The would be AG was a child sex predator

Surely the left cant possibly believe that Trump wasn't briefed on Gaetz well in advance DO THEY ? I mean,...they can possibly be THAT DUMB,....CAN THEY?
Of course #VPTrump knew all about Gaetz's allegations; they've been in the news and filtered down to us peons for years. That's the whole point here, Buckwheat. He KNEW but appointed the sicko AG anyways. If that doesn't tell you something about your #MalignantMessiah's character, then there's something terribly wrong with your own moral compass.
Yep. Let's see if the HolierThanThou gang can manage the integrity to condemn him. So far it looks like only Stoned has at least approached that line. I expect he'll back swiftly away from it, though. Sicko MAGATs seem to love them some sicko politicians as long as they're fellow MAGATs.
I haven't heard Trump condemn his buddy Matt Gaetzz.
Yep. Let's see if the HolierThanThou gang can manage the integrity to condemn him. So far it looks like only Stoned has at least approached that line. I expect he'll back swiftly away from it, though. Sicko MAGATs seem to love them some sicko politicians as long as they're fellow MAGATs.
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"Tens of thousands of dollars" on sex with prostitutes and teenagers?

That's a remarkable amount of money, and says a lot about this guy's character and priorities.

The extraordinary thing is that JPP MAGA morons spent years defending this sleazebag with every fiber of their being.

And they still are. Just look at the comments from the hypocrites and sleazeballs on this thread.
They appear to be less defending him currently, and more into "So what? Big deal" mode.

Imagine if this report had been about some (D) politician. Oy vey, the outpouring of rage, fury, condemnation, calls for his execution!
I always said that if QaNon were genuinely interested in paedophilia by government officials, they were focusing on the wrong party
Punish him. That's what should happen to him if true. Prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law,...along with any other politicians involved in anything illegal. Left or right.

Let him go. The job he's done degrading himself is punishment enough.
You spent four years claiming Gaetz didnt do anything wrong.

Gaetz was Trump's buddy, and hung out with him at Mar a Lago.

Trump should never have been good friends with a known paedophile

Having consensual sex with a 17 year old woman is not paedophilia, indeed in most parts of the world it's perfectly legal. Of course you know that perfectly well but choose to feign ignorance.