I'm voting for a couple reasons.
1. refuse to vote for either man, as I don't support either of their ideas - amazing - they both suck in their own way. I wouldn't want either in the WH.
2. the better showing Johnson pulls off, just might make others think that the duopoly (gridlock/hyperpartisianship) is killing this country's ability to govern.
Enlighten the masses to the dangers of partisianship, as Washington did during his Farewell Address
3. I actually LIKE Johnson's positions on many matters, i'll never be a modern conservative, but I have little use for modern liberalism, that seeks to bury us in debt. While Bush started this, Obama has actually managed to surpass his spending levels - the gov't is approximately = to 24% of out GDP.
up from 20% 4 yearws ago.
4. I see absolutely nothing in the future but more of the same identity politics ( so called demographics) from either side. Unless the GOP becomes extinct -the Dead White Guy Party.
5. Obama lost me, his various wars, Big Pharma sellouts, and inability to articulate any ideas except "spend more to get us into prosperity" is asinine.
6. I have to live with myself - the vote is always personal choice, some vote for the goodies the Fed's can give you, some vote to keep the Fed's from getting your rich guy money. Being neither, I am not voting for a partisian position on either of these.
You not voting is your way of saying Obama hasn't earned your vote, OK fine -your choice. My voting FOR someone I think is on the right track, is my way of saying I actually support Johnson;
he's closer to federalism then either party, he wants to stop the wars both partys are addicted to, and he will severely cut the size and scope of the fed's reaching into state law. If I have any "attachments" it's towards federalism -the size and scope of the US gov't threatens to swamp everything.
So I'm voting for someone whom is closest, if not completely a set of my ideas of governing. I could give a damn about (D.) (R.) the best thing that could happen to this country long run is ending the partisan stranglehold on our Republic.
Anyways, time for some change we can believe in - and not just shout out stupid campaign lines, as such.