Their race against the grave

And how do we know what (((Christ))) and God want? If you're Protestant, it's through the Bible. If you're Catholic, it's through the Church. Both say that lust and homosexuality are sins.

You might try prayer and asking them. That's assuming, of course, that you believe they exist.
The Eclipse of White Christian America

For most of the country’s history, white Christian America—the cultural and political edifice built primarily by white Protestant Christians—set the tone for our national conversations and shaped American ideals. But today, many white Christian Americans feel profoundly anxious as their numbers and influence are waning. The two primary branches of their family tree, white mainline and white evangelical Protestants, offer competing narratives about their decline. White mainline Protestants blame evangelical Protestants for turning off the younger generation with their anti-gay rhetoric and tendency to conflate Christianity with conservative, nationalist politics. White evangelical Protestants, on the other hand, blame mainline Protestants for undermining Christianity because of their willingness to sell out traditional beliefs to accommodate contemporary culture.

The forefathers had a vote to determine the national language and German narrowly missed it. How different would the world have been? The great majority of settlers were protestants.