, rich people, no matter who they are, will invest their money in something, we've established this. Unless they are keeping their money in a mattress, it is invested in something, earning them some kind of dividend. I understand this point Maine, I don't know why you keep wanting to make it.
My argument is rich people earning an income through their entrepreneurship, by building a factory, by funding an upstart business venture, by investing in capitalist ventures and making a profit from it. These are what drive the economy. By drive I mean, vigorously move the economy forward, producing more and more sales and purchases, which produce more tax revenues to the government.
Your point about the stock markets and investing in municipal bonds, is only more proof that the rich do not need to make incomes. Taxing something that is not needed, is an effort in futility. You produce far more revenues from these people, by leaving the tax where it is, not raising it. If you are going to do anything, lower it! You would produce more revenue, history proves it.