Theocracy Update: Bush's $1 billion "abstinence only" program fails miserably

And you're assumnig that every teen who ignored a abstinence program failed to use a "safe Sex." Got any proof?

Is the word of the Nation's leading medical authorities on teen health good enough for you? Or would you rather keep spinning? ;)

Doctors denounce abstinence-only education

Teens need access to birth control, pediatrician group says

Updated: 8:53 a.m. PT July 5, 2005
CHICAGO - A leading group of pediatricians says teenagers need access to birth control and emergency contraception, not the abstinence-only approach to sex education favored by religious groups and President Bush.

The recommendations are part of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ updated teen pregnancy policy.

“Even though there is great enthusiasm in some circles for abstinence-only interventions, the evidence does not support abstinence-only interventions as the best way to keep young people from unintended pregnancy,” said Dr. Jonathan Klein, chairman of the academy committee that wrote the new recommendations

Teaching abstinence but not birth control makes it more likely that once teenagers initiate sexual activity they will have unsafe sex and contract sexually transmitted diseases, said Dr. S. Paige Hertweck, a pediatric obstetrician-gynecologist at the University of Louisville who provided advice for the report.

The report appears in July’s Pediatrics, being published Tuesday
Is the word of the Nation's leading medical authorities on teen health good enough for you? Or would you rather keep spinning? ;)
The same MSNBC report says that teen pregnancy has decreased in recent years. I'll read the report when it's published. I wonder what confounding factors are shown?

Until then, you might have a point.
Sorry trog. I've gotta keep giving you crap. This was the worst effort to spin out of a debate I've seen in a while:

Originally Posted by Troglodyte27

And you're assumnig that every teen who ignored a abstinence program failed to use a "safe Sex." Got any proof?

After you retreated from your assertion that the mere act of sex itself was the issue (measure by rates of sexual activity between abstinence only kids, and comprehenisve ed. kids)- when in fact, the main issue is actually STDs and unwanted pregnancies......

Then you wanted me to "prove" that "EVERY" kid from an abstinence- only program, failed to use contraception.

EVERY kid????

Give me a break trog. That would be impossible to "prove".

This was a horrible effort at trying to spin out of the assertion you tried to make, suggesting the mere act of sex itself was the main issue here ;)
The same MSNBC report says that teen pregnancy has decreased in recent years. I'll read the report when it's published. I wonder what confounding factors are shown?

Until then, you might have a point.
It doesn't seem as if he is spinning to me. It appears he is waiting for more information before springing to an early conclusion.
Sorry trog. I've gotta keep giving you crap. This was the worst effort to spin out of a debate I've seen in a while:

After you retreated from your assertion that the mere act of sex itself was the issue (measure by rates of sexual activity between abstinence only kids, and comprehenisve ed. kids)- when in fact, the main issue is actually STDs and unwanted pregnancies......

Then you wanted me to "prove" that "EVERY" kid from an abstinence- only program, failed to use contraception.

EVERY kid????

Give me a break trog. That would be impossible to "prove".

This was a horrible effort at trying to spin out of the assertion you tried to make, suggesting the mere act of sex itself was the main issue here ;)
I can't retreat from an assertion I didn't make. My assertion was not that the act was of significance, but rather that the attempt to classify similar results as one good and one bad was incorrect.

I have no vested interest one way or another in abstinence programs. Standard or abstinence based will both fail because horny teen age kids are going to f... despite what adults want. It's a direct reflection of the perceived expectations of their peer group.

As to the use of safe-sex methods, you're asserting that the abstinence group does not practice safe sex because of ignorance. The effect of higher STD rates is there, but the causality has not been shown; thus, you can not correctly make that assertion without further support. AS Damo points out, I'm wanting more info before reaching that conclusion.
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HIV/Aids doesn't recognize State or Provincial boundaries in any given nation.

There needs to be a national policy based on science and facts. The problem here, is that the Bush policy is based on theology.
Fact: Abstinence is the only 100% reliable protection against sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

Would be for "Abstinence Plus Birth control"? Would that be a fair compromise?
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See, it's not that liberals just want birth control taught. They want even speaking about or encouraging abstinence to be abolished from the classroom. Self control facilitates independence, and no liberal wants that.
I'm just giving you crap, trog.
I am interested in the result, but like so many things, I doubt that the reportage is correct. If I don't see a Student's t-test mentioned within the first few pages of the source article, then I will completely discount any and all supposed findings.
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My parents taught me not to cross the road without them present when I was a kid, but they also told me that if I did cross the road to look both ways!
We need more Eunich servers, that would work.

Plus they can always catch a ride on the next comet, or that planet that Brent talks about...