Their race against the grave

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The Eclipse of White Christian America

For most of the country’s history, white Christian America—the cultural and political edifice built primarily by white Protestant Christians—set the tone for our national conversations and shaped American ideals. But today, many white Christian Americans feel profoundly anxious as their numbers and influence are waning. The two primary branches of their family tree, white mainline and white evangelical Protestants, offer competing narratives about their decline. White mainline Protestants blame evangelical Protestants for turning off the younger generation with their anti-gay rhetoric and tendency to conflate Christianity with conservative, nationalist politics. White evangelical Protestants, on the other hand, blame mainline Protestants for undermining Christianity because of their willingness to sell out traditional beliefs to accommodate contemporary culture.
The key question is not why one white Protestant subgroup is faring worse than another, but why white Protestantism as a whole—arguably the most powerful cultural force in the history of the United States—has faded. The answer is, in part, a matter of powerful demographic changes. :awesome:
The Eclipse of White Christian America

For most of the country’s history, white Christian America—the cultural and political edifice built primarily by white Protestant Christians—set the tone for our national conversations and shaped American ideals. But today, many white Christian Americans feel profoundly anxious as their numbers and influence are waning. The two primary branches of their family tree, white mainline and white evangelical Protestants, offer competing narratives about their decline. White mainline Protestants blame evangelical Protestants for turning off the younger generation with their anti-gay rhetoric and tendency to conflate Christianity with conservative, nationalist politics. White evangelical Protestants, on the other hand, blame mainline Protestants for undermining Christianity because of their willingness to sell out traditional beliefs to accommodate contemporary culture.

Interesting read, although I don't necessarily agree w/ many of the conclusions......

The rise & fall of various "radical"(non-mainline~which many @ one time were also out of the mainline) forms of Christianity has happen repeatedly over time.

The thumpers of today, the self-proclaimed "real" Christians, aka farwell, jimmy swagger, jimmy baker, etc etc etc are a recent vintage & highly political, as Jesus said "go out into the world & make republicans"......:rolleyes:

These are the same folks that Goldwater warned against, & yet Reagan embraced..

Example the Mormon glenn beck farce Restoring Honor rally & other tea bag manufactured POUTrage events~now they are all gone & we have the foulest of the foul in the white house, & many, many in the various camps fully support the regime..

So things will change, ppl, the church in America will evolve, how & into what I do not know, but it won't be gone IMHO....

"Moreover, it explained, “the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000). The rate of black-on-black crime (16.5 per 1,000) was more than five times higher than white-on-black violent crime (2.8 per 1,000). "

So I was right.

And there are no White Supremacists in America anymore. Jared Taylor certainly isn't one.

This isn't per capita. Blacks, American Indians, and Asians are all more likely to commit a mass shooting.
Whites kill each other, too, and they do so massively, more than blacks by far.
Not according to the FBI. Black homicide victims account for about half the total, and roughly 9 out of 10 are killed by other blacks. This while blacks are about 1/8 the population.

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Just google black on black crime in LA Ca ..... Stupid twit !
Oh, pumpkin muffin, you hate that white on white crime is on the rise? You mad because the massive shootings are done by white guys? It’s Friday, go scrap the fur off your tooth. Hugs
Lol ! Don't think so ... I guess you don't have a hood nearby .....
Ah, but I do, in fact went there last night to Burns BBQ, the food was off the charts. We had a great time. Played Connect Four. Anthony Bourdain would eat there every time he came to H Town.
Not according to the FBI. Black homicide victims account for about half the total, and roughly 9 out of 10 are killed by other blacks. This while blacks are about 1/8 the population.

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White on white crime is increasing, educate yourself.