the worst of liberalism

Basically the WSM line was built to provide magnum power in short rifle actions. The shorter the action, the stiffer it is, and theoretically the more accurate it is. I love the 270, but for most of the things I use it for, the 6.8 is just as good and a little easier on the shoulder/wrist.

Part of my love for the .270 comes from reading Jack O'Connor when I was a young sprout. And it has put plenty of venison in my freezer. I may break down and spend the $$$ for a Ruger No. 1 Light Sporter in .270. I think that is the prettiest, most graceful looking deer rifle made.
The Constitution doesn't give us rights. God gives us rights, the Constitution merely protects them.

In another thread (some time ago) you argued that people that were not US citizens did not have the rights we enjoy. If the rights come from God, wouldn't every human be entitled to them?
Really? Because you right wingers say so?

* FACT: New magazines containing more than 10 rounds were banned under the Federal Assault Weapons Act, but Congress did not renew the law in 2004, despite widespread support from over 70% of Americans. Now only 6 states and D.C. limit the capacity of magazines.

Please tell me why anyone would oppose this bill?

Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act

On January 8, nineteen people, including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and U.S. District Court Judge John Roll, were shot outside a Tucson, Arizona grocery store with a handgun equipped with a large capacity ammunition magazine.

U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy has introduced H.R. 308, Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act to prohibit civilian possession of these military style magazines. Senator Frank Lautenberg has introduced S.32 in the Senate.

Large capacity ammunition magazines are designed to enable shooting mass numbers of people quickly and efficiently without reloading. They are not useful for hunting or self-defense.

How many rounds is acceptable? I would seriously like you to answer this question. If a high capacity magazine is an issue, tell us what capacity is acceptable.
Retarded then.

Insults rather than discussion? Typical.

But it is a valid question. If we, as a nation, believe that our rights come from God, then we have no valid reason for denying those same rights to every person. While we have no jurisdiction in other countries, if the person is within our nation why would those right be denied them?
No, just a simple observation. Either strawman, confused or retarded. Pick one.

LOL You are looking more like Bfgrn avoiding questions.

Ok, maybe a different route. If the rights we enjoy here come from God, do those who live in other nations not have those same rights? It stands to reason that God would grant those rights to all, and other nations simply deny their citizens the rights granted by God.
Your questions are retarded. Read the fucking Constitution. It states that rights come from God, for all men. So yeah those poor souls in shitty countries were given them. But their lack of sound government took them away. What part of that do you find confusing?
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Your questions are retarded. Read the fucking Constitution. It states that rights come from God, for all men. So yeah those poor soils in shitty countries were given them. But their lack of sound government took them away. What part of that do you find confusing?

It is not confusing whatsoever. Your insults and profanity notwithstanding, you are still not answering my question.

I know that people in other countries do not have the same rights because their gov't took them away. But if those same people are in OUR country, why would you deny them the rights their God-given rights?
Your questions are retarded. Read the fucking Constitution. It states that rights come from God, for all men. So yeah those poor soils in shitty countries were given them. But their lack of sound government took them away. What part of that do you find confusing?

Speaking for myself, the bit about the soil.
Really? Because you right wingers say so?

* FACT: New magazines containing more than 10 rounds were banned under the Federal Assault Weapons Act, but Congress did not renew the law in 2004, despite widespread support from over 70% of Americans. Now only 6 states and D.C. limit the capacity of magazines.

Please tell me why anyone would oppose this bill?

because it did absolutely nothing to reduce crime and LIMITS law abiding citizens rights to self defense by reducing the number of rounds they have available to them. It also exempts police, which creates dual classes of citizens with different rights. something the constitution prohibits.
No, just a simple observation. Either strawman, confused or retarded. Pick one.

i think its funny you pull out the strawman and ad homs everytime this is asked of you. you're very fond of telling us the constitution only applies to american citizens, but last time I checked, god didn't originate in America
I answered your fucking question, Solitary. The only thing I fear from you is being bored to death.

As a matter of fact you did not. I didn't ask about people IN other countries. I asked about citizens of other countries when they are in OUR country.

Jeez dude, you need to lighten up. Its a valid discussion on a forum about political discussions. Just as an FYI, being an asshole does not make you a man or make you tough. It just makes you an asshole.