The USA is now producing more oil and gas than any nation ever has. It’s a triumph

Another problem in this is that Biden through the EPA et al., is forcing US refineries to close due to cost of operation forced by federal regulations.

Biden’s Burdensome Regulations are Shutting Down American Refineries

Refinery closures lower domestic crude oil distillation operating capacity, but refinery utilization rates remain flat over the long term

Oil companies are profiting from the scarcity driven by refineries losing capacity

Pumping out all the crude oil on the planet gets you nothing if you can't refine it into a finished product. Refinery capacity dictates quantities available to the market domestically. If that quantity falls and demand remains constant, then prices rise. Importing finished, usable oil products costs more than local production will, so that driver the price up too.

Fuck the greentard agenda.
Another problem in this is that Biden through the EPA et al., is forcing US refineries to close due to cost of operation forced by federal regulations.

Biden’s Burdensome Regulations are Shutting Down American Refineries

Refinery closures lower domestic crude oil distillation operating capacity, but refinery utilization rates remain flat over the long term

Oil companies are profiting from the scarcity driven by refineries losing capacity

Pumping out all the crude oil on the planet gets you nothing if you can't refine it into a finished product. Refinery capacity dictates quantities available to the market domestically. If that quantity falls and demand remains constant, then prices rise. Importing finished, usable oil products costs more than local production will, so that driver the price up too.

Fuck the greentard agenda.

I do not know if you are lying, or just ignorant.,Marathon) refinery in Martinez, California Some refineries closed during Covid due to lack of demand. Energy companies, not the government. shut others.
Guno צְבִי;5940462 said:
If this happened during Trump the sloop skulls would be celebrating

But when Republicans do it you donkey humpers whine about climate change. I guess the climate doesn't change when you donkey humpers increase production huh?
Presidents are seldom responsible for the good or bad developments during their presidency--they get elected and just hope for the best.

Biden was directly responsible for higher oil and gas prices, Sock. He is the one that issued the executive order.
In 2023 the U. S. crude oil production hit an all-time record high.

Not because of Biden, Sock. Despite him. A big factor was that his executive order was thrown out by a federal court. The shortage is not yet been recovered, and inflation hasn't helped any either.
Not because of Biden, Sock. Despite him. A big factor was that his executive order was thrown out by a federal court. The shortage is not yet been recovered, and inflation hasn't helped any either.

You mean the world wide inflation? It was caused primarily by the shortage of goods and government stimulus money given out by Biden and Trump. It was also caused by Trump's tariff which raised prices and was essentially a $82 billion tax increase American taxpayers had to pay.
You mean the world wide inflation? It was caused primarily by the shortage of goods and government stimulus money given out by Biden and Trump. It was also caused by Trump's tariff which raised prices and was essentially a $82 billion tax increase American taxpayers had to pay.

Tariffs don't cause inflation, Sock. The only direct cause of inflation is printing money faster than wealth is being created. In other words, the Federal Reserve.

The dollar has been devalued 34% since Biden was installed. Shortages cause temporary spikes in the item, but not overall inflation.
You mean the world wide inflation? It was caused primarily by the shortage of goods and government stimulus money given out by Biden and Trump. It was also caused by Trump's tariff which raised prices and was essentially a $82 billion tax increase American taxpayers had to pay.

The Federal Reserve is not a worldwide bank, Sock.
Any government using fiat money is generally subject to inflation.

Shortages do not cause inflation. Tariffs do not cause inflation.
The Federal Reserve is not a worldwide bank, Sock.
Any government using fiat money is generally subject to inflation.

Shortages do not cause inflation. Tariffs do not cause inflation.

Non-sequitur. It was world wide inflation. You need to learn about supply and demand. When the oil companies reduced production due to decreases in travel, gas prices increased when people began to travel again with their stimulus checks but production had not yet caught up with demand.

Tariffs are designed to raise prices. Americans had to pay an additional $82 billion in tariffs and attempts to increase prices on foreign products caused retaliation against American products. Farmers lost $42 billion which Trump repaid them out of our treasury. The tariffs were a disaster.
Buzzword fallacy. Fallacy fallacy.
It was world wide inflation.
No such thing, Sock.
You need to learn about supply and demand.
You are describing yourself again, Sock.
When the oil companies reduced production due to decreases in travel, gas prices increased when people began to travel again with their stimulus checks
Paradox. Irrational. You can't claim productivity is lower and higher at the same time, Sock.
but production had not yet caught up with demand.
You are locked in paradox, Sock. You must clear your paradox.
Tariffs are designed to raise prices.
No, they aren't. They are a tax on imported goods, nothing more.
Americans had to pay an additional $82 billion in tariffs
No, they didn't.
and attempts to increase prices on foreign products caused retaliation against American products.
Irrelevance fallacy.
Farmers lost $42 billion which Trump repaid them out of our treasury.
Not due to imports, sock! :rolleyes:
The tariffs were a disaster.
None. There are lot of tariffs on a lot of items. No disaster.

Don't want to pay the tax? Don't import that item from that country.
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