The wait is over here they come.


Villified User
We all predicted it, here they come. Now we will see just how stupid Americans are.

GOP to Air Ad Warning of Terror Attacks
Oct 19 6:25 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


The Republican Party will begin airing a hard-hitting ad this weekend that warns of more cataclysmic terror attacks against the U.S. homeland.

The ad portrays Osama bin Laden and quotes his threats against America dating to February 1998. "These are the stakes," the ad concludes. "Vote November 7."

Brian Jones, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, said the ad would run on national cable beginning Sunday, but he declined to discuss specifics of the buy.

The commercial tracks with Republican Party strategy to make the war on terrorism a central theme of this election. It will air as recent polls show Republicans losing ground as the party best able to combat terrorism.

Last month, President Bush made the war against terrorism a recurrent topic in public appearances. But his message was drowned out by the e- mail sex scandal involving former Republican Rep. Mark Foley of Florida and by increasing fatalities in Iraq.

The ad displays an array of quotes from bin Laden and his top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, that include bin Laden's Dec. 26, 2001 vow that "what is yet to come will be even greater."

The ad also cites al-Zawahri's claim to have obtained "some suitcase bombs," followed by a scene that appears to show a nuclear explosion.

Link to full story:
the demo response ad should be:
Show GWB and rupublican followers and the text should read.
"Would you buy a used lie from these guys ?"
I could be wrong, but I don't think this shit is going to work anymore.

Republicans have lost all credibility on national security. They can't even protect teenage pages, from pervert congressmen.
I'll believe it when I see it. They can be that arrogant, but until I see it from the Republicans themselves, I'l reserve comment.
The Bush Administration is running out of fear mongering credibility. Their Department of Homeland Security just gave out a terror alert for several football arenas this Sunday. But there is a problem, one of the locations doesn't even exist. So I guess we should be very worried about the terrorists destroying a non-existent stadium, huh???????
Well it must have existed before the terrorists disintegratred it. and erased all records that it ever existed.
Well it must have existed before the terrorists disintegratred it. and erased all records that it ever existed.

Nope New York City has never had a National Football League Stadium. The Jets and the Giants have always played in New Jersey. I can imagine the teorrorists driving all over Manhatten asking for directions to the football stadium. "We have a dirty bomb and it must go off it twenty minutes please can you direct us to the stadium????"

The other thing that is a little suspicious about the threat is that three of the stadiums are on the Western Time and are playing the early game and three of the stadiums are playing a late game so synchronizing the attack in all six stadiums would have been nearly impossible, wouldn't it??
I could be wrong, but I don't think this shit is going to work anymore.

Republicans have lost all credibility on national security. They can't even protect teenage pages, from pervert congressmen.

I agree, unless there is an actual attack, I don't think this is going to work again.

But, I do fear what this country will look like if we do suffer another attack while bush is in office.
Nope New York City has never had a National Football League Stadium. The Jets and the Giants have always played in New Jersey. I can imagine the teorrorists driving all over Manhatten asking for directions to the football stadium. "We have a dirty bomb and it must go off it twenty minutes please can you direct us to the stadium????"

The other thing that is a little suspicious about the threat is that three of the stadiums are on the Western Time and are playing the early game and three of the stadiums are playing a late game so synchronizing the attack in all six stadiums would have been nearly impossible, wouldn't it??

Didn't the Jets used to play at Shea?

I'm probably really dating myself with that, but I feel like I remember that they did at one time.
But Shea Stadium was not a Football Stadium it was a baseball stadium. So technically their has never been a football stadium in New York.
Nope New York City has never had a National Football League Stadium. The Jets and the Giants have always played in New Jersey. I can imagine the teorrorists driving all over Manhatten asking for directions to the football stadium. "We have a dirty bomb and it must go off it twenty minutes please can you direct us to the stadium????"

The other thing that is a little suspicious about the threat is that three of the stadiums are on the Western Time and are playing the early game and three of the stadiums are playing a late game so synchronizing the attack in all six stadiums would have been nearly impossible, wouldn't it??
The Jets used to play at Shea, and the Giants somewere on the north end of Manhattan; however, those facts are TOTALLY irrelevant to this discussion.

I, for one, am not buying it. Why should the R's expect their base to vote for them when they have spent like the Dems, and failed to do basic things like control our border?

I do think GWB has the right idea in taking the war on terror to the terrorists rather than fighting it here. But that would be Afganistan - not Iraq, and that job was left incomplete.
I, for one, am not buying it. Why should the R's expect their base to vote for them when they have spent like the Dems, and failed to do basic things like control our border?

You've been in cyberspace long enough to know that the GOP base, has bascially become a cult. Unless they see Bush/Frist/Hastert eating live babies on television, they will go into the voting booth and pull every lever with an (R) next to it. And will continue to affirm republican failure.

They're only remaining "reason" for doing so is that: "Well, repubulicans may suck- but Democrats suck just as bad...or worse!"
But Shea Stadium was not a Football Stadium it was a baseball stadium. So technically their has never been a football stadium in New York.
Shea is not a baseball stadium.

Totally irrelevent info from the Mets website (emphasis added)
The architectural firm of Praeger-Kavanagh-Waterbury designed the stadium to be the first all-purpose facility capable of hosting baseball and football games, seating 55,300 for baseball and 60,000 for the New York Jets football team.

I used to go to see Jets games there during the depressing Richard Todd era.
Shea is not a baseball stadium.

Totally irrelevent info from the Mets website (emphasis added)
The architectural firm of Praeger-Kavanagh-Waterbury designed the stadium to be the first all-purpose facility capable of hosting baseball and football games, seating 55,300 for baseball and 60,000 for the New York Jets football team.

I used to go to see Jets games there during the depressing Richard Todd era.

He just wanted to get me on a technicality. I think he forgot that they used to play at Shea, but he doesn't like to give me the satisfaction! I got him on that one though. He knows it.
I could be wrong, but I don't think this shit is going to work anymore.

Republicans have lost all credibility on national security.

It can still work.

The Republicans have lost all credibility but the Democrats have not gained any.
