APP - The Wealth Reality

What is surprising is that with one of the most progressive tax codes in the world, this is still happening. Maybe there is a flaw in socialist thinking?

I love the words "fair" and "ideal". They sound all nice and and kumbaya until you wake up and realize that another human being wants to determine what is fair. Therein likes the problem.
What is surprising is that with one of the most progressive tax codes in the world, this is still happening. Maybe there is a flaw in socialist thinking?

I love the words "fair" and "ideal". They sound all nice and and kumbaya until you wake up and realize that another human being wants to determine what is fair. Therein likes the problem.

So what do you think needs to be done about this distribution?
What is surprising is that with one of the most progressive tax codes in the world, this is still happening. Maybe there is a flaw in socialist thinking?

I love the words "fair" and "ideal". They sound all nice and and kumbaya until you wake up and realize that another human being wants to determine what is fair. Therein likes the problem.

Another human being wants to determine what is fair? Maybe 75% of other human beings? Maybe more?

As the video shows more and more of the middle class are becoming poorer and poorer and like the interviews on TV some of the homeless never expected to be in that situation. It's all a matter of critical mass. When that's reached they'll be change.
Another human being wants to determine what is fair? Maybe 75% of other human beings? Maybe more?

As the video shows more and more of the middle class are becoming poorer and poorer and like the interviews on TV some of the homeless never expected to be in that situation. It's all a matter of critical mass. When that's reached they'll be change.

Like I said we have the most progressive tax code in the world yet the income distribution keeps concentrating at the top.

Now facts like these would cause a thinking person to question their elief system. But you just think you haven't restricted freedom enough.

Oh I am sure you have some romantic notion of proles like you rising up in revolution, but you are nothing but a useful idiot to the Obamas of the world
he didn't imply anything, that's why i'm asking questions. i'm trying to understand the supposed point he is making, other than he doesn't like capitalism/capitalists.

The point I'm making is something is terribly wrong. Fewer and fewer people are benefiting. Having excess money in the hands of a few while others suffer is hoarding food and medicine.

Hoarding: to accumulate money, food, or the like, in a hidden or carefully guarded place for preservation, future use, etc. (
Like I said we have the most progressive tax code in the world yet the income distribution keeps concentrating at the top.

Now facts like these would cause a thinking person to question their elief system. But you just think you haven't restricted freedom enough.

Oh I am sure you have some romantic notion of proles like you rising up in revolution, but you are nothing but a useful idiot to the Obamas of the world

Fortunately I don't have to "rise up". However, others will. Of that I have no doubt if things don't change.
Look, ILA, I don't know all the specifics pertaining to how the US tax code relates to other countries, but I can tell you this: Nobody who actually cares about class disparity and class poverty sees progressive taxation as the primary solution. We just don't. What we want is a cocktail of policies containing things like free higher education, a co-op based economy, and localized government structures.
Look, ILA, I don't know all the specifics pertaining to how the US tax code relates to other countries, but I can tell you this: Nobody who actually cares about class disparity and class poverty sees progressive taxation as the primary solution. We just don't. What we want is a cocktail of policies containing things like free higher education, a co-op based economy, and localized government structures.

So you want humans who are at the top 1% to come up with policies to help the poor?

Have you ever asked yourself why liberalism has failed? Do you really think we don't have enough transfer payments from "the rich"?

How much of their money do you want to take?

Look I am not arguing that the top 1% like Buffett and Gates aren't manipulating the political system for their own gain at the expense of the rest of the country. They are. I am arguing that it is crony capitalism that is responsible. They are rent seekers and they could not survive in a free market and a moral government following the laws laid forth in the US Constitution.

For some reason liberals labor under the delusion that some wise bureaucrat is going to make better decisions for all of society than hundreds of millions of individual decisions.

It matters not to you all of the evidence of your failed ideology. It matters not that all of the most despotic regimes of the last century came about by claiming to be champions of the poor. You persist in pushing this failed ideology that is liberalism/socialism/progressivism. You are either willfully ignorant of the past or despotism is what you seek
Rise up and do what exactly?

Demand change. As history has shown, over and over, a leader is going to come along and the people will follow him/her to what may be their detriment. We don't know but when someone is drowning they'll grab the life jacket regardless of who offers it. The worse the situation becomes the less people will scrutinize the person throwing the "jacket".

The point being the sooner change is implemented the better off we'll all be.
Demand change. As history has shown, over and over, a leader is going to come along and the people will follow him/her to what may be their detriment. We don't know but when someone is drowning they'll grab the life jacket regardless of who offers it. The worse the situation becomes the less people will scrutinize the person throwing the "jacket".

The point being the sooner change is implemented the better off we'll all be.

And what exactly do you think is required to "equalize" the wealth?