Scut Farkus
I think there are a lot of reasons woman are paid less.
I haven't heard a valid one yet though.
you've read many valid ones. You're just too stupid to recognize them as such.
I think there are a lot of reasons woman are paid less.
I haven't heard a valid one yet though.
I am not an Obama follower so to say, but he is NOT a Muslim and even if he were, it would not matter and should not matter....unless he brings his personal religious beliefs in to his workplace, our government.hench why i say
McCain 08'
Obama is a Muslim,his sexism is noted by all.
It's not true, I looked for just the opposite....someone who made less than me ended up being the better match, than someone making more than me...or equal to me, or the need to compete with me....It's not bogus. Salaries are a negotiation, and men are MORE MOTIVATED to hold out for more, because their relationships and status depend on this one factor moreso than a woman's does. Why do men make more? Women demand it. Many (not all) women will only be with a guy who makes more. They see being with someone who makes less as "settling". It's just true and you know it.
It's not true, I looked for just the opposite....someone who made less than me ended up being the better match, than someone making more than me...or equal to me, or the need to compete with me....
With true commitment and love, it does not matter....In fact, I would venture to say that when you know it does not matter, is when you are ready for a true commitment and marriage, when you accept that you are "in this thing" together!
I used to make twice what matt made, Our entire marriage....until I decided to retire young and decided I just didn't want to work anymore and the money was not worth the loss of living life to its fullest.
Now my husband not only doubles my pay, but makes 100% more than me, because I make nothing!!!!! hahahahahahahaha.....
So, now he is the head honcho making the dough and I am the subservant wifey! hahahahahahaha! NOT! but I am the wifey now.....not much of that when I was working and on the road all the time traveling...
so, as I said, I disagree....many strong women do not need a so to say strong man that makes more than her, if anything, I think she prefers someone that just accepts her and her career for what it is....better than his! And although it may seem that this is picking a "Weaker" man, I see it as the opposite....I see it as the man being a stronger man, because he is happy for his wife's great career and not intimidated by it, becaue he knows the job is NOT the say all and be all to a good marriage or relationship.
I've had my fair share, including an ex 1st husband of a 20 year ago plus, past....I agree, and we have similar tastes in men. Further, I have found that high-earning men are pains in the butt.
I've had my fair share, including an ex 1st husband of a 20 year ago plus, past....
they are major pains in the arse, I agree!
I know many very strong women, that I have worked with, vp's of MAJOR corporations, to Directors etc and we ALL are the same, no matter the level of our achievements, all have husbands that have not succeeded in the same manner and degree as us as far as "society" looks upon it, and we were all still pretty happily married with hubbies that adore and appreciate us and on a side note....did not cheat! Or less likely too, it seemed.....? hahahahahaha!
There we have it. I guess you and your friends are the only relevant sampling.
I've had my fair share, including an ex 1st husband of a 20 year ago plus, past....
they are major pains in the arse, I agree!
I know many very strong women, that I have worked with, vp's of MAJOR corporations, to Directors etc and we ALL are the same, no matter the level of our achievements, all have husbands that have not succeeded in the same manner and degree as us as far as "society" looks upon it, and we were all still pretty happily married with hubbies that adore and appreciate us and on a side note....did not cheat! Or less likely too, it seemed.....? hahahahahaha!
This is not my ego. You admitted it yourself in the phrase "...despite what society thinks...." or something close to that.I think it has more relevance that what your male ego has made you think Asshat!
A minority are not. Sorry. You admitted it yourself.Please take a step back....and realize that it is only you, the man, that really thinks the "woman" thinks this way....
Again. You already made my case in your other post.The woman does not think this way....for the most part. The teen girl or the very young adult female, maybe....but not the secure with her job and career woman...
But in the case of women in general, it is the case that they look to men for security. You're different and better, we get your male ego heads, YOU THINK this is how SHE SHOULD think about her man or the man she is going to choose as a mate, but it simply is not the case with the stronger, well paid, woman... in most cases...note asshat, that i did not say all, but most cases.
don't underestimate yourself or buddies without the super high paying salaries' ability to attract a woman of success....with one little sidebar, as long as you don't sit on your bum and do nothing, or are giving it the same effort as she other words, if you are working hard, it doesn't much matter that the dough is not equal to hers....your in ''it'', (life) together, as a team.
This is not my ego. You admitted it yourself in the phrase "...despite what society thinks...." or something close to that.
A minority are not. Sorry. You admitted it yourself.
Again. You already made my case in your other post.
But in the case of women in general, it is the case that they look to men for security. You're different and better, we get it.
The majority of women are as I describe. SOrry. The data is in. You're a minority.
But they want the man they date to make more. And the men they have working with them have women in their lives who want them to make more. This is the pressure differential that makes men HOLD OUT for more money.there isn't a woman working that wants a fellow man coworker to get paid more than she does for the precise same job and effort put in to it....
Men do what their SO's want, which is to deman more money, they don't do what their coworker women want, which is for them to step aside.this is what you have left out of your ''thinking''.....
No they're not.things are different now....
Some consider essential, not a nice to have.sure, would it be nice that her husband is rich and successful....yeah, an added perk.....
They are waiting for it.however, i can assure you, most women, ARE NOT MARRIED to ''successful'' rich men that can support them and their future family, all on their own....not too many a girl, would ever marry now a days, if the girl is waiting for that dream of the past....
i can see your point regarding a man fighting harder than the female over a larger increase or raise perhaps...
yep. And your mom was sucking on them last night.
I've just decided that if you have balls, then your not exactly my type. Sorry.
You've gone your whole life without deciding that balls aren't your type?
My ex-fiance, who I came this close to marrying (date and place set and all), made a lot of money. By any standards I think. He was never home, and he had a real type A personality. When I fell in love with him, a lot of that was downplayed, and I kept waiting for that guy to come back, but of course, he didn’t. It took me a long time to get out of that relationship, and it was very painful to end it, but I was never so lonely as when I was in it. And I have avoided that workaholic business type ever since.