Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Catholic Hispanics may not look favorably on Guno and his Band of Christ-Killers.
(where did the Spanish Inquisition take place?)
I don't know how well-received Jews are south of the border.
Catholic Hispanics may not look favorably on Guno and his Band of Christ-Killers.
(where did the Spanish Inquisition take place?)
I don't know how well-received Jews are south of the border.
I wonder what Guno thinks about the rising Arab population is Israel? I'm guessing Guno thinks THAT kind of 'integration' is bad. (?)
We could probably use more brown skin for aesthetic and public health reasons. My pale, translucent northern European skin is a risk for blinding people.
Goony will likely continue to think that all is well because the enemy is not at his front door. The only things that can change his mind will be an Islamic conquest of Israel, or becoming the victim of those Palestinian street gangs here at home.
I don't know, Gin. If Palestinians beat the shit out of him, he might feel he deserved it because of his 'Hebrew Privilege'. (?)
The US white majority will soon disappear forever
"Hebrew" is something Goony's Japanese friends often say about him.
Soon the US will be a 'majority-minority' country, with white non-Hispanics making up less than half of the total population.
Since the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 and the start of the Colonial period, the U.S. has been predominantly white.
But the white share of the U.S. population has been dropping, from a little under 90% in 1950 to 60% in 2018. It will likely drop below 50% within another 25 years.
White nationalists want America to be white again. But this will never happen. America is on its way to becoming predominantly nonwhite.
Minority children now make up a majority of 16 year olds and under
White women have an average of 1.7 children over their lifetimes, while Latina women average 2.2. The total fertility rates of blacks, Asians and American Indians are in between. So whites have fewer births than all nonwhite groups.
There are also big differences in age structure. Sixty-two percent of Latinas 15 years of age or older are of childbearing age. Only 42% of white women fall into this group. Latinos also have lower mortality rates than whites.
In 2015, for the first time, there were more white deaths in the U.S. than white births. Indeed, as of 2016, in 26 states, whites were dying faster than they were being born. The states with more white deaths than white births include California, Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
it isn't skin color , it is the prevailng culture and dominance
it isn't skin color , it is the prevailng culture and dominance