The voter purge crisis

If you live in the Blue part of a Red state, Republicans don’t want you to vote. And their latest strategy is their most brute-force method: simply remove you from the voting rolls.

A shocking new study from Demos lays out the dimensions of this voter purge crisis of democracy brought to us by an increasingly desperate GOP.

Republicans are doing this because they know that their policies are unpopular: most Americans aren’t fans of tax cuts for billionaires, more pollution, deregulation, high-priced drugs, privatizing Medicare, ending Social Security, criminalizing abortion and birth control, student debt, hating on Black and queer people, and the GOP’s war on unions and working people.

So, the GOP does everything they can to make voting difficult or even impossible, particularly for people in heavily Democratic neighborhoods (which are usually college towns, big cities, and Black neighborhoods)

When Republicans run elections in such areas (typically Blue cities in Red states), they’ll close or change polling places at the last minute to sow confusion and cause people to give up when they show up at their normal polling place and find it closed.

For example, in this week’s election in Ohio the state changed polling places for mostly Black voters in Cuyahoga and Summit counties just five days before the election, as Newsweek noted in an article.

Ohio voters were outraged, and that outrage spread across X (formerly Twitter) with comments like this:

“The Ohio GOP is playing ‘Your polling place has moved’ with 47,000 voters in the largest African American voting county in Ohio—just five days before the election. Making it harder to vote—in the crucial August 8th special election (deciding if a majority of voters still can amend Ohio's state constitution)—is wrong.” of Voter Purge Policies in Ten States.pdf

You Nazis are panicking that Republicans have figured out how you cheat in elections.

If Republicans clear the dead voters and those who have moved, you Nazis will never win another election.
Why are you against Americans being able to vote, Arbie? Do you hate democracy? Do you favor an authoritarian one-party state?

June 30, 2021
Seventeen states have enacted 28 new laws making it harder to vote


How many states have enacted voting laws that make it easier to cheat?

How many states have enacted voting laws that make it easier to cheat?

None, since Federal laws still apply. The conspiracy theory about illegals voting for Biden is a lie since Trump's team of lawyers were never able to prove it.
None, since Federal laws still apply. The conspiracy theory about illegals voting for Biden is a lie since Trump's team of lawyers were never able to prove it.

Plenty have:

Automatic voter registration when applying for a driver's license
Ballot harvesting
Election 'seasons' that last weeks or even a month or more of voting
All mail-in ballots
Laws to prevent purging or cleaning up voter rolls
Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to be registered to vote because they get a license
Ultra lax verification standards on mail-in ballots
Ballot drop boxes
No voter ID

How many states?
Plenty have:

Automatic voter registration when applying for a driver's license
Ballot harvesting
Election 'seasons' that last weeks or even a month or more of voting
All mail-in ballots
Laws to prevent purging or cleaning up voter rolls
Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to be registered to vote because they get a license
Ultra lax verification standards on mail-in ballots
Ballot drop boxes
No voter ID

How many states?

States can allow illegals to have driver's licenses and vote in local elections. Federal laws still apply.

Where is the Republican Congressional investigation results of how millions of illegals voted for Hillary? Do they need more time?
How do you cheat? Explain how that works because our voting system works very well.

One simple one is you have two states where the voter rolls don't get purged and have all mail-in ballots that are automatically sent out. I get a copy of the voter roll--most states allow political parties access so they can create mailing lists, etc. I then use a bunch of ballot harvesters to go early on in the voting process--I have weeks to do this--to go to known addresses of people who have moved out of state but will receive a ballot because the rolls aren't purged, and have the harvesters collect those ballots whenever possible from the person(s) living there, knowing that a ballot was sent for X person(s) to that address.

The collected ballots for those voters that have moved out of the state are then filled out by my team and turned in in mass on election day or dropped off periodically up to election day. After all, ballot harvesting is legal in the state I'm doing this in. I could turn in hundreds, possibly thousands, of ballots depending on the size of my operation, all illegal votes that cannot be distinguished from valid ones.

