They have found a way to stay in power forever. I hope you don't get yourself killed.
BTW, the chances are good that you're on a watch list now.
Nah, they won't be in power forever. Everyone with a hint of intelligence knows the far left want to turn the US into a third world shithole.
There's a difference between "old school" Dems and the far left nutcases the large cities elect. There were Dems right along side of me when
I shot Hi-Power rifle competitions years ago and they don't support the far left loons or their policies. I hope I don't get killed either, but I'd
rather die than be forced to submit to the (far left ideology) ruination of the country I love.
Yeah, some libturd probably squealed on me and I may be on a "watch list." I'm not concerned about it. You won't find me at any protests and
going out rioting, pillaging or burning cop cars and police stations. I'll just keep on doing what I've been doing all my life until someone tries to
take what's mine. I break no laws (well, maybe the occasional speed limit, or two) and don't attract attention. I stay "under the radar."