The would be AG was a child sex predator

:lolup: Doesn't lift a finger to complain about the posters saying it's perfectly okay for 38 year old men to pursue 17 year old girls for sex, but then makes a special effort to complain about the poster saying it is objectively wrong
If the age of consent in a state is 17, then I see ZERO issue with 60 or 70 year old men hooking up with a 17 year old, if she wants that. that you have a problem with it says a whole lot more about your issues than anything else.
report here:

Key Findings:

• From at least 2017 to 2020, Representative Gaetz regularly paid women for engaging in sexual activity with him.

• In 2017, Representative Gaetz engaged in sexual activity with a 17-year-old girl.

• During the period 2017 to 2019, Representative Gaetz used or possessed illegal drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy, on multiple occasions.

• Representative Gaetz accepted gifts, including transportation and lodging in connection with a 2018 trip to the Bahamas, in excess of permissible amounts.

• In 2018, Representative Gaetz arranged for his Chief of Staff to assist a woman with whom he engaged in sexual activity in obtaining a passport, falsely indicating to the U.S. Department of State that she was a constituent.

• Representative Gaetz knowingly and willfully sought to impede and obstruct the Committee’s investigation of his conduct.

• Representative Gaetz has acted in a manner that reflects discreditably upon the House.