I'm a political operative. I hire lots of ballot harvesters to go around collecting ballots, particularly in low income areas and ones where English is not the primary language. The collectors speak the local language and get paid on the basis of how many ballots they collect. They get a bonus for delivering them to me unmarked and unsealed. Same thing. I have weeks to fill them out and turn them in. Again, I could collect thousands of valid ballots and illegally vote them however I want.

I'm a political operative. There is same day registration for voting in my state. I go out and round up all the homeless people from wherever, even bus them in from other states, and they register and vote all in one day by the busload. I pay them say $5 or $10 each for their time. Now they're on the voter rolls, can't be purged, and best of all I know who they are and their address that future mail in ballots will go to is mine! I get all their ballots to use however I want.

All of these things are stuff the Democrats and Blue states are actually doing in terms of voter laws. Read the For the Voter's Act or the John Lewis Voter's Act. Although these haven't made it through Congress, it's likely eventually something like them will. It's pure election corruption designed to make cheating both easy and undetectable.
One simple one is you have two states where the voter rolls don't get purged and have all mail-in ballots that are automatically sent out. I get a copy of the voter roll--most states allow political parties access so they can create mailing lists, etc. I then use a bunch of ballot harvesters to go early on in the voting process--I have weeks to do this--to go to known addresses of people who have moved out of state but will receive a ballot because the rolls aren't purged, and have the harvesters collect those ballots whenever possible from the person(s) living there, knowing that a ballot was sent for X person(s) to that address.

The collected ballots for those voters that have moved out of the state are then filled out by my team and turned in in mass on election day or dropped off periodically up to election day. After all, ballot harvesting is legal in the state I'm doing this in. I could turn in hundreds, possibly thousands, of ballots depending on the size of my operation, all illegal votes that cannot be distinguished from valid ones.

I'm a political operative. I hire lots of ballot harvesters to go around collecting ballots, particularly in low income areas and ones where English is not the primary language. The collectors speak the local language and get paid on the basis of how many ballots they collect. They get a bonus for delivering them to me unmarked and unsealed. Same thing. I have weeks to fill them out and turn them in. Again, I could collect thousands of valid ballots and illegally vote them however I want.

I'm a political operative. There is same day registration for voting in my state. I go out and round up all the homeless people from wherever, even bus them in from other states, and they register and vote all in one day by the busload. I pay them say $5 or $10 each for their time. Now they're on the voter rolls, can't be purged, and best of all I know who they are and their address that future mail in ballots will go to is mine! I get all their ballots to use however I want.

All of these things are stuff the Democrats and Blue states are actually doing in terms of voter laws. Read the For the Voter's Act or the John Lewis Voter's Act. Although these haven't made it through Congress, it's likely eventually something like them will. It's pure election corruption designed to make cheating both easy and undetectable.

It's been 7 years since Trump won yet not a single Republican commission has been able to prove his claim that millions of illegals voted for Hillary. Why? The evidence indicates that no laws were broken. Same for the 2020 election.
It's been 7 years since Trump won yet not a single Republican commission has been able to prove his claim that millions of illegals voted for Hillary. Why? The evidence indicates that no laws were broken. Same for the 2020 election.


Your rebuttal gets tossed back in because it's under the size limit...
Your rebuttal gets tossed back in because it's under the size limit...[/QUOTE]
Translation: [B][I][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3] You're right, Dutch. The Republicans have had years to prove my conspiracy theories and they've always failed.
Thanks for agreeing by using a bullshit excuse and running from the truth, Terry. :thup:
This is that general dishonesty and rampant stupidity I was mentioning previously.

Republicans want everyone to vote. Republicans want valid elections.
Leftists, including Democrats, don't want anyone to vote; they don't want any valid elections and will steal them if need be.
Bullshit, Sybil

All good Americans want fair and valid elections. Biden won a fair election in 2020.
If you live in the Blue part of a Red state, Republicans don’t want you to vote. And their latest strategy is their most brute-force method: simply remove you from the voting rolls.

