they will die naturally in a few years. who's in the middle and bottom rungs?
keep race warring to hide your fascism, ya fuck.
& that has changed since when??
We all die fool, that won't change this in your life time, so you go dig a bit deeper...
they will die naturally in a few years. who's in the middle and bottom rungs?
keep race warring to hide your fascism, ya fuck.
& that has changed since when??
We all die fool, that won't change this in your life time, so you go dig a bit deeper...
Pelosi wants to give tax cuts to the rich.
welcome to fascism
About half of the 2 trillion coronavirus stimulus thing went to bailing out businesses. That is an obscenity. Which is meant to keep the wealthy wealthy. Most companies don't need a roof over their heads. They already have roofs. And does some company cry because it doesn't have enough food? Can a company die from hypothermia? A company can't die. Someday it will come back to life. (Possibly under new ownership) But people can't come back to life. Instead of bailing out businesses, I know where a better place would have been to put that other trillion dollars. To any medical establishment that could come up with a vaccine. And to any business that made surgical masks and protective clothing.
How's that"????????????????
I've said this before and I will say it again, the GOP is the plutocrats party.
bailing out wallstreet is fascism.
I think that the word plutocracy, is more appropriate in this case.
How's that????????????
Pelosi wants to give tax cuts to the rich.
didn't it go to pay wages for people who can't work at the businesses?......
LOL This is what leads to the Marxists killing off the bourgeoisie while allowing the 1% to help them run society.
And both sides will actually bribe companies with tax cuts to create jobs. I say cut away the dead weight and just have government run the businesses themselves. The Egyptians created jobs by building pyramids. The Chinese created jobs by building the great wall. Etc. times zillions. If private concerns were responsible for doing any of those things, they probably would have screwed it up.
I prefer the French Revolution analogy. And solution. The only way to kill an idea is to kill those with that idea. Which would include the 1%.
Someone needs to know what they are doing.. lol
That's always the catch (capitalism being superior to socialism, fascism, and Marxism).
Oligarch councils of 12 people at the state and federal level are what is needed. Who are placed into office by lottery. With special laws put into place to make corruption next to impossible. There would be 12 people on each council. When it comes to coming up with solutions to problems, you have probably heard the old saying, "Two heads are better than one." Well twelve heads should be more than enough to deal with any problem.
welcome to fascism
And are constantly slandering the Nazis.