The history of the word democracy

The founders changed the meaning of the word idiot

They created a new type of system that the world had not tried yet

A representative democracy

Try getting all the facts instead of repeating what your handlers tell you to repeat

This is why republicans don’t like their voters to be educated

The history of the word democracy

The founders changed the meaning of the word idiot

They created a new type of system that the world had not tried yet

A representative democracy

Try getting all the facts instead of repeating what your handlers tell you to repeat

This is why republicans don’t like their voters to be educated

Creating a NEW systems isn't changing the meaning of the word.

Democrats love you morons. You're easily fooled into believing anything they tell you. That was proven in 2008 and 2012 when you idiots elected a black POS because you thought skin color was a qualification.
John Quincy Adams

“If there have been those who have doubted wether a confederated REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY were a government competent to the wise and orderly management of the common concerns of a mighty nation, those doubts have been dispelled”

By the time John Adams’s son was an adult it WAS apparent the new type of democracy worked huh

And yes he new his father liked this new type of democracy they had created
When founding thinkers such as James Madison spoke of democracy, they were usually referring to direct democracy, what Madison frequently labeled “pure” democracy. Madison made the distinction between a republic and a direct democracy exquisitely clear in “Federalist No. 14”: “In a democracy, the people meet and exercise the government in person; in a republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, will be confined to a small spot. A republic may be extended over a large region.”

It’s historical knowledge
By the time John Adams’s son was an adult it WAS apparent the new type of democracy worked huh

And yes he new his father liked this new type of democracy they had created

Unlike you claimed, JQA was not a founder. Admit you were wrong and I won't continue making you look like a fool. If you refuse, it's on.
Then the founders constructed a new kind of democracy

A combination

A representative democracy

Which proved to be very successful
6th president of the USA.


CLEARLY called the nation a democracy

And republicans call him a liar
Then the founders constructed a new kind of democracy

A combination

A representative democracy

Which proved to be very successful

It's called a republic and different from the type democracy Madison referenced in the Federalist papers.
Because they are insane and or brainwashed by th Republican Party to hate their fellow Americans

You are no fellow american of mine if you belong to the jackass cunt party. YOU people have caused this not repubs. Grow some fucking balls and admit you cunts want to fuck america up the ass. At least THEN I would have some respect for you but as it is you cunts are traitorous maggots.
You are no fellow american of mine if you belong to the jackass cunt party. YOU people have caused this not repubs. Grow some fucking balls and admit you cunts want to fuck america up the ass. At least THEN I would have some respect for you but as it is you cunts are traitorous maggots.

You hate those founders a lot huh