A shocking new study from Demos lays out the dimensions of this voter purge crisis of democracy brought to us by an increasingly desperate GOP.

Republicans are doing this because they know that their policies are unpopular: most Americans aren’t fans of tax cuts for billionaires, more pollution, deregulation, high-priced drugs, privatizing Medicare, ending Social Security, criminalizing abortion and birth control, student debt, hating on Black and queer people, and the GOP’s war on unions and working people.

So, the GOP does everything they can to make voting difficult or even impossible, particularly for people in heavily Democratic neighborhoods (which are usually college towns, big cities, and Black neighborhoods)

When Republicans run elections in such areas (typically Blue cities in Red states), they’ll close or change polling places at the last minute to sow confusion and cause people to give up when they show up at their normal polling place and find it closed.

For example, in this week’s election in Ohio the state changed polling places for mostly Black voters in Cuyahoga and Summit counties just five days before the election, as Newsweek noted in an article.

Ohio voters were outraged, and that outrage spread across X (formerly Twitter) with comments like this:

“The Ohio GOP is playing ‘Your polling place has moved’ with 47,000 voters in the largest African American voting county in Ohio—just five days before the election. Making it harder to vote—in the crucial August 8th special election (deciding if a majority of voters still can amend Ohio's state constitution)—is wrong.” of Voter Purge Policies in Ten States.pdf

Inversion fallacy. Racism. It is DEMOCRATS that don't want conservatives to vote, and you are being racist again.
The United States was never a democracy.
Unfortunately true. They are doing with the help of white nationalists, white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Sad.

Agreed on decades. They’ve been evolving this way ever since the Cold War ended.

Republicans are cheating with the help of the Democrats, Sock???
How do they add voters?

RQAA, Nordbutt. Dead people voting, people from the wrong jurisdiction voting. Keeping voter registration records around without purging them (resulting in quite a few counties where there are more people registered to vote than there are of legal voting age!).
If you live in the Blue part of a Red state, Republicans don’t want you to vote. And their latest strategy is their most brute-force method: simply remove you from the voting rolls.

A shocking new study from Demos lays out the dimensions of this voter purge crisis of democracy brought to us by an increasingly desperate GOP.

Republicans are doing this because they know that their policies are unpopular: most Americans aren’t fans of tax cuts for billionaires, more pollution, deregulation, high-priced drugs, privatizing Medicare, ending Social Security, criminalizing abortion and birth control, student debt, hating on Black and queer people, and the GOP’s war on unions and working people.

So, the GOP does everything they can to make voting difficult or even impossible, particularly for people in heavily Democratic neighborhoods (which are usually college towns, big cities, and Black neighborhoods)

When Republicans run elections in such areas (typically Blue cities in Red states), they’ll close or change polling places at the last minute to sow confusion and cause people to give up when they show up at their normal polling place and find it closed.

For example, in this week’s election in Ohio the state changed polling places for mostly Black voters in Cuyahoga and Summit counties just five days before the election, as Newsweek noted in an article.

Ohio voters were outraged, and that outrage spread across X (formerly Twitter) with comments like this:

“The Ohio GOP is playing ‘Your polling place has moved’ with 47,000 voters in the largest African American voting county in Ohio—just five days before the election. Making it harder to vote—in the crucial August 8th special election (deciding if a majority of voters still can amend Ohio's state constitution)—is wrong.” of Voter Purge Policies in Ten States.pdf


If the dead are purged from voter rolls, democrats can't rig elections.

democrat election fraud has nothing to do with Diebold (dominion) machines - it's ALWAYS been proxy voting.

21 MILLION invalid voter registrations are on the rolls across the 50 states - and ALL of those invalid registrations vote democrat.

democrats can't win free and fair elections - Americans aren't that stupid. You'll fight with everything you have to ensure dead voters and those who moved away are NEVER removed from registration rolls. If they are, you'll never "win" another election.