The world doesn't hate America, the Left does

what happened to parents educating their own kids? It's not hard to learn how to read, write, and do math for yourself.

school is not to educate, it should be to teach people how to learn for themselves.

So you want to convert it all to homeschooling?

Did you know that half of the people in my state aren't even fully literate? And even if they are literate, it doesn't mean they know how to teach well.
The government doesn't seem to be doing a very good job now does it? No one has called for elimination of public schools Desh. But you are oppposed to any reforms that would actually help the kids you claim to be so compassionate about.

And here we come to opinion.

Your ideas are your opinion of what would work.

I say you are wrong. When you have kids trying to learn in schools with broken windows and teacher shortages do you expect them to work as well as the nice suburban schools with swimming pools and higer teacher pay?

The world is not as simple as you like to pretend it is.
what happened to parents educating their own kids? It's not hard to learn how to read, write, and do math for yourself.

school is not to educate, it should be to teach people how to learn for themselves.

There was a time in America when that was what we had fool.

So many couldnt read that they made puplic schools.

jesus do you people even open your history books?
And here we come to opinion.

Your ideas are your opinion of what would work.

I say you are wrong. When you have kids trying to learn in schools with broken windows and teacher shortages do you expect them to work as well as the nice suburban schools with swimming pools and higer teacher pay?

The world is not as simple as you like to pretend it is.

I don't claim the world is simple hence the need for changes and options, not just one size fits all schooling.

If I thought the world was simple I'd say leave things as they are, status quo, which is what you and many others want.
We are destined to repeat our mistakes Desh because of so many stupid people.

I don't know what the planet would do without you. We all owe you a big gratitude of debt. If you weren't the only thinking person on the planet we all would have disappeared by now.
I don't know what the planet would do without you. We all owe you a big gratitude of debt. If you weren't the only thinking person on the planet we all would have disappeared by now.

Get off your soapbox Cawack you think you are always right too.

Man grow the fuck up.
Get off your soapbox Cawack you think you are always right too.

Man grow the fuck up.

Actually I know I'm wrong quite a bit. But I also don't go around calling everyone stupid and proclaim myself "a thinking one". Tell me one person who thinks they do not think for themselves? No one. No one will say "I"m a sheeple." Yes I have opinions, don't always mean there right. But I don't call people stupid for disagreeing with me.

So don't tell me to grow the fuck up. You better recognize what your "compassionate" friend is really saying.
I don't know what the planet would do without you. We all owe you a big gratitude of debt. If you weren't the only thinking person on the planet we all would have disappeared by now.


Reply given in the spirit in which it was recieved.
Actually I know I'm wrong quite a bit. But I also don't go around calling everyone stupid and proclaim myself "a thinking one". Tell me one person who thinks they do not think for themselves? No one. No one will say "I"m a sheeple." Yes I have opinions, don't always mean there right. But I don't call people stupid for disagreeing with me.

So don't tell me to grow the fuck up. You better recognize what your "compassionate" friend is really saying.

You don't call people stupid (or the equivalent) for disagreeing with you ????

Want a couple of hundred examples to the contrary ?
You don't call people stupid (or the equivalent) for disagreeing with you ????

Want a couple of hundred examples to the contrary ?

Alright, I need to rephrase because you are correct. I wish I didn't call people stupid that I disagree with. Not a good quality. I was thinking before of the masses and not individual's.
So you want to convert it all to homeschooling?

Did you know that half of the people in my state aren't even fully literate? And even if they are literate, it doesn't mean they know how to teach well.

Then of course, there's those morons in CA who are trying to abolish homeschooling (parents will need certs for it to count). They must feel that Mein Fuhrer is not getting enough love...
Lets go with home medicine. Let the parents prescribe medicine and remove tonsils and such.

I like that. It's a solution to the health care question. DIY. This could be expanded. You could have Home Hospital Depot stores where people can go and get their surgical equipment.
I like that. It's a solution to the health care question. DIY. This could be expanded. You could have Home Hospital Depot stores where people can go and get their surgical equipment.

I do it all the damn time. rip open my finger? sew it up. not a problem. I know my limitations and if it's not something that I can handle, then we go to a doctor.

when you ALLOW government to mandate codes of conduct, you end up with totally unconstitutional crimes like the following.

NEW CASTLE - The Garfield County All Hazards Response Team broke down Tom Shiflett's door Friday night and, following a court order, took his son for medical treatment.

The doctor's recommendation: Take Tylenol and apply ice to the bruises. The boy was back home a few hours later.
Home schooling yields superior resutls. Hands down.
The simple fact of the matter is that there are many, quality studies which show that, on average, home schooling produces superior students. To an extent of course this is understandable as parents clearly have an effect on education no matter which route they take. A parent who is genuinely interested in the education of his or her children will help to motivate them, producing better results.

But there is certainly more to it that this and there are many cases, in a great enough variety of situations, to take even this into account and still come to the conclusion that home schooling produces better results.

Even the Unites States Department of Education agrees. In one study which they sponsored themselves home schooled students produced exceptionally high test scores. The median scores in every grade were far higher than those of public schools and even higher than those of private school students. The average home schooled student in grades one through four was a grade level above that of public school peers and, by the time home schooled students reached the equivalent of the 8th grade, they were as much as four years ahead of students attending public school.

As if this were not enough, costs were also lower. On average, government schools spent $6,500 per student each year and private schools spent $3,500. By contrast, parents undertaking home schooling spent about $550 per student each year. This figure for home schooling does not of course take into account the time spent by parents on home schooling for which a public school teacher would be paid.

The public school system as we know it today evolved during the second half of the 19th century as one state after another made school attendance compulsory. Perhaps the most interesting question however, and one which rarely seems to be asked, is why, if public schooling offered such superior value, it was necessary for the states to make it compulsory and to force parents to put their children into the public school system.

It could be, and sometimes is, argue that this was due to the ignorance of rural parents who did not see the value of education. However, it is interesting to note that adult illiteracy rates in 1840 Massachusetts were a low 2% and that, by 1995, this figure had risen to 19%, in spite of apparently enormous advances in the intervening years. In 1840 libraries were rare and today they are everywhere as books are both relatively inexpensive and easy to trade.

You wanna talk history? Public school has made us stupider.